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Shred & Glow Plant Based Meal Plan- Online Program

$79.99 for 6 months access

For more information go to Zuzka’s Meal Plan Breakdown Post

*Need Internet Connection

Via Email you will receive a $39.90 coupon (two months value) to use on a ZGYM™ Membership with your purchase.. *Active ZGYM Members can use this coupon towards their membership as-well..

*ZGYM MEMBERS – a zgym member will retain access to all meal plans purchased during the length of an active zgym membership.

The Shred & Glow Meal Plan can help you to achieve your goal to get leaner and healthier while adopting a lifestyle that will also help to slow down the aging process, improve skin elasticity, and boost both your energy and immune system.

“The purpose of the meal plan is not to be owned, but to be followed”  – Zuzka

You will have a 6 month subscription to access and complete this comprehensive online 8 week meal plan focusing on health and fat loss. You will also receive 2 month ZGYM™ Membership Coupon (which you can use whenever you’re ready)

ZGYM Members – an  active zgym member will retain access to all meal plans purchased for the remainder of the zgym membership.

It includes delicious recipes; shopping lists, tons of tips on healthy lifestyle and eating habits. We did our best to take into consideration to not waste food, we want to fill your belly not your trash. ALSO– a 52 page Shred & Glow PDF Hand Book to be Downloaded, with all the information you need from start to finish. Building a lean, fit and healthy body doesn’t have to be a struggle. This meal plan will not only guide you through the next 8 weeks, but it will also teach you how to continue to eat healthy and maximize your fat loss efforts for years to come.

*This Meal Plan is suitable for both Flexitarians and Vegans

After you purchase, here is the Meal Plan Location

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The Shred & Glow Meal Plan can help you to achieve your goal to get leaner and healthier while adopting a lifestyle that will also help to slow down the aging process, improve skin elasticity, and boost both your energy and immune system.

What you’ll get with this Program is an 8 Week Meal Plan full of delicious recipes for each and every day – Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and snacks that will support your health and fat loss efforts. There are over 70 recipes featured in this program and over 40 of them are brand new! You will also receive 2 month ZGYM™ Membership Coupon (which you can use whenever you’re ready), Stock Up your Kitchen Shopping List and Weekly Printable Shopping Lists. You will also gain access to the 52 Page Shred & Glow Plant Based Meal Plan PDF Hand Book which is full of valuable information including:

  • Health Benefits of Plant Based Diet
  • Moderate Intermittent Fasting in S&G
  • Green Smoothie Detox Days
  • All About Protein
  • All About vitamin B12
  • Seven Important Nutrients for Vegans
  • All About Dairy
  • Hunger Game Technique
  • Mindfulness Eating Habits
  • Healthy Snacks & Beverages
  • Latest research in nutrition science
  • Basic cooking techniques
  • Kitchen make over
  • Motivational techniques
  • How to take measurements & track progress



1. We don’t offer refunds, because this is a Virtual content that you get immediate access to.

2. This Meal Plan was designed to improve your metabolic health, increase your energy and reap the benefits of plant based diet. Eating plant based nutritious foods that promote fat loss will improve your health, increase your longevity, and protect you from diseases. However, you need to be cautious when making any sudden changes in your diet. You should be especially careful if you’re currently being treated by a physician or taking any medication. If you have a medical condition, you should consult your doctor before you begin this meal plan. Some aspects of this diet such as certain foods, or intermittent fasting can worsen your condition or affect your medication. Your doctor is the only one who can tell you if this meal plan is safe for you to follow. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you should definitely ask your doctor if it’s advisable to follow this meal plan.

*This Meal Plan is suitable for both Flexitarians and Vegans


  1. private avatar image

    Private (verified owner)

