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Fitness | July 26, 2014



       Waking up earlier in the morning than we would usually do, because we want to go for a run or take a spinning class before work, will not only help us get in a better shape and in an awesome mood, but will also make the preparation for the whole day much easier. Because we need to get ready and our muscles need to be warmed up before an actual workout, we naturally will get up even earlier and have a time to enjoy a nice fresh brewed coffee, read a newspaper and even prepare our own meal which is as important as the workout. Eating a healthy breakfast and lunch will not only help us build healthy habits, but also prevent us from eating junk food during the day. Ultimately, the goal is to make waking up early and prepping for a day a habit that will become an absolute must, and will make your morning pleasant and enjoyable even before the workout. Scheduling in the gym or a running session with a friend is a great way to keep the morning workouts going. You wouldn’t want to cancel at the last minute on your buddy now, would you? Don’t forget to stay hydrated all day and have a glass of juice before your morning workout to boost your energy!




     When you start working out in the mornings, you’re going to feel more energized and alert for the rest of the day. Not only will you be less distracted, but you will also make multi-tasking feel like a piece of cake. According to Fitness magazine, a workout at least 30 minutes per day increases your heart rate to between 60 and 75 percent of its maximum capacity causing your brain to release serotonin, which causes you to feel significantly more energetic and happier. “The New York Times” reports that over time, exercise causes the brain to create new pathways devoted to learning and memory.




     Because we are living in a very fast paced world, full of technology and distractions, it is extremely hard to stay focused, calm and organized, especially in our minds. When you’re working out, try to enjoy a quiet morning in the sauna or steam room first. Do not watch too much television, especially some negative channels while running on the treadmill. Listen to your favorite music or read a story that will not only inspire you for the whole day, but also relaxes your mind. You’ll be able to use your organized mind to set health and fitness goals and focus well on achieving them. Scientific studies have shown that our intellectual function are much better during the mornings. In addition to that, our ability to address problems and our motivation are definitely better.




     When you wake up early in the morning you naturally get more done throughout the day, and feel more accomplished and happy. As Benjamin Franklin had mentioned in one of his quotes: “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. We can also burn much more calories when we workout in the morning as our metabolism works much faster and better and will help us to keep our weight more under control. 




             Exercise can help to clear your mind. Any type of workout will stimulate blood circulation in your body and it will naturally increase blood flow in your brain. More blood means more energy and oxygen, which makes our brain perform better. You can cleanse your mind by taking a yoga class or listening to nice relaxing music. When you’re working out try to concentrate on something positive. It will give you more energy and stamina and you are going to feel more centered and empowered. 



         Exercising in the morning boosts endorphins in the brain that will elevate your mood and can offer you physical and mental gratification for the rest of the day. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body. For example, the feeling that follows a run or workout is often described as euphoric. Having endorphin boosts on a daily basis will help you to reduce stress, fight off any feelings of anxiety and depression, improve your sleep and metabolism and definately boost your self-esteem. Besides, of course you will be looking fit and healthy. Working out in the mornings will help you to get a positive outlook on life on every level. 

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I would love to do my workouts before work but I have to get up at 5am, so I guess, I would never get up at 4:30 or even earlier, that´s in the middle of the night! And I guess my boyfriend would throw me out of the house, ha ha :-). That can´t be good for health, or what do you think? Is there anybody who has to get up that early too? Are you going to get up earlier for a workout?

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      Private Member  | 

      I get up at 4:30am with my husband and when he leaves for work at 4:45 that’s when I do my workout. I love it. I get my workout done, a shower, a cup of coffee with breakfast and still lots of time to myself before my 3 kids get up. It honestly makes me a better mom because I’m in such a positive state of mind. Yes, you do have to make a point of getting to bed on time but is that really such a negative?

      You can do it! Its just making it a habit.

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        Private Member  | 
        warsaw, poland

        Alisha, you’re a true warrior!
        When I accidentally wake up at 5 am, it seems like a deep night to me and I just can’t force myself to get out of bed!
        But tell me: with such a schedule when do you go to sleep usually?
        And another concern: if I start waking up so early, will I be able to work until 19 pm?

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I’m a morning workout person too. I need to work out on an empty stomach, AND my difficult knee doesn’t bother me like it does at the end of the day.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Feels like my strength is not at it’s max in the mornings and also my muscles feel stiff. That’s why i’m working out after i dined or in the evenings. How do you guys do this and how do you warm up?

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      Private Member  | 

      Earlier I also have the morning laziness. But after starting yoga its all gone. Now everyday it makes me feel much better and energetic after I wake up. I am doing yoga from 3 months.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    So true Zuzka, I get up at 4:00 am and have coffee before I start my workout at 4:30, get’s me going for the day. Also nothing is going on that early in the day that might cause me to miss my workout, in the evening I have to worry about traffic home from work, cooking, homework with the kids, taking care of dogs and making sure my husband doesn’t feel neglected, etc, etc, etc….:)

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    i have always worked out after work, I get up at 3:20 in the morning. So it only makes sense to me to workout after work, a great stress reliever.

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I hate getting up early!! Since I only work from 8-2:30 I do my workouts when I get home…it gives me energy to clean my house afterward! 🙂

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    🙂 I couldn’t help but smile at the “Wake up with the sun” as the sun currently rises at 8:46 am where I live…

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I need to start working out in the morning this summer and be consistent with that thru college!

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    czech republic

    I have to say, I tried to workout before work and before everything like the first thing in the morning and it was not that bad at all as I thought. I felt energized for the rest of the day. But then my daughter started to wake up at 4-5 am 😀 It’s obvious only a crazy man would wake up before that time to do a workout 😀 Now I do a routine when she is asleep around noon, I do my yoga lesson (my resolution for this year is to do more hatha and power yoga) and I feel good as well But I can identify with the article .

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I have tried morning workout, but I’m too lazy to stick with it. I get up 6 am, go for a walk with my dog for about an hour max and then prepare for work. There is no way to get me out from bed before 6 am. I just need my sleep, otherwise I am tired all day long and believe it or not – not only a day, but two. In Estonia we have long winter, including half of autumn and spring, too. That means less sunlight during day time. It is quite hard to get up when it’s dark outside and my body tells me to sleep :).

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