KB Overhead Windmill
ZGYM | August 28, 2014
- Stand with your feet little wider apart
- Clean the kettlebell with your right arm and press overhead
- Pivot your feet at a 45degree angle towards your left
- Shift your right hip towards out to the right
- Slide your left arm all the way down your left leg keeping your eyes on the kettlebell
- Your right elbow is locked and your wrist is rigid
- Your fist should be pointing up towards the ceiling the entire time and your right arm should be vertical to the ground.
- As you bend sideways, try to engage your upper back muscles on the right side.
Private Member |
nürnberg, germany
Is it ok to bend the left leg? Because otherwise my meniscus hurts…
Private Member |
i don’t know why can’t watch this videos… please, help
Private Member |
springfield, or, usa
There is no sound with this video. Please explain how the shoulder should be shifting during this exercise. I feel an uncomfortable twinge in each shoulder when I get about half way down and upon coming back up.