In Search of the Elusive Thigh Gap?
Fitness | June 21, 2015
The sad and strange rise of certain obsessions with our physical appearances seems to be getting worse, especially for us women. So many of these body trends and fads are misleading and often impossible to achieve! It’s no wonder and certainly no surprise that body dysmorphic disorders are on the rise – not just for us ladies either, men are also beginning to obsess over their body image.
I recently wrote about our obsession with cellulite and why we seriously need to get over it. Some cellulite is, after all, normal and natural. However, the obsession with thigh gaps is not only an incredibly unhealthy but it’s pretty stupid as well.
Some women simply have a genetic predisposition that allows them to have a thigh gap. Usually this means slightly wider hips. In other words, the skeletal structure of their pelvis is what allows them to have a thigh gap not hard work at the ZGYM building strength and muscle.
Although a good amount of complete starvation could theoretically get you the desired thigh gap together with a life threatening eating disorder. It’s kind of a package deal. This is absolutely ridiculous and has nothing to do with fitness and wellbeing obviously. It also has nothing to do with being fit and in shape.
Thigh gaps are so dependent on bone structure that trying to achieve one without the necessary bone structure requires putting yourself through unnecessary amounts of torture. And for what? A passing trend? Look at the thighs on these American beauty pageant contestants from some years ago. No thigh gaps on these lovely ladies.
It saddens me that many notions of physical beauty for women have absolutely nothing to do with fitness and wellbeing. In fact, many of these ideas of beauty are diametrically opposed to our health and wellbeing and often lead women, especially younger women, down a treacherous path of eating disorders and a terrible sense of self-worth.
P.S. The last time I saw my own thigh gap in the mirror was when I turned 14. By the time I was 15 years old, my thigh gap was gone for good. The only way you can see a thigh gap on me is if I stand with my feet apart 🙂 but I’m pretty good at Pistol Squats, which I’m more proud of than I would ever be about some space between my legs.
Have any of you ladies obsessed about having a thigh gap? How did you get over it?
Private Member |
sydney, nsw, australia
I don’t get the whole ‘thigh gap’ obsession at all and I have thicker legs. I guess I’ve learned to accept myself for what I am and to appreciate that (unlike some people) I actually have two legs that can walk, jump, run and do almost anything I ask of them!
What I also find odd is how ‘trendy’ having a big butt is at the moment. How can you have a big butt and a thigh gap? It’s just anatomically impossible for most women. Think about it, most women with a bigger butt also have thicker thighs. Women with long slim legs and a thigh gap are generally made straight up and down. Unless you’re a freak of nature, you can’t have both! People are just way too self obsessed these days. There are more important things to focus your energy on than such superficial things.
Private Member |
moscow, russia
I’ve never been obsessed about it, maybe because I have it. My hips are wide and round like Shakira’s. 😉 I’m obsessed about sharp knees. Mine are rather fatty..
Private Member |
Don’t think I’ve had a ‘thigh gap’ since I was 10 or something. I was always more into looking and being strong, than thin/full of gaps?
There seems to be an obsession for just about anything, one day it’s thigh gaps, then goodness knows what it will be next. It’s good that you are bringing some attention to the subject and emphasizing the destructive nature it can have on some people.
Perhaps it would help a bit if photoshop were not used so liberally? I can understand if a pimple needs to disappear, but never understood the need to tweak already gorgeous women (yes, heavens forbid that anyone see a wee bit of uneven skin tone). I realise that photoshopping isn’t solely to blame, but every little positive change helps right?
The more we know about how to stay healthy and happy the better and that we don’t – and shouldn’t – all look alike. Can you imagine the terrifying army of clones demanding we have gaps in places they were never meant to be? The stuff of nightmares to be sure 😉
Private Member |
Teenagers are more vulnerable to these kinds of trends cos at that age you are obsessed with your looks. But honestly no adult woman would give these kind of nonsense any thought. The beauty of being over 30 is that you realize what a nice thing your body is. I wish i knew that when I was younger.
Private Member |
My inner thighs are my least favorite part of my physique . Every where else is toned and thin but my inner thighs are still not where I want. Once I learned the bone structure bit on how thigh gaps are created I let that go. But I want to see that “line” in my inner thighs. Who knows if it will ever happen… I hate sitting because I think my thighs are too big. They’re about 21″ which is normal!! Just an odd hang up. I guess we all have at least one.
Private Member |
ohio, united states
I never had a thigh gap, not even when i was 8 yrs old. I remember that my shorts would ride up because of it. I had muscular legs at eight though; just genetic. Womem obsess overvthius to compete with each other Because men do not even know or care about this!
Private Member |
helsinki, finland
Thank you again Zuzka, I really love your posts! It’s so nice that you writing about these kind of things, and you tell that this is not part of the fitness and healthy lifestyle. It’s so good. You are so healthy and the way you think, it’s awesome! I have never thought about my thigh gaps, but I do remember that someone asked me about it some weeks ago.. I just wanna be in good shape and feel great – and I get that all from your Zgym!! Love you <3
Private Member |
curitiba, parana, brazil
Not at all…my whole life I did not have any gap…on the contrary, my thighs used to rub each other while walking or running and it used to become reddish and little hurt. Nowadays I do have a gap…a big gap in fact and my thighs are not touching each other anymore but I have never thought about this before and only nowadays I came to know that this gap is supposed to be there. Just funny…your body is perfect with or without a gap! See you, take care.
Private Member |
switzerland/, france
I don’t understand that thigh gap thing…I have a colleague who is naturally tall and slim and has a thigh gap…and people rather look at her as if she is starved and unhealthy. I don’t even know/remember if I ever had a thigh gap because I never cared and surely don’t want one. My legs is what I prefer in my body. The only bit that is annoying is when I get out of the shower and pool, the skin of my upper thigh stick a bit together and is “uncomfortable”. I am currently in a place where I want to get into a sustainable fitness level until I reach my 90’s (looking at performance, strength endurace and flexibility). I am slowly getting over by round tummy and saggy stretchmarked tummy skin (though not ready for bikini yet).
Private Member |
cambridgeshire, england, uk
Totally agree with everything you said Z, thigh gap obsession is ridiculous, there’s too many people, especially young woman aspiring to be ‘skinny’ instead of aspiring to be fit, healthy and the best person they can be. Well done for bringing attention to this subject, I hope anyone reading it that wants a thigh gap changes their way of thinking and realises a gorgeous toned body is way more attractive than trying to achieve an unhealthy skinny one. Xx