Staying Motivated
Blog | March 18, 2014
Lack of motivation is something we all deal with from time to time. We may find ourselves struggling with our own willpower whether it’s about diet, exercise or both. Maybe we try to convince ourselves not to work out at the Zgym for a couple of days or maybe we’re overwhelmed with a sudden craving for sugar and lots of it. Add to those common obstacles our busy schedules and it’s easy to see why our motivation for fitness and wellbeing can go down the drain. Obviously, fitness and wellbeing can feel like hard work because it is hard work. More often than not, the things in life that help us grow and prosper are usually the most difficult. Eating an entire bag of chips while watching TV for five hours is easy. Sweating it out at the Zgym, followed by preparing a healthy meal is not so easy, but infinitely more rewarding for your body and your mind. It’s also important to remember that everyone struggles with finding motivation and part of the joy of being human is to be up for the challenge even when it feels like the odds are against us some days or even some weeks. Here are some good rules to remember when motivation is hard to find:
Don’t Be At The Mercy of Expectations
Expectations are a common source of frustration when our goals are not met. This is particularly true when working out. You may have a weight loss goal in mind or maybe you’re trying to finally accomplish a pistol squat. You put in a fair amount of work only to find your goal still out of reach. Instead of getting upset or frustrated, reward yourself for your hard work. You put in the time and the effort. That’s a worthy accomplishment in and of itself. More often than not, most good things in life take a little longer than expected. Set goals, but don’t get bent out of shape when things don’t go as planned. Adapt, move forward and continue to work hard. You’ll be surprised how effective and productive this approach can be.
It’s Not A Chore, It’s A Challenge
Diet and exercise are not always fun or exciting. Sometimes it seems like a chore when we’re tired and our bodies are craving comfort. While it’s necessary to reward ourselves from time to time by indulging here and there, it’s important to view diet and exercise as a challenge that is constantly contributing to our growth as human beings. Competitive athletes often talk about mindset being a key to their success and here at the Zgym it’s no different. Focus on the challenge of fitness and how it’s positively affecting your life with each passing day. Remember, wellbeing is earned not given.
Brick By Brick By Brick
There are a lot of clichés about taking things in steps: “Rome wasn’t built in day,” or “Every journey begins with a single step.” Though we’ve all heard them a hundred times, they still ring true. If you focus too much on large goals and not the specific steps that take you there, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and frustrated. If climbers focus on the size of the mountain rather than the very next step in front of them, they’ll never reach the top.
If you’re feeling frustrated and unmotivated, take heart. Do something simple. Take a walk or meditate to help reestablish your focus. Don’t let yourself fall in the trap of saying you’ll get to it tomorrow. Address the moment and don’t make excuses.
Private Member |
Dear Zuzka,
You are so right. I think motivation is the hardest thing for most people. It was my biggest challenge when I started my workout journey about 4 years ago. I was terribly out of shape. I made many baby steps just like you say in your article and before I knew it, working out had become my lifestyle. Getting rid of layers of fat takes time, it doesn’t happen overnight. I have really enjoyed your workouts when I do them. I too am starting an online gym focusing mainly on kettlebell workouts. I just obtained my certification in High Intensity Kettlebell Fitness. I love your kettlebell workouts. Thanks for being such an inspiration. Sincerely, Bridgette Ralph
Private Member |
What rang clear to me today was “Focus on the challenge of fitness and how it’s positively affecting my life with each passing day. remember, well being is earned not given.” I was feeling negative towards myself today and decided to meditate and after 20 mins I was myself and ready to push through my challenge. Thanks Z for encouraging words today. ♥♥♥
Private Member |
This post came at just the right time. Ever since Daylight Savings Time began two weeks ago, I’ve been struggling each morning when the alarm goes off at the dark hour of 5 AM. My fist thought is, “Ugh – I can’t do this anymore (workout, rushing off to work, day in, day out . . . ) but the reality is I can, and I do. While going to work is not optional, working out is, yet it feels mandatory for me. It always has, which I think is a good thing. Consistency has kept me healthy all these years and when my motivation lags, I remind myself of that. Thanks for providing us with other tips we can use when we feel less than motivated to get our bums moving. Another ‘oldie but goodie’ I use is that tag line from Nike: just do it. Simple, but effective. 🙂