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Nicole's Before and After Progress with Z-Shred Meal Plan and ZGYM

Blog | March 02, 2018



A couple days ago, I’ve read a review on the Z-Shred Meal Plan from Nicole who have also posted these awesome before and after photos on her Instagram. I’m so proud to post these here and I can’t even express how grateful I am that she cared enough to share her progress and spread the word. To show our gratitude, my team and I decided to give Nicole a 6 month free ZGYM membership, and a repost/shout out on my Instagram.

If that’s a motivation for you, then why don’t you take advantage? If you’re someone who’s been wanting to lose fat, become leaner and start taking care of your health and body, why don’t you set a goal for yourself to workout with me daily in the ZGYM and follow one of my Meal Plans, so that you can too share before and after photos and be rewarded for it?

Let’s do this! For the following next 3 months, anyone who follows ZGYM, and/or purchases and follows one of my Meal Plans, posts a review on our product page, and shares their own Before & Afters on their Instagram, will receive a 6 month free ZGYM membership, and get a shoutout on my social media and here on the website.

Basic rules:

  1. Before & After photos have to show an obvious progress and pictures have to be clear, and of a good quality as Nicole’s. If you want to share how you lost your baby weight, please note that photos of your pregnancy can’t be accepted as before photos. Take a postpartum photo of yourself and show us how you got your body back into shape after you gave birth to your bundle of joy!
  2. If you share your progress on Instagram, make sure to tag me (@zuzkalight) and keep your account public.

I know that some of you guys would like to participate but don’t have an Instagram account or don’t want to use it for privacy reasons, which is understandable, however offering the same reward wouldn’t be fair to someone like Nicole who really puts herself out there and brings more value by spreading the word amongst her own followers. For that reason we can offer 3 months free ZGYM membership to those who want to send their before and after photos to partnerships@zuzkalight.com together with their story and  permission to use their pictures on my social media and here on the website. An example of such contestant is IRINA – I just received her story today. Irina is getting 3 months of free ZGYM membership.


Here’s what Nicole said about the Z-Shred Meal Plan: “The meal plan is amazing! It removes the guess work of ‘what am I going to cook today’, the recipes are tasty and easy to make (I’m very picky). The regime is great. I pretty much only had the stubborn belly fat to lose when I started. And I lost 1.5 inches around waist (big win), 2 inches around love handles (huge win) and 11 lbs of weight! Plus I haven’t slept this well in years. (Now that’s the deal breaker here.)
Bottom line, I sleep, feel and look much better and I’m happier than 8 weeks ago! I’ll maintain this life style, not going back to regular style of eating ever again.
I put my before and after pictures on instagram, feel free to check it out if interested: https://www.instagram.com/p/BfqdlLNg7lN/
Thanks Zuzka and Z-Team, great work!”


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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    hailey, id

    that’s so awesome….what a cute, sweet innocent confidence she shows in what a person can do if they’d only try.. !
    .. thanks for sharing that, Z! I’m really proud of Nicole, too!

    it’s great to see these and wish I would have done before and afters with my own work. In 2006, I felt out of shape in a size 13 (5’4″ and 145-150 lbs) so I quit doing beer, bread, sugar, yeast, salt, pasta and rice. I was stunned that I was able to lose so much weight and keep it off all these years – almost 12 years, now. I don’t have pictures, but I went to a size 3 in believe it or not, 3 months, and about 120 lbs. I only did a lot of walking and running with my diet changes, too. In 2009-10 was when I sought a home workout and found the BodyRock series. I was hooked from the first video. From 2012, I’ve been a ZGYM member (but stopped paying for a year due to $$$), and wrote down or followed the YT channel to keep going. When finances changed in 2014, it was only the ZGYM membership that I again reached for!
    I firmed up and have never looked or felt better in my whole life. .. turning 56 this summer will be weird for me because taking charge of our movements and diet really does help keep us looking younger…. so some are just plain mean to me about this, which only reflects on their attitudes, but I keep going cuz no one will do it for me.
    I’m very thankful that I found what was needing change in my diet, and then, to find Z.
    A balanced diet is the key, for sure! With exercise, it’s only going to create the “huge wins” that we all look for!
    thanks again for sharing this story and keeping people motivated!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Waw, this is so motivating for me. I look pretty much same as Nicole on her “before” photos. Not bad, but I still have some centimetres more around my belly. I excercise with Zuzka almost every day (for 3 months and I did excercise with Zuzka before I get pregnant in 2016), and I am pretty much satisfied, but I know I can improve my diet as well as my appearence. Congrats Nicole 🙂 You really did great 🙂

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    YOU ROCK Nicole !!! I love your pictures, you did great and your story motivates me to do the same !
    I’m so glad that you feel BETTER, and look BETTER and HAPPIER ! way to go !!!! you should be so very proud !

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 


    I have been lacking a lot because of stress so I have been unkind to my body.

    Hard work pays off.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    zambratija, istria, croatia

    Very inspiring seing pictures
    Thank you!

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    berkel en rodenrijs, netherland

    You are looking awesome!!! Thank you for sharing your progress with us!!! What an inspiration!!!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    You are so inspiring!!! Share the love people!!! And keep it going Nicole! <3<3<3<3<3

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Definitely want to try the meal plan when my budget allows. She looks great.

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Sorry zuzka, I have a question: is it possible to partecipate to the contest if you have bought one of your meal plan or is it possibile to partecipate even if you follow only zgym? sorry maybe for the stupid question but just to be sure I understand correctly. Thanks

    p.s. congrats Nicole you are amazing 😀

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    is it 3 months or 6 months membership offered? both info are listed. Also until when the start and/or end date of this offer is running?
    the post is dated March 2, how would it work if starting now (early May) , by when is the entry acceptable?

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