    I just completed the entire eight weeks of this Shred and Glow Meal Plan. I couldn’t be more proud of myself and more satisfied with the results. In short, it was well worth the investment. There were several things I appreciated about the meal plan. For one, it was actually comprehensive – it laid out everything I needed to know, eat, shop for, etc. This was so helpful for me because it eliminated much of the guess work of what to eat and when, which made following the meal plan very doable. Also, the recipes themselves were super tasty, easy and satisfying, which was great for me as someone who works long hours and doesn’t have a lot of time to prepare every meal. In following the plan, I learned how to meal prep in a way that works for me, which I had never done before, and I got better at making the most efficient use of my grocery list. Furthermore, I made all of these recipes with only a MINI fridge available, small Magic bullet blender, microwave, and stove. Even though I have a lot of experience with cooking and I was already familiar with being plant-based, anyone can make these recipes. Most importantly to me, though, was the relief from anxiety this meal plan gave me, which, in turn, improved my sleep, my skin, my energy, and my mood. I have a history of very restrictive eating and crazy exercise habits and had never successfully followed a meal plan before. I was also quite disconnected from my body and how I felt. This had taken a big toll on me mentally and physically, leaving me depressed and isolated and not excited about food or working out. However, as I embarked on this plan, in conjunction with following the daily workout schedule of the Bikini Butt Lift program, I started really paying attention to my hunger and fullness cues and how I was feeling in my body regarding workouts. Even though I have been doing Zuzka’s workouts for a few years now, during this plan I really fell back in love with movement and eating. It was by no means easy, and there were days that I wanted to give up, but I’m so glad that I kept going, and I will only continue to keep improving in my training, learning what works for me, and being thankful. This plan was just the solid foundation I needed to establish those sustainable habits and keep moving in a healthy direction.

  2. private avatar image

    Private (verified owner)

    I have been following the Shred and Glow Meal Plan since February. The recipes are delicious. I often say, “Oh that recipe is one of my favorites.” Most meals are something I would eat even if I were not following the plan officially. My family eats and enjoys most of the meals. There are glitches in a few of the recipes and shopping lists, such as missing ingredients and hard to follow instructions; however, using common sense and other users’ comments, the recipes have turned out well. Before purchasing the plan, I was unsure how I would feel about following a meal plan, but I actually like it. I am surprised that I like the smoothie days. In addition to enjoying the taste of the recipes, I have had the following results: I feel healthy. I feel nourished. I have more emotional strength. My periods are not painful. I have more muscle definition. My clothing is loose fitting. Overall the meal plan, coupled with ZGYM, has been a positive addition to my life. I am quite frugal, but am very happy I purchased this plan.

  3. private avatar image

    Private (verified owner)

    I finished the entire 8 weeks.
    What I needed was some structure and order in my day to day cooking and to forge some correct cooking habits and cut down on cravings and lose some weight post pregnancy.
    this meal plan fulfilled my expectations and exceeded them.
    after the initial 8 weeks the scales showed -12 kg. I did not exercise regularly, more like 2 times a week, and if I ever had a craving I’d curb it with pumpkin seeds.
    the meal plan taught me how to compose balanced, healthy, easy, weight loss and fitness friendly meals and after 8 weeks I can’t eve remember what I cooked like in the beginning. I strongly recommend this meal plan to anyone wishing to speed up their fitness goals and forge new, good habits.

  4. private avatar image

    Private (verified owner)

    I enjoyed this meal plan for the most part. I think there were flaws, but any nutrition conscious person could work around those flaws. I made it work best for me, and it was an excellent base/guide. That said, I do NOT like that it was a subscription that ended. I think purchasing the plan, at the hefty price point, should be indefinite (especially for members). This is why only 3 stars overall.

  5. private avatar image

    Private (verified owner)

    This meal plan could be a good one for men as well. Was holding steady in the 165-168 range for years and finally broke the floor due to changing up my meals and I’m down and holding in the 153-155 range. Finishing up 2nd run through 8 weeks and I feel great. I’m a very active 38 old male.

    At first I was doing the 2 a week intermittent fasting days but starting getting hangry so I racketed it back to 1 day a week. Still super hungry that days but that’s the change that my body needed. If you are looking for a change in meal plan then this is a good option. But, make sure you have open time to spend in the kitchen for cooking. At least 1-2 hours a day. On the second run through I was able to streamline things a little more but it does take commitment in and out of the kitchen. If you are ready to commit, your body will change. Nice plan Zuzka.

  6. private avatar image

    Private (verified owner)

    Hi, I just purchased the meal plan, but I couldn’t reach it. I wrote e-mail for the support team, but still this time, no answer. 🙁 Would be nice if I can start on Monday, could you help how can I reach it on the website? 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private (verified owner)

      I will look into it for you. Try to resend the email to support@zuzkalight.com just to be sure they get it, and let me know once you have access to the program.

    • private avatar image


      Hi Andrea, We are looking into the Download issue and should be doing an update soon to resolve the issue

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