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Before and After - Diana's Progress

Fitness | August 31, 2016


Hello Zuzka,

My name is Diana and I have been a member of your Zgym since January of this year after the birth of my second baby. Prior to my pregnancies I tried a few of your workouts on YouTube and although I liked them, I was skeptical that just 15 minutes of intense workout a day could have a significant impact on my strength, endurance, and body shape. So I stuck with my old routine, excercising for 1 hour or more a day (HIIT and strength training).

Although I still love the workout regimen that I had done pre-pregnancies, having two kids under 3 years and doing a Masters full time limited the time I had for working out.

So I decided to give a second try and bought your book “15 minutes to fit”. After a month of doing your workouts I noticed a significant change in my strength and energy level not to mention the newfound love for exercise that you had inspired in me by keeping your workouts fresh, challenging, unique, and of course short.



After completing the 30 day challenge from your book I decided to become a Zgym member and have not looked back since as I am now a true believer in the fact that 15 minutes, used efficiently and effectively, can make a tremendous difference.

Thank you Zuzka for your motivation and support in my journey to be fit and healthy and be the best mom that I can be to my little ones.

(The pictures that follow are me 8months postpartum – about 6 months after starting your workouts – and 1.5 months at the start of your workouts).

Thank you!

Diana M.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Amazing progress Diana !

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Diana, you look amazing. Once you develop a passion for fitness, it
    becomes a lifestyle change. Keep up the good work.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    la valette-du-var, france

    Amazing !!! You look gorgeous, in both photos but you look stunning and in great shape 😀

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi congratulations, I’m doing the dvds I have from Zuzka, but my problem is the food and I have sciatica, and lower back problem and I’m not to flex like her. I’m doing weigths and cardio and on weigths days add Zuzka dvd cardio and abs. I need to lose 20 lbs, but I can’t do it. Is so sad, but when I see her videos make feel I want to do it. I dont know wich routine to folow to get resoults. Thank for advice

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Hi there, I feel your pain. I really suggest you to engage in postural therapy to fix that sciatica. It can be fixed with the proper exercises if done on a daily basis. Bones only do what muscles tell them to do – that is why is postural therapy so effective in fixing these problems, aches and pains. I have a great postural therapy routine for lower back pain in the ZGYM you should try. Remember it might take a couple months, but it’s better than living with pain or eating pain killers. You might also consider the Egoscue method and set up a personal consultation at Egoscue.com to get a personalized routine.

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        Private Member  | 

        ZUZKA, thank you for your time, and your advice, I goin to start to do you lower back pain exercises, but I still doing you cardio dvds, I have now I’m in the routine #9 + abs, I love it because is short and intense, I do it every other day, I try to folow your videos in this page but they are more hard. Keep goin you looks amazing. It is any chance you can help with a diet program?. I goin to buy your book too. You don’t know me but I know you and thanks and I love you. I do have the streng 3 dvds too, I will see if I do one cardio one day and streng other day.

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