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On Jump Rope Cardio & ABS #2

Hi Hanifa, if you want to look lean and shredded, then it's all about intensity and diet. Your workouts must feel really hard and you want ...

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On Flexible Strength #6 X

Thank you so much! Can’t wait to report I am making progress.

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On Black Diamond #18

I doubled the pull ups since I’m using a thick band for assistance. I really want to do about 100 assisted pull ups a week. I had to take a ...

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On Mobility Drills #15

oh!!! that felt so good. yesterday I spent most of the day in airplanes and ended it all up with a 3 hour train ride back home. this routine ...

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On Mobility Drills #15

Perfect for today - goes great with the daily arm balance challenge routine. :)

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On Jump Rope Cardio & ABS #2

Problem ! Hey Zuzka my birthday is next month and we’re planning to head to the beach. I want to look really lean and shredded. What do you ...

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On 15 Minute Fit Slide #22 X

Every time I do this... even though I've done it many times... I feel like I always underestimate the difficulty level at the beginning, ...

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On Jump Rope Cardio & Abs #7 X

This was a great 12 min workout! I have signed up for a one month boot camp at my local Muay Thai gym. I have been working out with zuzka for 7 ...

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