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The Top Reasons Why People Don’t See Results- Part 2

Uncategorized | November 30, 2020

Welcome to part 2, everyone! In part 1, we talked all about the diet habits that may be keeping you from seeing results. For this next part, we’ll be going over exercise and mindset. Let’s get started!


The next step is to look at exercise. Hopefully, most of you reading this are a part of ZGYM. If so, a great deal of the work has already been done for you. Every week members get a full schedule of workouts, which are all adjusted based on their fitness level (beginner, intermediate, advanced). All that’s left for you is to show up and do the workouts. But not with little effort. If your workouts don’t leave you exhausted or feeling like you actually trained, then they’re not going to cause much change. While you shouldn’t push yourself to the point of fainting or injury, you should still put the work into working out. And if you’re doing the same routines because they make you comfortable, then you’re also not going to progress. They say growth doesn’t happen in comfort zones. So, if you’re not advancing to the next variation of an exercise, routine, equipment, or training method, then your body has no reason to adapt or change. Always strive for ways to improve and challenge yourself. That’s what keeps you from getting stagnant or bored. 

Another problem I often see is the way people choose to work out. Aside from doing the same routine and never advancing, people often perform the exercises in the wrong manner. Sometimes, they go through the exercise too quickly. Other times, they train with bad form. Both ways are a recipe for disaster. Not just with getting the results but for their safety. If you’re training with heavy equipment like dumbbells or kettlebells, proper form is incredibly important to keep you from injury. That’s a reason why I have a full exercise library for ZGYM members. It’s not just to help get to know the exercises- the purpose is to breakdown the proper technique and form. After mastering them, you can engage the right muscles (and build them up) and keep yourself injury-proof. 

Finally, what a lot of people do is use their ZGYM workouts as their only form of exercise. While I want you to train with me every day, I also want you to stay active. That doesn’t mean working out 24/7. It means doing other things like chores, walking, sports, dancing, hiking, playing with your kids- just moving throughout the day. Aside from increasing your metabolism, regular activity- which is non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or NEAT– is good for your mood, circulation, and well-being. The modern sedentary lifestyle is contributing to a host of problems. 

Postural imbalances, laziness, fatigue, and weight gain are all just the tip of the iceberg. Not too long ago sitting was called the new smoking. Even if you did a 20-minute workout with me, there’s still the rest of the day ahead of you. And wasting it while sitting down isn’t going to do much good for your health or your weight. The former director of NASA’s Life Sciences Division, Dr. Joan Vernikos, explains it best, stating, “We weren’t designed to sit. The body is a perpetual motion machine.” [1] While you don’t have to be on the go or moving every minute, you should ideally spread your activity throughout the day, like getting up for breaks or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. 


Don’t underestimate the power of your mind. The truth is, you’re in complete control. Your mindset affects your actions. For me, I connect my goals with my habits. Eating right, exercise, and self-care are a part of that. I also don’t come up with excuses for poor habits like drinking too much alcohol or being lazy with my workouts. Everything is under my control, including my choices. 

I work out and keep active every day because they’re part of my lifestyle. Not to mention that I really do hate eating crappy foods as much as I love eating healthy. When I overeat or slack with exercise, I don’t come up with excuses. I’m the only one that can control my actions, lifestyle, and emotions. I know what I’ve done to myself, and I know I can undo it. I’ve seen people with conditions like Hashimoto’s doing awesome because they changed their lifestyle and actually adhered to it 100%. We have an epidemic of lifestyle diseases, and yet I see people every day buying and eating crappy foods and avoiding exercise. 

We have an epidemic of lifestyle diseases, and yet I see people every day buying and eating crappy foods and avoiding exercise. Most people will choose instant gratification in the form of crappy foods or alcohol that bring them comfort and temporary pleasure. Funny enough, exercise is a temporary form of discomfort. But people don’t realize how amazing it feels after a workout is done. It takes only a couple of months to get used to a healthy lifestyle, but most people can barely get past one week. They’ll say it doesn’t work for them because it’s too exhausting or they can’t give up on their favorite junk foods or alcohol. Why? Because they use those things to comfort themselves without thinking about their emotional state. 

If you struggle with food, you need to look inside and find out what’s causing you to make those unhealthy choices on the outside. Was it boredom, stress, anxiety, exhaustion, or a lack of self-worth?

You need a holistic approach. First, start with your mind by dealing with stress. Try to relax, get enough sleep, meditate, and give yourself permission to unwind. It’s scientifically proven that you can improve your health and state of mind with relaxation techniques like daily meditation. 

 Second, do your best to be kind to others. Having good relationships will have a huge impact on your health and energy. Not only that, but learn to have a good connection with yourself. Sometimes, our greatest bully and enemy is us. Yes, you could be holding yourself back by not giving yourself the proper love and respect you deserve. The third is regular exercise. Don’t think it, do it. It will help with your overall health, energy, mood, and sleep. If you need help on making this a habit, read this post here on discipline. Fourth is avoiding motivation. Motivation doesn’t last for very long. Why else do people drop their New Year’s resolutions? It’s because they run out of motivation to make exercise and eating right a lifestyle. Being consistent trumps motivation any time; it will keep the momentum going even when you don’t feel like it. 

Closing Thoughts

In my opinion, every reasonably healthy person can achieve a lean, athletic look. You won’t look exactly like me or someone else due to different bone structures, but losing fat and building muscle is something that almost anyone can achieve. The right diet, daily exercise, and mindset can get you there. If you feel like you did everything right, then you need to change your strategy. Are you really eating the right foods? Do you need to switch things around, like going from vegan to omnivore? Do you work out every day or once in a while? There are so many reasons behind your lack of results, but trust me, when you look over your habits and lifestyle, the answers will come up. 


[1] https://www.startstanding.org/sitting-new-smoking/#para1 

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka! Very well written again! I cannot agree more! All your suggestions mentioned above have helped me get back my physical and mental condition after 4 years of struggling. Great article! Moc Tě zdravím a přeji hezké dny navzdory této náročné době! Právě si jdu užít jedno z Tvých cvičení a “me time”!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    rehon, france

    Hi Z !
    My christmas gift from me to me gonna be your Zshred meal plan ! I know that my diet IS the problem. Thank you for all. Merry Christmas ! Love. Stef 🌸😘

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      ❤️ I hope you love it

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    athens, greece

    Hi Zuzka!
    I have been working out with you for a while, I completed cardio and strength series and I have been doing your intermediate workouts (Cardio shred, Heartbreaker).
    Weight loss has been a very slow process for me and I have doubts about my workouts since I need to lose another 5-7 kilos.
    Should I focus on bodyweight workouts (Body crush, 12 minute body, etc) or strength? I cant figure out what to do and its been so frustrating! Love, Sofia

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