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Considering Joining my ZGYM?

Fitness | March 24, 2016

If you follow me on social media you know that last week I did a resistance power bands giveaway for members of my ZGYM.  I’ve been using these bands in workouts recently and I’ve been loving them.  I asked members to share their experience working out with me in the ZGYM.  I received so many comments and I am so unbelievably grateful for all the support! I chose some comments to share with you all, in case you’ve been considering joining the ZGYM but still have some reservations, let these current members give you an inside look.  I’m so proud of my ZGYM community and I continue to work very hard to make it a supportive place to help every member get the results they’re looking for in health and fitness.  Don’t take my word for it, just read what others are saying…

Joe says, 

“I love working out with zgym because we it works the whole body in varied ways and I can do it at home. Also, Z’s enthusiasm is perfect and very motivating. I like all the different series as well as its easy to pick something from the vast library to supplement the weekly routines and my gym/lifting workouts. The site gets better and better, Z listens to our suggestions (mine was to be able to save workouts to ‘favorite workouts’), and Z represents the perfect ideal of the American Dream to me in an era when our political parties look to whine and make excuses for people. Here’s someone who busted her ass to make a better life for herself. I can get behind that!
Speaking of asses and behinds, I have a flat butt (which I’ve been working on here), so those bands would be great for a guy like me! Also, I think I’m the only guy here from what I can tell (my wife signed up a couple years ago, but she fell by the wayside and I kept it up, haha), so how about a little love for a flat-assed 41yo who busts his ass but only recently learned how to properly work it (I loaded my quads for the first 20yrs of my workouts career by pushing through my toes, which reflect natural to me. I’m improving with Z’s ‘push through the heels’)!”

Jamie says,

“Hi Zuzka! I love working out in the ZGYM because you make working out feel so fun and the results have been amazing. I’m 38 years old in April and I’m in the best shape of my life. I’ve lost about 15 lbs in the last year and feel great. I never imagined I could do clapping push-ups or handstands, but now I feel like a super-hero! I also love being able to work out in my own home because I’m very introverted and work a crazy schedule on top of it. But I get excited when 5 am rolls around and I get to work out with you. Thank you for being an inspiration, a workout buddy, and a fantastic trainer. The ZGYM is the best investment I could have made in myself and I hope to still be going strong in my 50’s and beyond!”

Hannah says,

“I love working out with you because it’s easy and hard in all the right ways. It’s easy because I can do it at home or wherever I am with my laptop and internet connection, and it’s easy because I can afford it, even when we’re on a tight budget. It’s also easy because of the way you’ve structured the week. The easier workout on Wednesday and super-short workout on Friday really helps me stick to the schedule better than I would otherwise, and keeps my body feeling great. It’s also super inspiring. Sometimes I come to your website when I just need an emotional ‘lift’ during the day.
It’s hard because these workouts are no joke. Sometimes I’m so nauseous from a tough workout that I can’t eat right away, but once I cool down, shower and eat, I feel great all day afterward, and I love the way my body is shaping up. My husband can’t resist my ‘new’ butt and loves the hamstring and abdominal definition I’m gaining, and I love feeling strong and light, and like I’m going to be okay come bikini season, for the first time ever in my life (I’m 35!). Thank you for my dream body!”

Daniel says,

“I´ve only been subscribed on the ZGYM for 1 month, yesterday started my second month Yei! And i already love ZGYM for lots of reasons:
-The first one is that i already feel myself stronger, more flexible and agile/faster not sure how to describe it but its AWESOME.
– I love that the workouts are not a certain program that you can never end because you get bored, they are challenging and you never know what you’re going to have to do, and most of the times my own body surprises me on how much it can do and we don’t explore it.
– I love that we are warriors, since i was little i got inspired by characters like Lara Croft, Buffy and Alice (Resident Evil) and wanted to have that strength.
– I love the time! Besides of having loooots of different workouts on the ZGYM with different targets most of them are short an HIT Tabata like, most of them make you feel the work instantly.
– I love the platform, how you can track your progress, the recipes, save favorite workouts and recipes.
I’m really glad i found you again Zuzka, thanks for everything! “

Irina says,

“I’ve been working out with yours and Zuzka’s help in the Zgym since May 2015. With this workout, as well as with every workout I have experienced the following “side-effects”:
– dangerous motivation to start my day (can’t wait for new workouts to be posted, to challenge me)
– alarming stamina (I never feel tired anymore and have much more energy for all my activities)
– suspicious flexibility (I can bend to reach, grab anything from any position)
– contagious happiness (my family members and friends have began working out with me)

This is not an exaggeration. Zuzka and Zgym members, you are a large part of what keeps me going as a human being. You are one of the life-purposes for which I wake-up everyday, besides my family, friends and work (I am a teacher so I am lucky to love my job and count it as a life-motivation to better myself).

