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Make Your Own Home Gym

Fitness | February 23, 2016


Having your own space at home where you can do your workouts is a huge convenience, and often more productive than having to drive to a local gym. Getting ready, driving, and changing up in a public locker room can become a hassle for many of us who are busy with our jobs or families (or both), and can lead to missing out on your training and giving up on your fitness. I’m not saying that you should be like me and not go to a gym ever, but having the basic equipment that is always there for you at any time of the day will help you to stay consistent. All you need is to carve out 15 to 20 minutes of your time a day, put your hair into pony tail and jump right into your workout.

There are tons of workouts you can find on my Youtube channel and if you want more of a structured program, then sign up for my ZGYM. Spending couple hundred dollars on the most effective, yet basic equipment that will last you a lifetime is a lot cheaper than paying a gym membership to a place you don’t even have the time to go to on a regular basis. I have calculated how much does the basic home gym set up cost and what are the most important pieces of equipment to consider buying. Watch the video:



So now that we can agree that your own home gym can save you your valuable time and money, let’s look at some additional benefits that some of you may or may not care for:

  • you don’t have to worry about your make up or hair when you’re getting ready to workout at home
  • you can wear anything you want without having to worry that someone will judge you
  • no one will stare at you and make you feel uncomfortable
  • you have no distractions so you can focus on your training and get it done and over with
  • you can be silly and practice handstands, yoga poses or jump rope without any feeling of embarrassment
  • you don’t have to share any sweaty, dirty equipment that never gets washed (you think they wash all the dumbbells and kettlebells you touch at the gym?)
  • you don’t have to wait for available equipment (waiting happens usually in the small gyms)

You may not be a person who can relate to these additional so called “benefits”, the reason why it’s worth mentioning is because, according to most social studies and experiments the feeling of embarrassment is the number one leading cause of why people choose to avoid gyms in the first place.

Let me know your thoughts, ask me any questions, give me any suggestion for the next vlog in the comments!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    kraków, poland

    Like your picture. 😊

    I haven’t watched video, but I say I never go to a public gym. I have the best gym at home and the best coach! 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      kraków, poland

      And another reason why it’s better have own gym at home is boyfriend’s calm, nobody won’t gaze. 😀

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      I agree! Love the convenience and Zuzka is the best !

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    ellijay, ga, united states

    And even extra perfect for mega-introverted people like me! 🙂 I can’t stand crowds (even small ones) and get way too uptight at a gym. And I love the variety here! That keeps things mixed up to keep things interesting!! 😀

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    mza, argentina

    I am building a new house and I have already included a gym room that we call “zuzka’s room”. I wonder if 2 mts by 3 mts is a good size??? I have already all the equipment you mentioned. I would add some mirrors to watch your form. 🙂

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    moscow, russia

    For two years or so I trained at home, but in October I went to the gym and don’t regret it. There is a lot of equipment there, I don’t need to buy new weights anymore because I become stronger and I need to progressive overload to see results. My flat looked like a stockroom.))) I do your WOs in the gym now, mix them with my strength training.))

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Great advice Zuzka, I have been looking for a good heavy duty exercize mat that wont scratch and tear up. I could not quite catch what you said yours was called!?

    Thanks 😉

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Kharma Khare is the name of the mat

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Great video Zuzka, thank you. Lots of great information. Heyyyyy … I saw you busting out some pullups there! It’s good to see you making progress toward your goal – you said you wanted to do 10 right?? You must be getting close :)))

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    santa cruz, ca

    THANK GOD you made this video! Now I have something easy to share with the million friends, acquaintances, and strangers that ask me “what I do”. Sheesh! Hallelujah!

    Good video, Z. 🙂

    I loooooove working out at home by myself. Can’t really work out naked in a gym…… 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Plus I love listening to recordings of my classes (studying!) and/or listening to my daily news broadcast or TED videos or music or whatever!!!! I love blasting it, and I love that I can choose to do whatever, add on whatever, to my workout, with no one in the way. No travel time necessary to workout. A few steps from the shower when I am done. Yeah!

    Thank you for being a life-changing teacher and leader, Zuzka!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      hahaha!! I know right, who doesn’t like to workout naked! 🙂

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    amman, jordan

    working out at home not having to worry about when to do it, how to get to the gym, what gym is the best, and is it challenging enough with all different fitness levels (because i’m a classes person), not mentioning all hustle when you have young kids, this way i’m working out and playing with them (specially when its Yoga time when my 1 year old sees me as mount everest :P). This way i’m also teaching them that its a way of life, and working out is all about.
    Yup Zuzka you’ve changed my life 9 years ago and passing the effect down to my boys <3

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      Private Member  | 
      amman, jordan

      7 years*

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    in my 20’s I used to only go the local gym, but was lucky to have one for female only. I could do only classes because of motivation (machines were boring). I started to workout at home because I had no choice to get it done (during postpartum recovery)…doing HIIT in pyjamas during the 5-10 minutes by baby was sipping her bottle got me just right where I needed to be.
    Lately I tried to find a gym so that I can workout over lunch break when it rains (as I do usually body crush outdoors), but believe it or not, the gyms are not equipped with such a small space that you could do jump rope, have no kettlebell and for time challenges..forget about having what you need when you need.
    Over time I did get quite some amount of equipment, because it gets me motivated (jump rope, kettlebell, TRX, yogatrapeze, yogawheel,dumbbells ,barbell) I will probably never go back to a gym, even not one that promotes WOD or Crossfit styles, because I love being my own boss/coach. I can go at my own pace, and do the modifications I need when I need.

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    québec, canada

    I totally enjoy all of those benefits to train at home, expect for the no distractions one (when kids are in the room! haha). Otherwise, I will never return to a gym in my entire life.
    I have all my equipment (except the pull up bar), I don’t need to stress about people watching me, huffing & puffing, I can get my face as red as it’s possible. I’m an introverted person as well.

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