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Hotel Room Workout from Vegas

Fitness | October 01, 2013

If you’ve been following my Facebook page, you know already that I’ve been to Las Vegas last weekend and if you know me a little, you also know that I don’t miss my workouts even when I travel, so I decided to share with you my 15 minute hotel room workout that is strictly bodyweight. 

Here it is, watch the video and check out the photos from my travels 🙂



Hotel Room Workout:

Backward lunge knee up 20 reps each leg

Plank knee tuck and leg lift 20 reps each leg

Squat and knee up twist 20 reps alternating sides

Repeat 5 times in 15 minutes.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Loved this workout! I live in a house with 5 other people and sometimes I just want a nice, quiet workout 🙂 This was a good full body workout…Thanks!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    3 circuits and 20 reps of 1 exercise in 20 min, 12kg SB + 20 min of Silent Wrkout For Fat Loss (10.10.13) + 5 min of 5 Minute Fat Burning Kettlebell (27.09.13)

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    samara, russia

    23:04 (5 kg dumbbell)

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