Zuzka, although I truly believe and can prove with pictures that anyone who follows your workouts and advice will have a body similar to yours, I do NOT believe this should be a motivation. If Zgym can teach you anything it would be this: No matter how your body is esthetically, if you train in a fun and consistent way it will become a vital tool in everything you do (not a hindrance). Your body was meant to help you in surviving, not to hurt you or make you feel insecure. Thank you Zuzka for helping my body reach its potential and purpose!”


Thank you all so much for your continued support!  Looking forward to working out with you all in the ZGYM 😉


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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    tulsa, ok

    Wow! Reading these just made me tear up! So nice to hear everyone’s journey and personal story. Nice to be a part of so much love! ❤️

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    kraków, poland

    Reading these posts I feel what it incredible community! Zgym is like a Zfamily.
    Here always friendly and pleasure to be. Here so much inspiration. And it because of you, Zuzka.
    I almost one year with you. I thankful that my boyfriend introduced me with you.
    I like challenges. I often complain I can’t do it. My boyfriend laugh over it and say “you always say so, and then do crow pose, handstand and other”.
    Thank you! 😘🌹🌷

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      hahaha ! As Zuzka sayd: Never give up!! 🙂 Seems like you have a good partner by your side 🙂 Keep shining!


      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        kraków, poland

        He calls me Zuzkinistka, it’s in Russian language. The sense is about… I don’t how it explain in English. 😔
        It sounds like soccer player. 🙂 Zuzka player. 🙂

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 

          Oh I like that! haha 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      switzerland/, france

      does your boyfriend do Zgym too?

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        kraków, poland

        No.. But he did a few short workouts. He thinks that they are not for men, he goes to gym. I don’t have enough arguments to change his mind about it. 🙂

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          switzerland/, france

          at least he does something. My husband has also a certain type of working out in his mind, and nothing gets him out of it.He has always been a sporty guy, but not always practicing safely and smartly. At least his job (in winter) gets him moving a lot and builds strength, but rest of year, he does whatever random.
          The day he wanted to do a workout like me, he took a heavy sandbag and did too many jumping jacks, that he “broke” his feet.(revealed a heel spur)

          • private avatar image

            Private Member  | 
            kraków, poland

            One thing we can do is to do our zgym workouts. They have to decide by themselves how exercise. We just can give an example ourselves. 🙂
            My boyfriend often likes to eat unhealthy. But I became to think that if a man doesn’t want to do something you can’t force him. Just focus on myself. 🙂
            Sorry for my English. I still study it. 😆

            • private avatar image

              Private Member  | 
              switzerland/, france

              yes, I gave up long time ago. We are together for 20 years, and I know I can’t reason him, he has to find by himself…many people are like that. I am currently watching lot of videos and reading the book of Dr.Berg (drberg.com) about how to create health. I wish I could tell this to all people I know. But last time I discussed health with my parents, my mother said “oh well, I am not going to do anything about my health…so be it”. though she had important issues and surgeries already. It is sad to hear that she has not more self-esteem for her life.
              Since I am a kid, may goal is to live at least 100years old, and my health is a key center piece.
              so let’s keep being good examples, that is the best we can do 😉

              • private avatar image

                Private Member  | 
                kraków, poland

                20 years! It’s awesome!) I hope we with my boyfriend will be together not less.:)
                My parents live unhealthy too. They have overweight… And have so much issues with their health. I want to them only wellbeing, but I don’t know how to help them, how to find right words. They watch TV where became so much talking about healthy and unhealthy food, but they listen to and don’t hear… I hope it will change.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    brussels, belgium

    Hi Zuzka!
    I don’t have anything new to add to these comments here, but I’ll put my two cents in anyway. I only just became a Z-gym member last month, after following you for a long time and doing as many of your free workouts as I could find. I decided enough was enough, that I was spending too much time searching for free things, and that I could spring for the $10 a month. It is SO WORTH IT. I have been a member of other online workout sites in the past, that I found not to be worth the money, but you are worth far more than the price you charge. The amount of varied workouts you have is crazy, and the fact that you are so dedicated in putting up new stuff is inspiring.
    I am 30 years old, have 2 children (4 and 2) which keep me very busy, and a full time, sedentary job (although I take a lot of pee breaks!) where I often log in over 40 hours a week. I am nonetheless in fantastic shape and I feel so balanced. I love you for the fact that you promote a healthy body image — I used to have skinnier legs and for years I was a cardio addict who was always 5 pounds underweight. Developing these new muscles was at first terrifying to the thin-obsessed part of me, but working out with you somehow has helped calm that voice inside of me. I realise that I feel stronger and more energetic than before, despite being ten times busier than I was, and that I have a healthy glow to me that I never had before. And I see you – who are super healthy and not at all stick thin, and how you completely own it, and it encourages me to keep going and to kick my insecurities and irrational thoughts to the curb. And it feels good. I am always motivated to work out, I never get bored, and I love how convenient your workouts are. If we lived in the same place, I imagine that you could be one of my close girlfriends. You’re genuinely likeable and I love how obviously committed and passionate you are about the product you’re putting out there. I ABSOLUTELY recommend your Z-gym to anyone and everyone looking to get into the best shape of their lives!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      switzerland/, france

