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5 Ways to Unwind After a Stressful Day

Health | November 19, 2017

Even though working out is one of the ways I choose to relax, I also do other things to end my day. With the holidays kicking up a notch, we can easily become stressed and tangled up in a million different problems. Here’s what I suggest when it comes to chilling out after a long and stressful day:

#1: Meditate

Every year it seems another study comes out about the benefits of meditation. It’s been proven time and time again that meditation helps to lower stress, anxiety, and depression, amongst others. If you’re always under stress, try to set some quiet time for yourself to meditate. Go outside, or find a non-distracting place indoors. I enjoy a guided hypnotherapy meditation tape to help me settle down, which I use for about 20 minutes. Depending on the time, you can meditate for as little as 5 minutes to as much as an hour. (Read more here to get started!)

#2: Take a Bath

There’s nothing better than a nice, warm bath at the end of the day. You feel like you’re cleaning up all the dirt from the day and purging any negativity out from your body. Sometimes, I like to add 1 cup of mineral rich Epsom salt to my bath for a dose of magnesium, which is known for promoting relaxation.

#3: Laugh It Out!

They say laughter is the best medicine. Everyone needs a good laugh from time to time, which counters the usual tightness and worry caused from stress. I’ll pop in a good comedy at home and let myself enjoy something that isn’t going to upset me. Look up something silly on YouTube, or a ridiculous picture someone posted on Facebook. Play a game with your friends and family, and just focus on something else!

#4: Detach

Speaking of focusing on something else, you may benefit more from taking a mini-vacation for the night. Tell everyone at home that you need some personal time for yourself. Make yourself a healthy, delicious meal, and treat yourself. Have a cup of relaxing tea. Curl up with a good book, and turn off the phone, computer, and TV. Take a break from technology to focus on you. You can even journal, draw, or meditate (like I mentioned above). Whatever you do, find a way to become detached from the outside world for a while and tune in to your true feelings. Honor and respect your need to relax!

#5: Massage and Sauna

If you can do either of these things, then you’re well on your way towards relaxation. Try to book a massage for later in the day, that way you’ll already be setting yourself up for de-stressing. Look to see if you can sit in a sauna for a while somewhere, whether it’s at home, a friend’s house, or local spa. Saunas are great for detoxifying and relieving tight muscles, which I’m sure will always appreciate the extra TLC especially if they’re worked out during my ZGYM programs!

Try these tips out, and let me know how you choose to unwind after a stressful day!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    melbourne, australia

    That’s so true!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I really enjoy playing with my cat, he loves chasing paper balls and it’s the funniest thing. It also reminds me of simplicity.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    For me laughing would definitely be one of the best ways to relax, as well as working out 😊

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    santiago, chile

    Thank you so much for this post! I’m one of those persons that get really stressed by the end of the year due to multiple roles: family and social meetings, events with my clients, my company planning for the next year, etc. I love your suggestions! I’m going to try the “Detach” one, the others are already in my “no-more-stress-suitcase” and they work perfectly well!

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    playing with my kids…or having a glass of wine.

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I enjoy sitting out in my backyard and watching the birds that come to my feeders.

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