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My Food Journal - The Week of April 25th

Nutrition | May 01, 2016

I did my best to keep a good record of what I ate for the past week. I did not try to make the photos pretty (sorry for that), I just snapped a quick shot to document my own diet.

You can still use my own Food Journal as a template for your own weekly meal plan, but I really suggest you eat according to your own body-type.

I’m a mesomorph – athletic and muscular so I don’t have to always earn my carbs with a workout although I like doing that anyways because I tent to gain weight easily.

If you’re an endomorph – your body stores more fat and your goal is to get leaner or lose weight. You should definitely earn your carbs with a workout.

If you’re ectomorph – skinny, with very little muscle mass, then you don’t need to earn your carbs with a workout as long as those carbs come from natural sources like rice, potatoes, quinoa, whole grains, etc.

We should all exercise daily and avoid added sugar and junk food if we want to stay healthy and strong. If you do want to eat sugar and junk here and there, then at least earn it with your workout even if you’re naturally skinny. It will help you avoid lifestyle diseases such as diabetes.

Nutrition Guide with more info here. 

FM – Free meal that you can eat at any time of the day regardless of your body type

WEM – Workout earned meal, or a meal you should earn with your training if you’re either an endomorph or an endomesomorph (athletic person who gains weight easily).

DRINK A LOT OF WATER! I have a 800ml glass bottle that I refill 3x a day to make sure I drink about 2,5l of water every day. If you’re having a trouble to drink plain water, you can always flavor it with fresh lemon juice.

These are my supplements: Supreme greens, glucosamine, essential fatty acids, and my pre-workout protein blend with a natural fat burner.


I’m someone that doesn’t eat veggies with every single meal, so I supplement with supreme greens almost daily. Jesse pours me a shot of glucosamine every morning because he want’s me to have healthy joints like his uncle who’s 80 years old and still goes skiing – that’s apparently because he takes glucosamine daily 🙂 Isn’t that sweet? I take the essential fatty acids quite often as well to maintain good balance of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, and I absolutely love my pre-workout drink.


Breakfast: Coffee & home made chocolate bar (FM)



Lunch: Spinach apple salad (FM)



MyPre-workout drink

Training: High Intensity Workout

Dinner: Baked Chicken Thigh with Orzo Salad (WEM)




Breakfast: Bullet-proof coffee (FM)



Training: High intensity training

Lunch: Baked Chicken Thigh with Orzo Salad (WEM)



Snack: Apple



Dinner: Thai Chicken Salad (FM) 




Breakfast: Coffee & Coconut Cashew Bar (FM)

*I will have this no bake semi sweet bars recipe for you soon



Lunch: Thai Chicken Salad (FM) leftovers


My Pre-workout drink

Training: Low intensity workout

Dinner: Broccoli Cream Chicken Pot Pie (FM)

*recipe is coming soon. 


Late night snack: Halo Ice Cream 1/2 pint (FM)

*This is my favorite ice cream. It’s so good, low in calories, zero sugar and high in protein.




Breakfast: Coffee & Coconut Cashew Bar (FM)


Lunch: Broccoli Cream Chicken Pot Pie (FM)

*I know, this doesn’t look as appetizing. It’s because Jesse ate all of the crust the night before so I had only leftovers of the broccoli cream with chicken 🙂 It was still very delicious.


My Pre-workout drink

My Training: High Intensity Workout

Dinner: Orzo salad (WEM)




Late night snack: Halo Ice Cream 1/2 pint (FM)




Breakfast: Coffee & Coconut Cashew Bar (FM)


Lunch: Just plenty of water and my pre-workout protein supplement.

*I knew we were going out for dinner and that we’re going to eat plenty then, so I did some intermittent fasting.


My training: 5 Minute workout

Dinner: Jesse took me and our friends for my birthday to Providence restaurant on Melrose. I’ve never had a better food experience in my life. What a treat. They brought us about 12 different plates from appetizers to desserts and every plate was paired with delicious wine. Most of the dishes were based around seafood. The cigars you see on the picture is actually ground beef rolled in some crunchy paper thin deliciousness and right below is a caviar with golden flakes.




Breakfast: Coffee & Coffee Cake (WEM)

*I did not earn this breakfast. We slept in, and had this delicious coffee cake that we got in the Providence restaurant the night before. I don’t mind breaking my own rules on special occasions.



Lunch: Four & 20 comfort food (WEM)

*Breaking the rules. No workout, just tons of comfort food 🙂


Dinner: Leftovers from lunch and some Halo ice cream (WEM)



Breakfast: Coffee & Coconut Cashew Bar (FM)



Snack #1: Berry Smoothie (FM)


My Training: Low Intensity Workout

Snack #2: Apple and 2 tbsp Peanut Butter



Dinner: Beef burger with kale and brussels sprouts salad (FM) – I didn’t eat the bread

I also had a Moscow Mule with the dinner…

*This is the end of my birthday weekend. We did nothing but ate, drank and slept the whole weekend and it was amazing. I couldn’t go like this any longer though.  Now back to work, exercise and healthy eating habits. 



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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thank you for sharing your food journal and happy birthday (a little late but still 🙂 ). I realized the the link on the right brings me to last week’s journal, found this one from the main page…just wanted to point out :).

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    the paper around your coffe cake looks exactly the same as the italian “cakes” we can buy here (panettone or panetoncini) …was that it? It doesn’t look the same though.

    I take so many supplements for my joints : MyProtein Joint + (which does contain glucosamine and MSM) , Fleximine ( incl MSM), Vitamin K2 …and whatnot.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I have no idea what cake exactly they give us. The restaurant Providence gives their guests these small treats for the morning after, which is really thoughtful. It was great for my hangover 🙂

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Does that mean your supplements are available?! I can’t wait to try them!!!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Almost there!! 🙂 give couple weeks

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Yay!!! 😀

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Your pre-workout protein supplement looks so cool Zuzka. If only the rest of us could try it too 🙂

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Do you sell your pre workout drink mix?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      It will be available here on my website in couple weeks. We’re just building the store.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        tx, usa

        Besides the pre-workout drink mix, what else can we look forward to? Or is it a surprise?


  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 


    If you are more of an ectomorph body type (at least I think…smaller boned and toned with a little bit of muscle from your workouts of course ;), is it better to do steady state cardio at a lower pace? I like to do a bit of cardio 3 times a week along with your workouts when I can. Or is it still better to do short HITT running? Can’t wait for the pre workout drink and clothing line!! You are so accomplished and have done an amazing job with your company over the years 🙂

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    toronto, canada

    Happy belated birthday!!! Your birthday feast looks incredible. Glad you had some non WEM over the weekend. Everyone needs to relax and refresh now and then 🙂

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    washington, dc, usa

    Happy belated birthday Zuzka! Looks and sounds like you enjoyed it!

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I’d like to add my wishes for your Happy (belated) Birthday! Just caught up now and glad to see you enjoyed it! It’s my turn this weekend for a birthday so I’ll be following your lead and working around the indulgences 😉 Take care and keep doing what you do we love you!

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    felgueiras, porto, portugal

    Happy Birthday Zuzka! All that food looks so delicious and I’m glad to know that I am not the only one to enjoy my birthday week with sweet treats too. I’m happy for you! Thank’s for sharing all your supplements. I am looking forward for the launch!

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