      welcome, and so well said (40 hours of work is the standard in my country, so mostly doing 45 hours + min 2h30 commuting a day…so I am happy to work from home..and workout from home too so I can have access to my equipment) said goodbye to gym membership loooong time ago.

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      Private Member  | 

      That’s a beautiful message Caroline! Happy to read that as a mom you still find time to care about yourself. It is so important that mothers do that; kids look up to that and they’ll soon start applying these great lessons that you are indirectly showing them. Congrats! Welcome to the zgym and I totally agree, Zuzka you are an inspiration to many of us. Thank you!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    brussels, belgium

    Hi Zuzka!
    I don’t have anything new to add to these comments here, but I’ll put my two cents in anyway. I only just became a Z-gym member last month, after following you for a long time and doing as many of your free workouts as I could find. I decided enough was enough, that I was spending too much time searching for free things, and that I could spring for the $10 a month. well. It is SO WORTH IT. I have been a member of other online workout sites in the past, that I found not to be worth the money, but you are worth far more than the price you charge. The amount of varied workouts you have is crazy, and the fact that you are so dedicated in putting up new stuff is inspiring.
    I am 30 years old, have 2 children (4 and 2) which keep me very busy, and a full time, sedentary job (although I take a lot of pee breaks!) where I often log in over 40 hours a week. I am nonetheless in fantastic shape and I feel so balanced. I love you for the fact that you promote a healthy body image — I used to have skinnier legs and for years I was a cardio addict who was always 5 pounds underweight. Developing these new muscles was at first terrifying to the thin-obsessed part of me, but working out with you somehow has helped calm that voice inside of me. I realise that I feel stronger and more energetic than before, despite being ten times busier than I was, and that I have a healthy glow to me that I never had before. And I see you – who are super healthy and not at all stick thin, and how you completely own it, and it encourages me to keep going and to kick my insecurities and irrational thoughts to the curb. And it feels good. I am always motivated to work out, I never get bored, and I love how convenient your workouts are. If we lived in the same place, I imagine that you could be one of my close girlfriends, and I feel like I’m working out with a friend every day. You’re genuinely likeable and I love how obviously committed and passionate you are about the product you’re putting out there. I ABSOLUTELY recommend your Z-gym to anyone and everyone looking to get into the best shape of their lives!

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I join Zgym a month ago already and although I was already an active girl strength was where I needed to work. This community pumps me up every morning. If I don’t have time in the morning, I make sure to do my workout in the evening. Since I’ve joined, waking up in the morning has turned out to be something easy! I don’t struggle to get out of bed anymore. I have way more energy and positive one. Thank you Zuzka, thank you ladies for being here. I admire you all!

    To an active life!


  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka, I’ve been wondering what power bands you use? Thanks for the kick ass workouts, this is the best $10/month I’ve ever spent. You rock.

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    Congrats to the winners (of powerbands), as for all the others, we are winners too…of being lucky to have found Zuzka and be Zfamily members.
    Happy Easter week-end for those benefitting of few “rest” days : I will be able to catch-up on a busy work week that prevented me to do any activity.
    Resting to reset my batteries, then painting some eggs, then working out!! yay

    I am also starting the elimination Diet phase from “IBS, free at last” book ( good excuse to be able to get away from chocolate) as I am sure I need some FODMAP-friendly food. I am so eager to eventually know what triggers my digestion issues once and for all.
    Also I came across the “Beck diet solution”, which is a must to reset our brain and vision about nutrition, but could be about anything in life.

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    OMG i never saw this! 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!! Love the powerbands <3 Love Zuzka! 🙂

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    houston, texas, usa

    What is the brand or where can I buy the power bands you use? I bought some but the roll up and look bigger than the ones you use.

    Thank you!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I use power bands from GoFit but to be honest the only band that doesn’t roll up is the green one which is the strongest.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        houston, texas, usa

        Thank you!!

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