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Find Your Motivation for 2014

Blog | January 02, 2014


I am sure that you are still motivated and excited about your new year’s resolutions. It’s been only 2 days so I am hopping that you’ve been doing great so far. Did you know that according to statistics only 8% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions and become successful in achieving their goals? If you want to belong to those successful 8%, you have to keep yourself motivated and excited about what’s to come if you stick with the challenge. I personally think that if you have fun, along the way, you can achieve anything you want. It’s way harder to stay motivated if you are frustrated, stressed out, or bored. So I have a homework for you. You have to find your motivation!  First watch this video and then read on.



You have to ask yourself what would make my workouts more fun? What would make me more excited to do my workouts on a regular basis? What’s stopping me? I have asked myself these questions long time ago and came up with a system that works great for me and thousands of people that do these workouts with me. I wanted my workouts to be short, effective, and doable at home without having to go to a gym. But what if you have the option to do these workouts at home and you still can’t find the motivation to exercise? You know you do want to be healthy and look great, however it’s not enough to get moving. You’re definitely not the only person out there who’s having the same problem. What else can you do?


Find a sport, or an activity that you’ve always wanted to try. Or maybe you used to do something when you were younger and stopped for lack of time, family problems, etc. Now it’s the time to reinvent yourself, be more adventurous and try something new. I am sure that you can think of some sport that you would like to be really good at. Something that will make you feel proud and passionate. Maybe you could try some martial art, skiing, ice skating, roller blading, tennis, rock climbing, you name it. The point is not to get to the professional level, but to have fun, be active and be social.




You can meet new friends and be part of a great group of people. Just imagine yourself a few months from now where you can be physically and socially if you start today. One more thing. Do not wait to start with a sport until you get into shape. That’s number one excuse for most people – those do not belong to the 8% of successful folks. Don’t be afraid of judgment, because that’s just an irrational fear. Do not be afraid that others will laugh at you, because you’re clumsy or out of shape. Who cares what anyone thinks. Being a good person with positive mind set is way more important than your looks or sport skills. Everyone who thinks differently can kiss your rear end. You’re a warrior!


P.S. If you want to workout with me 5 times a week at the comfort of your home, then join my Zgym.

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    I’m gonna start walking again with my dog he is at a friends house cuz my place was too small but it’s time to get my walking partner. He loves to be first so walks turn into runs! Lol- and I plan to learn to lift so I am taking advantage of the personal trainers at my gym- excited !!!!!

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