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Why Your Skin is Acting Up (and what to do about it)

Fashion & Beauty | March 03, 2018

We tend to be really hard on ourselves. From our behavior to our appearance, there seems to be an endless supply of dissatisfaction to go around. And while I believe self-acceptance is key to releasing ourselves from negative thinking and the pessimism that follows, I also believe that when it comes to our appearance (more specifically our skin), there are several factors behind why it’s not living up to our expectations. Or at the very least, not looking as healthy as it should be. If you’re suffering from troublesome skin, take a look at these possible causes.

Your Diet

Is it no surprise? The foods we eat have a direct impact on our overall health and beauty. And our skin oftentimes is a reflection for what’s going on inside our body. If processed, fast, junk foods regularly fill our plates, then it’s no wonder that our skin is going to tell us just how much our body loves that food. (News flash- it doesn’t.) Another culprit behind unhealthy skin? Sugar. It’s not only bad for your waistline, it’s also bad for your skin. Take a look at what I had to say about the matter in my post about the 3 habits that cause you to age faster, “A 2009 study published in PLOS Genetics showed a connection between the rise in age-related diseases and the over-consumption of sugar. Due to a process known as glycation, sugars attach to/damage proteins like collagen and Elastin. These proteins are what your body needs in order to keep your skin smooth and flexible.” In other words, ditch the sugar. If you want to avoid premature wrinkling and dullness, turn to natural, whole foods instead.

For instance, why not try my Smoothie for Gorgeous Skin (FM), which is full of foods that fight against aging and wrinkles and helps to give your skin a natural glow? Also check out my recent article about Healthy Skin Foods

Another culprit could be food intolerances. Some foods that are known to wreaking havoc on our skin include dairy, soy, corn, and gluten. You can also make a food journal and connect the dots between the foods you ate and the times your skin reacted to them.

Lack of Sleep AND Exercise

Truth be told, it’s really all about your lifestyle. Are you not exercising regularly? Do you struggle to get enough sleep? Both of these things play important parts in keeping your skin healthy. For instance, exercise has been shown to dramatically improve skin health down to a deep, cellular level. This benefit is HUGE since it means that exercising regularly can actually rebuild and revitalize skin cells. The older we get, the slower this process becomes, making exercise a practically free way to rejuvenate our skin! But of course you can’t continue exercising regularly if you aren’t recovering properly either. And yet again, the easiest way to do this without paying a single penny is getting enough sleep. If you’re failing to get 7-8 hours of rest every night, then your skin is going to catch up. You’ll start to look tired and dull- maybe even old. Solution? Get to bed and catch those Z’s. They don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing!

Stress, Stress, Stress

With a show of hands, who starts breaking out whenever they’re upset? And then you start stressing over the breakouts that are caused by stress? It’s stress on stress on stress. Don’t let your emotions get the better of you and learn to control them before they get out of hand. While we can’t completely avoid it in life, we can certainly choose the degree to which we suffer from it. Is it at an all time high where we’re off the reigns, or is it uncomfortable but soon to pass? Learn to simmer things down by easing into self-care. Practice meditation, journal, or go out for a walk. Spend some time alone to distance yourself from the situation if possible. Whatever you do, remember that even stress can impact the state of your skin. And even if the damage has already been done, go easy on yourself. At least you’ve identified the cause, and know that the easiest way to fix it is controlling the stress. Make the evening a mini at-home “spa” and put on a facemask or exfoliation treatment. Take a long soak in the bath, adding in essential oils or Epsom salts. Do a hot towel scrub. Make it your night to chill out.


It’s not only about what goes in our body, but what goes on it as well. Take makeup for instance. In the past, I’ve had problems with foundations because they’d clog my pores and break me out and make my skin dry and itchy. It was a mess. Luckily, I’ve since changed the products I use on my skin, and this no longer happens. Sometimes it takes a bit of searching and trial and error before finding the perfect fit for your skin. Whether that’s makeup or skincare, pay attention to the products you choose to apply on your skin. Look to see if they’re doing more harm than good. Ditch the wrong matches and find what’s best for you. Everyone’s different though, so it may take a while before you’ve nailed your routine. So don’t give up! Another thing too is making sure you have a good routine in the first place. You’re washing all of the makeup off of your face every night (and cleaning your brushes!), exfoliating and cleansing morning and night, and putting on sunscreen on a daily basis. These little things can go a long way!


Everything from premature wrinkles to dry and oily skin can be caused by an imbalance of hormones. Extremes such as cystic, painful acne and scaly, peeling skin are not to be ignored, especially if they’ve been going on for quite some time mysteriously. You may be suffering from a hormone imbalance, and should therefore seek medical and professional help. While I cannot prescribe or diagnose what your problem might be, some tips towards balancing your hormones would of course include having a healthy lifestyle, nourishing your body with healthy foods, managing stress, and maintaining a healthy weight. Otherwise, please check with a doctor to make sure everything is functioning as it should inside your body.

So the next time you find yourself struggling to get a hold of your skin, check for these signs and see where the trouble first began!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I can relate to the hormones being the cause of poor skin health. Before I started taking metformin for diabetes, I had some really painful dry, red patches of psoriasis all over my hands and arms. Metformin took it away within two weeks, all I have now is some faint scars on my arms. Metformin evens out hormone imbalances, especially withe estrogens and androgens. Also I used to have very faint fine lines under my eyes. They were’nt too bad but they really bothered me. After six month of metformin and the side effect of the ten pound weight loss, they’re gone and I don’t have any wrinkles or fine lines at all!

    I know you don’t like to take pharmecautical drugs Zuzka, I just can’t keep myself from sharing how wonderful metformin is and how much it’s helped me with diabetes. I didn’t realize how much of what I though aging was was really imbalanced hormones (of some sort, I’m not sure which ones lol.) “Hormone imbalance” gets tossed around so much, especially when it comes to womens’ health advice, that it kind of just gets tuned out or made to sound like a pre menstral mood swing (which is meant to sound embarrassing and a bit disrespectful to women.) I’d love to hear more about the approach you take with food to balance out hormones, and the specific hormones they are!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    los angeles, ca, usa

    Thanks for this post! Do you recommend getting facials? If so, what kind? Would also love to learn more about your favorite makeup!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I am so going to try that smoothie. 🙂

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I think I fall into the Sleep & Diet category, but now after Christmas I start going back on track with diet & Fitness and hopefully Things will “clear up” 😉
    This post is a good one for me, thanks.
    I like your Variety of Articles! So many great Topics everytime! Thank you.

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