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5 Important Benefits of Flexibility Training

Fitness | January 02, 2019

This year, many people are looking to become more flexible. In fact, it’s the inspiration behind the first new series of 2018 that you can only find in the ZGYM– Flexible Strength (link to the first workout is here). If you’re still on the fence towards flexibility training, then consider these top 5 benefits of flexibility training.

#1) Upgrades Exercise Performance

Is your body not working as optimally as it could? If you think you’re capable of doing better and haven’t started stretching on a regular basis, now is the time. Having good flexibility increases your range of motion, making it easier for you to move around. Your muscles will work more effectively from the release of restriction and tightness.

#2) Speeds Recovery

We all want to stick to our schedules, especially when working out. But if you’re ignoring recovery by way of flexibility, you may just be sabotaging your efforts. Ever worked out so hard that you could barely move the next day, and the day after that (maybe going so long as a week)? One of the ways you can prevent this from keeping you away from your routine is making sure you practice proper recovery. Working on flexibility does just that, reducing soreness and helping to keep your muscles pliable.

#3) Circulation

Here’s a neat result of flexibility training- it improves circulation throughout the body. This also increases blood flow, which reaches the muscles, flushing out waste [1] and delivering nutrients to the joints and tissues. [2] Think of flexibility training as a sort of internal rejuvenation for your body!

#4) Anti-Aging (at any age)

Have I got your attention now? I hope so! The truth is, everyone ages, and there’s no going around it. But we all have the choice to decide how we choose to age. Ever noticed an older relative moaning over minor aches and pains? Everything from back pain to trouble bending down can unfold with age if we don’t take care of ourselves. Don’t let your body deteriorate and focus on prevention through flexibility. Your posture will improve (no round, hunched shoulders!), and you’ll be less prone to age-related accidents. And don’t think it’s too late no matter how old you are- everyone has a body, and every body can still benefit from the extra care and benefits of training for flexibility!

#5) Relaxation

It’s funny how we sometimes carry stress literally in our bodies. In yoga, many people have reported feeling emotional release from doing certain poses (for me, it’s camel pose). Breaking up with tension on a physical level may cause us to do the same on an emotional one. Focusing on flexibility can be a relaxing practice that helps us to achieve this. Even if you’re not reaching for Kleenex at the end of the day, it will certainly feel wonderful to ease out of tension. And who doesn’t want to move around without any tightness or aches? Especially if they come with emotional baggage.

What do you think? Are you ready to start training for better flexibility, or are you already doing so? If thinking of getting started, check out my post on how to train smarter for better flexibility!


[1] https://extension.psu.edu/balance-breathing-and-flexibility

[2] http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/sportsmedicine/resources/flexibility_descriprion.html

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I have been trying to get more flexible forever it feels like!! So much harder for me than getting into shape! I get so discouraged but no way I’ll give up! Thanks for this little boost of motivation!🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      switzerland/, france

      it takes up to 3-6 months for fascia , tendons to get remodeled, with regular practice*. I have seen great improvement over last 2 years since introduced to kinesiological stretching ( or Zaichik stretching technique). I use different modalities and exploring every days for new ways to approach from others but mostly experimenting on myself.( banded distractions, activated myo-fascial release, etc…)
      some muscles respond well to long passive holds, some of my muscles need short isolated stretch. Currently my goal is upper body mobility to improve my overhead arm positions. so many muscles and things to do. I love that journey.
      * I stretch or do mobility nearly every day and several times a day. At my desk, before bed, after w.o. or during workout (during breaks)

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Thank you! That’s a lot more than I do but I do stretch daily! Thanks for the info!🙂

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          switzerland/, france

          Just a few minutes here and there

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    austin, texas

    Do you have programs on becoming more flexible? I started martial arts about 4 years ago, and became more “stretchy” however, I feel like I need more, I want to be able to flex like a ballerina, I know that will not happen , but is a goal.. Any ideas?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I would start with mobility and I address all the joints and the spine first. Because if you start stretching muscles against gummed up joints, then you’ll only end up with improper movement mechanics and more issues down the road. So mob therapy should be number 1 and then contract relax stretching after each mob. I’m not a big fan of static stretching. Only when you’re in an active position like in the coach stretch because you’re in the end range with your knees and hips and you’re actively squeezing your glutes.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        austin, texas

        Freaking great info.. thanks.

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