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15 Minute Fat Burn #1 X

July 28, 2015 | private avatar imageZuzka

Equipment for this workout:

  • Bodyweight only
Low Impact Warm Up
5 minute Dynamic Warm Up Routine
27 Squats Warm Up
Cool Down & Stretching for Busy Days
15 Minutes Cool down & Stretching
Cool Down & Stretching | Front Splits
16 Minute Upper Body Stretching Routine
MOB Therapy #1
MOB Therapy #2
MOB Therapy #3
MOB Therapy #4
MOB Therapy #5
MOB Therapy #6
MOB Therapy #7

Workout Routine


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Zuzka Stretching

Workout Breakdown

Challenge: HIIT
Duration: 10-15 Minutes

*max reps 45sec, 15sec rest, move to the next

  1. 180 Jump to Burpee
  2. Plank Jack Transformers
  3. Split Jump To Sumo Squat
  4. Mountain Climber (x4) to Clapping Push Up
  5. Backward Lunge Front Kick to Curtsy Lunge Side Kick alt.
  6. One Arm Plank Jump Burpee to Round Kick alt.
  7. Knee Slider to Cross Plank jump alt.
  8. Kick - Knee _ Plank Jack Push Ups alt.
  9. Dive Bomber to Jump Tuck
  10. Forward / Back lunge - jump lunge
  11. Side Lunge Knee tuck (x3) / side lunge jump
  12. Kneeling Back bends to Jump Squats
  13. Donkey kick / kick through
  14. Side Step Push Up to Jump Tuck
  15. Side Jump Lunge (x3) to Pistol

1 round = 15 Minutes

15 Minute High Intensity Interval Training. Intervals of 45 sec max. effort and 15 sec rest. Try to do as many reps as you can for each exercise during the 45 second intervals.

Zuzka Stretching


I decided to start a new series that would be challenging, fun, yet accessible to everyone. We will be focusing a lot on cardio using functional and dynamic bodyweight exercises. This new series is for most fitness levels for 3 reasons:

  1. It’s all going to be bodyweight exercises so no equipment needed
  2. You can modify any bodyweight exercise for your own fitness level
  3. You can do each exercise at your own pace as long as you’re pushing yourself at your max effort

Besides the obvious benefits such as weight loss, metabolic boost, cardio, and strength, we’ll be improving our agility by going through 15 different bodyweight exercises in each one of these workouts. Have fun and leave me your comment below!! XO Z

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    portland, oregón, clakamas

    Hola soy mienbro zgym como puedo obtener el cupon para el plan de comida gratis Por dos meses ..??

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      chicago, illinois

      Hola Margarita en si el coupon te LO da Zuzka con la compra de plan de diet. El coupon es para dos messes del a zgym gratis. Asi que no te cobra por dos meses en este sitio pero si tienes que pagar el plan de comida y crei Cuesta como 80.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    LOVE this one, really kicked my butt. Thanks, Zuzka!!!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I am so glad these are also free.. on a very low income/ budget I need free workouts that actually work.. thank you so much for you understanding that not everyone can afford a membership.. and I love that some of your recipes are free as well.. I am getting your book and that yoga you book suggested through my local library😀 can’t wait

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This one is really brutal! 🙂

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Changed every third exercise to heavy Kettlebell swings, which resulted in 5 sets of 25 swings. This upped the intensity. I might try the same with double unders too! Followed Z’s pace for the rest of the exercises.

    106 cals, 147/169.

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    perth, wa, australia

    15 Min Fat Burn Series is my fave still. Loved this today even with sore glutes from the new Summer Shred! x

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka, this one was sooo much FUN. LOVED it! Happy Friday! xoxo

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Loved this work out! Favorite workouts are bodyweight perfect for days you don’t want to hold out your equipment! Thank you

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Love bodyweight workouts!

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I am having a surgical biopsy (lumpectomy) on one of “the girls” 😊 this morning, so I am sneaking this one in before I go! 😅 Won’t be able to do any heavy lifting, strenuous training, or push/pull exercises for 1-2 weeks! 😞Gotta get it while I can. Haha. Love this series too 🙂

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