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5 Minute Beach Workout

April 02, 2015 | private avatar imageZuzka

Equipment for this workout:

Low Impact Warm Up
5 minute Dynamic Warm Up Routine
27 Squats Warm Up
Cool Down & Stretching for Busy Days
15 Minutes Cool down & Stretching
Cool Down & Stretching | Front Splits
16 Minute Upper Body Stretching Routine
MOB Therapy #1
MOB Therapy #2
MOB Therapy #3
MOB Therapy #4
MOB Therapy #5
MOB Therapy #6
MOB Therapy #7

Workout Routine

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I took advantage of this week’s Fit Trip to Sandbox Fitness and shot the new 5 minute workout in Mina and David’s studio. Not only that, I also took advantage of their experience and fitness niche and had them lead me through the workout. This was the first time I used sand on the ground as a resistance which was surprisingly hard. Especially dragging the sand with your feet during the side lunges is an incredible inner thigh workout. I realize that not all of you have a beach to do this workout on, so you’ll have to adjust the exercises for the good old wooden floors, however I encourage you to safe this routine for the summer and give it a try when you get the chance.




Workout Breakdown

45 seconds max. effort / 15 seconds rest

1. Side Lunge (alt. legs) – If you’re doing this exercise on the beach make sure to drag the with your foot. When you drag the send out to the side, you’ll be working your glutes and outer thighs. When you drag the send towards your midline, you’ll be working your inner thighs.

2. Front Raise Push Ups – If you’re doing this exercise on the beach, you want to dig your hand into the sand before you do the raise. This way you’ll add an extra challenge which will target your core and arm muscles.

3. Jump Squat – Trust me it’s a lot harder in the sand.

4. Mountain Climbers – If you’re on the beach, you want to drag the sand with your feet and basically dig a hole underneath you. DIG IT!!

5. Hopins (plank jumps) – If you’re exercising on the beach, your challenge is to drag the sand towards you before you jump back into the plank. YOUR ABS WILL BE ON FIRE!!


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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thank you for your workouts. I’m going to do right now. im trying to do more cardio for fat loss. I have lost about 20 lbs and hit a plateau.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      Such a good effort!!! Keep it up!! The plateau is the hardest part but if I can push through it then so can you!! πŸ™‚

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      ky, usa

      I hit also hit a plateau for the longest time. I started doing one of zuzana’s workouts in the morning and then one in the evening and started watching my carbs trying to follow her diet approach (although I don’t believe I am really strict about it). Since I am doing two workouts a day I am allowed some carbs with both breakfast and dinner because they are in my “2 hour window” but at lunch and throughout the day I try to avoid them. And now I can say within a month’s time I have smashed right through that plateau. Don’t give up.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Thank you!! I follow her diet do not eat carbs. And very strict do not do cheat days. I went back to two workouts and just do more cardio I have gained alot of muscle weight. I walked 6 miles today. I started back drinking like a gallon of water. I have more to lose since my last daughter.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    helsinki, finland

    Thank you Zuzka – this is so awesome! It’s so nice that you post so nice and different kind of things. Never could believe that there is that kind of place like a Sandbox Fitness. L.A. looks too good to be true. πŸ™‚

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    no beach here in Austria πŸ˜‰ and it’s about 10Β°C outside. My nephew’s (he’s 1,5yrs old) got a sandpit which will be filled with sand on the weekend – so maybe I’ll do this workout in his sandpit ;D if it’s big enough! πŸ˜‰

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I did this at home (no sand) but I’m really keen to try it next time we go to the beach (with sand)!! πŸ™‚

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Awesome workout even without sand – no excuses! I just moved a lot faster on the side lunges, for the front raise push-ups you could possibly use wrist weights (I didn’t), Jump Squats again a little faster, then I did mountain runners instead of climbers and kept the plank jumps as is. I tell you, thanks to the longer interval, this is a very effective short workout with good cardio!
    Have fun everybody!

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    It was a great workout even just on my floor… But I’m definitely writing it down for future family trip to the beach. That’s a very cool fitness studio in LA. Wish I lived there

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    No sand here, but I suppose I could put my snow gear on and do it in the snow! πŸ˜‰ Nope, not gonna happen, I hate the cold and wish I lived someplace warm, I miss the beach!!! This has been the longest Winter! But, I’m still going to do this today and dream I’m on the beach! I’m going to use my 5lb. sandbag inserts for the lunges, and my 5 lb. wrist weights for the front raise push ups, and a resistance band for the mountain climbers and hop-ins. Looks challenging!!!!! Thanks Z!!!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      I also used a 15 lb. kettlebell for the jump squats….man, this was challenging…those hop ins were killer!!!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Yaaaay thanks doing this with my siblings and friends at the dead sea beach in Jordan we live right next to it. we are always there playing volley ball and doing zworkouts, jump rope, kick boxing and running πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    ohio, usa

    No beach here either, bt I did do this one at home on the hard wood floors with just socks on. It makes you have to engage your muscles so you don’t slide around too much. Next best thing to the sand resistance, definitely felt it in my abs more. Gotta try this one in the sand though. Also did 2 rounds of this workout. πŸ™‚ Have a great day warriors!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      I was just wondering about doing this with thick socks…going to try it!

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka, how about shooting one video entirely in Czech?? :))) pretty pretty please? :)) that would be so awesome and 1000x more motivating for the Czech supporters here πŸ™‚ or I believe so…What do you think? πŸ™‚ one video per year? hm?

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