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Low Calorie healthy Pasta Dinner - Great for Weight Loss

Recipes | May 20, 2013

Dear Warriorz,

Since you’ve been putting so much effort lately into your training, I would like to share with you some great recipes as a reward 🙂 I am happy to see your progress and your before and after pictures. I think you guys are awesome and you are obviously working really hard to get where you want to be. I have been able to keep myself in great shape for the past 6 years with my workouts and one thing that I am noticing is that the food I eat, has been affecting me more since I turned 30. It obviously didn’t happen over night, but I can tell you that 4 years ago, my body was responding to things like pasta or pizza with more ease than it does nowadays 🙂 It’s well known that your metabolism naturally slows down after you turn 30 and it tents to decrease even more with each decade. While you can’t stop the aging process completely, you can slow it down by far with regular exercise and healthy and consistent diet.

pappardelle pasta squash substitute

All that said, we have to start focusing on our diet a little bit more, but we have to have fun with it just like we do with the workouts. I keep my workouts fun, short, and super effective. That has always been my thing. Now when it comes to food, I want my meals to be not only nutritious, but also really tasty and fun as well. The first one in my new series of Z-licious recipes is Healthy Low Calorie Pasta Dinner. Watch the video above for step by step instructions of how to prepare this meal and here is the recipe in a written form as well.

squash pasta ingredients


2 Summer Squash (one yellow, one green)

1/4 of a large onion

1/2 a can of Garbanzo Beans also known as chickpeas

about 1 medium size bowl of finely chopped fresh parsley

fresh lemon juice from 1/2 of lemon

2 cloves of garlic

2 tbls extra virgin olive oil.



1. Create squash papperdelle with a peeler (mandoline slicer). Place on a plate and set aside for now.

peeling summer squash

2. Squeeze the lemon juice into the bowl with parsley.

3. Squish the garlic cloves into the parsley as well and mix it together. Add the chickpeas into the parsley and mix again. Set aside.

fresh parsley and lemon

4. Chop the onion coarsely.

5. Heat up the olive oil and saute the onion in a medium sauce pan until it turns golden or light brown. Then add the squash papperdelle into the sauce pan as well and saute for another 2 minutes. The last step is to add the parsley mixture with chickpeas and saute for another 1 or 2 minutes. Salt for taste and if you want it to be really yummy, then add some parmesan cheese.

squash garbanzo beans lemon garlic

6. Keep the leftovers in refrigerator. You will have an awesome lunch tomorrow!

Let me know how did you enjoy this meal and share some of your recipes!!



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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I love this recipe! I have been following the zcut cardio series for a little over a month and while i have lost inches i have not lost much weight. I am now following your advice to cut down on starch. So I am hoping this does the trick! After three kids it is my dream to wear a bikini again!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This looks absolutely delicious…gonna definitely try it tonight!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Ahoj Zuzko, tvoje recepty jsou skvele, o tom zadna 🙂 Ja bych ale potrebovala poradit – delam tve workouty, cca 3x do tydne si pridam jeste jinou aktivitu (lehci, ale delsi, tak na hodku – jizda na koni, kolo, plavani). S cim mam problem, je jidlo. Snazim se jist zdrave, vyvazene, ale nehubnu. Vim, ze je to jidlem, protoze s Tebou cvicim od ledna a citim zlepseni ve vykonnosti, ale vaha neklesa. Mam problem s porcemi a se stresem – Tve porce mi nestaci… necitim se vubec zasycena. Nedelam nocni najezdy na lednicku, ale vim, ze toho snim tak na udrzovani. Nepomaha mi zacpat se zeleninou… No a kdyz ma stresove obdobi (- problemy doma, zkouskove), tak to resim jidlem 🙁 porad uzobavam neco, neexistuje pocit zasyceni. Jak to telo tedy “obalamutit”, abych se citila 100% syta? Se zeleninou nemam problem, ale k pocitu uplne sytosti ji musim snist fakt hodne… Odpoved klidne v anglictine, nemam s tim problem, jen ja bych v aj prispevek vymyslela tyden :-))) Diky za odpoved – mam 173cm a 73kg. Potrebuju se proste nejak dostat na male porce bez toho anizbych umirala hlady…. Dekuji a hezky den, M.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    It looks delicious! What a great idea, and thanks for sharing. 😀

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Did the squash-pasta before, but with another sauce. I did them in smaller stripes, so they looked like spaghetti 😉

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This looks delish, but since chickpeas are part of the soy family, I will substitute white beans. Soy screws up your thyroid gland function.

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Im gonna make this tonight! I dont have to go shopping for this haha Thanks Zuz!!!!!!!!!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    to Míša Javůrková: Ahoj Míšo, já třeba se Zuzkou cvičím rok a půl a shodila jsem už 8 kg. Nejdřív jsem myslela, že stačí, když budu cvičit, ale potom jsem přišla na to, že je potřeba udělat i něco s jídlem. 1x za měsíc třeba na týden až 14 dní úplně omezím sacharidy, k obědu si dám třeba kuř.maso se zeleninovým salátem, k večeři třeba míchaná vajíčka nebo opět nějaký ten salátek. Zkus experimentovat, na mě to zabralo. Hodně štěstí všem, kteří se snaží změnit svojí životosprávu 🙂 Good luck to everyone 🙂

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Delicious! The only thing I would change is bake it in coconut fat, because olive oil is not meant to be heated.

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    but why is starch bad?

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