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Rock Solid Abs Workout

Fitness | June 09, 2014

Hi Warriorz!

I have a really great workout for all of you to try at home. It’s only 15 minutes long so it won’t take up too much of your precious time and I can guarantee you that it’s going to be enough to get your completely wiped out. The great thing about this workout is that even tho it’s super challenging, it won’t exhaust you for the rest of the day. It’s going to give you great energy and put you in a great mood and tomorrow you’ll be able to do another one of these. Watch my pain and struggle in this video doing the workout and also the proper form of each exercise!



Workout Breakdown

Set your timer for 15 minute count down. You can also use an app that allows you to pre set the intervals of 50 seconds max. effort and 10 seconds rest. There are tons of free interval timer apps for your smartphone, so no excuses!

You will need an exercise mat, pair of dumbbells (I used 6 lbs, but you are more than welcome to challenge yourself with a heavier weight), and just a small space around you. Play your favorite music that motivates you to push yourself hard and tear into it!

Complete 3 rounds of:

1. Donkey Kick Burpee – Watch your form when doing the push up. Don’t shrug your shoulders and keep your body in a straight line. Remember that you can always do the push up off of your knees if it becomes too hard.

2. Curtsy Row alternating legs – Make sure to really squeeze your shoulder blades together and keep your back straight.

3. Skater Kicks Left leg

4. Skater Kicks Right leg – Put your shoe laces on the ground and use a lot of power to stand up and do the front kick. This is a great way to train for Pistol Squats!

5. Paddle Boat Crunches – Try to keep your legs off the ground the entire time. Your abs should be on fire!


Have fun with this workout and let me know how did you like it.










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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Agreed, this workout is deceptively difficult! Only completed 2 rounds. 🙁 Had just finished ZWOW #35 (which includes weighted pistols… so probably not wise!). And, for some reason – I got a bad stomach ache from doing the donkey kicks. Will definitely try this again though.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Tried this today, loved it! Thanks Z!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hello zuzka,

    I don’t understand how many

    Sets each time.

    Thank you

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      Hello Davy,

      this is an interval training. You have a high intensity interval (50s) and a rest interval (10s). And you try to do as much reps as possible of one exercise in each of the high intensity intervals.

      Hopefully that helps (I’m not good at explaining especially in English.).

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This was great! Legs are so sore after zshred 13. Loved it and missed the timer as well. Added 1 min jump rope to each round.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    One of the most important things is not so much moderation, but take all the junk, non food, from your diet including drinks. Low fat is probably best, no sugar, lots of natural food (organic if possible and affordable – non GMO), fruit and vegetables in season. Stay mostly in fresh produce section of your store. A variety of exercise and enjoyment of life. And keep smiling with every push up you do. 🙂

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    i *loved* this one, wow those donkey-kick burpees are brutal!!

    thank you, zuzka!!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka! I am so excited I found you again! I was into BodyRock a few years back when you were on there. Then stuff happened and I forgot about it. I recently went back but couldn’t find you and was very disappointed…not as happy with whoever is on there now – I wanted you! ANYWAY, was listening to Jillian Michael’s podcast and she had you on there and I was SO HAPPY that you have your own site and that I can workout with you again! So glad you are doing what you love! Thanks for kicking my butt into shape.

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Did this today. Immediately feel inner thigh, glutes and upper arm sore.Really lovethis type of high intensity time challenge w/o. Will definitely do this again when need a short and intense w/o. Thumbs up!!

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    viña del mar, chile

    Excellent workout, I did the 3 full rounds in the right time, 15 minutes 😀

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I did this one – I loved the fact that it really required you to concentrate and use every tiny muscle to get the proper form – especially in the Skater Kicks (new favourite exercise!!). I have never been able to do pistol squats or any one leg exercises well but I have been really working on my butt and leg strength and I am feeling stronger already!! I didn’t feel very tired after this one though so I added on a 5 minute abs workout! Thanks Zuzka! <3 <3 <3

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