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Five Workout Recovery Tips

Fitness | August 14, 2014

Recovery is an essential part of working out.  Muscles do not grow and our stamina does not increase as effectively without proper diet and rest.  Not allowing our bodies to recover properly can and will have a negative impact on our workouts over time.  If your workouts are plateauing or getting worse, you may even need  more rest than usual. Here are five important tips to follow after an intense day or week at the ZGYM. 


Proper Hydration – drinking plenty of fluids is vital for fitness and wellbeing.  We are, after all, mostly water.  Drinking plenty of water is important before workouts as well as after workouts.  If you’re not sure what to drink, stick to water.  Juices and sports drink are fine in limited amounts, but they are also high in sugar so be careful. 


Sleep Proper sleep seems obvious, but with our hectic schedules, a good night’s sleep often seems impossible.  It isn’t and it shouldn’t be.  We make time to workout out so we need to make time to rest as well.  Naps are good idea if you failed to get a full eight hours of sleep.  Remember, half the world enjoys daily siestas!    


Stretch Stretching after a workout keeps muscles loose and limber and increases mobility by increasing range of motion.  It also helps with muscle soreness and stops our bodies from tightening up after a workout.  While it’s not necessary to be as a flexible as a ballerina, try stretching for fifteen to twenty minutes after a workout or before going to bed.


Massage – Whether you go to a professional masseuse or foam roll at home, massaging our muscles not only soothes aches and pains after a workout, but also helps to increase circulation which aids in recovery.  As with stretching, massage increases mobility and loosens up tight spots in our bodies such as between our shoulder blades and along our IT band on the outside of our thighs.


Diet – Alongside sleep, diet is perhaps the most important aspect of recovering from a workout.  After an intense workout at the ZGYM, your body needs to refuel and refuel properly.  Don’t reach for that bag of chips or a slice of pizza.  Focus on eating whole, non-processed foods as much as possible.  Become friends with fruits, vegetables and lean meats and avoid eating too much salt and sugar.  Foods high in sugar, trans fats and preservatives slow us down and do little to help our bodies become fit and strong. 



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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 


    The hardest part for me is dieting, mine is not too bad but it could be better. Thank you for all the tips you provide and for being so genuine.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    great information thank you and have a awesome day!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hey zuzka ? do you like to work with halter in your exercise?

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 


    I spy Z doing burpees!!! 😀

    looking good girly.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 


    Please can you inform me how often I need to exercise on a weekly basis,

    I get very confused from Zropes or Tabatha ab workout etc I need some sort of programme but do not know what to choose from

    Many thanks,


  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Oh Katie, I need the same! some schedule please!! It´s so hard to chose between the different (great) options!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I would love to see a video of how are you eating now. Great advice, Thank you

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      Yes, please post your diet…. you look fab:-)

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thank you Zuzka. I always feel guilty whenever I take a day off. Although I realize that rest days are a vital part of your workouts because they yield results. I aim for two days a week. Too many rest days may hurt your progress as well. Sleep is priceless because that is when your body repairs itself. Thanks for the confirmation because sometimes we need to be reminded. I know I do.

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