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Make Your Own Home Gym

Fitness | February 23, 2016


Having your own space at home where you can do your workouts is a huge convenience, and often more productive than having to drive to a local gym. Getting ready, driving, and changing up in a public locker room can become a hassle for many of us who are busy with our jobs or families (or both), and can lead to missing out on your training and giving up on your fitness. I’m not saying that you should be like me and not go to a gym ever, but having the basic equipment that is always there for you at any time of the day will help you to stay consistent. All you need is to carve out 15 to 20 minutes of your time a day, put your hair into pony tail and jump right into your workout.

There are tons of workouts you can find on my Youtube channel and if you want more of a structured program, then sign up for my ZGYM. Spending couple hundred dollars on the most effective, yet basic equipment that will last you a lifetime is a lot cheaper than paying a gym membership to a place you don’t even have the time to go to on a regular basis. I have calculated how much does the basic home gym set up cost and what are the most important pieces of equipment to consider buying. Watch the video:



So now that we can agree that your own home gym can save you your valuable time and money, let’s look at some additional benefits that some of you may or may not care for:

  • you don’t have to worry about your make up or hair when you’re getting ready to workout at home
  • you can wear anything you want without having to worry that someone will judge you
  • no one will stare at you and make you feel uncomfortable
  • you have no distractions so you can focus on your training and get it done and over with
  • you can be silly and practice handstands, yoga poses or jump rope without any feeling of embarrassment
  • you don’t have to share any sweaty, dirty equipment that never gets washed (you think they wash all the dumbbells and kettlebells you touch at the gym?)
  • you don’t have to wait for available equipment (waiting happens usually in the small gyms)

You may not be a person who can relate to these additional so called “benefits”, the reason why it’s worth mentioning is because, according to most social studies and experiments the feeling of embarrassment is the number one leading cause of why people choose to avoid gyms in the first place.

Let me know your thoughts, ask me any questions, give me any suggestion for the next vlog in the comments!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    nürnberg, germany

    I also love to work out at home, because I’m also working out nearly naked and it’s always the first Thing in the morning I do.
    So I don’t have to worry about going anywhere. I just go to the kitchen (Yes, I work out in the kitchen:D) and start.
    But I do also have to say I had been in a “Crossfit Training house” and there we did an AMRAP (10 Squats, 10 Competition Burpees and 10 Sit ups) and I nearly died. I wanted to stop so badly, but no one did and so ddn’t I.
    I’m sure at home I wouldn’t have managed as many rounds as I did there (nearly 9 Rounds in 15 Minutes)
    So there are definitely pros and cons:)

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Joining Zgym was the best thing I did 🙂 For me gyms are expensive, and I never really enjoyed the classes! I’ve been slowly building my gym at home (even though my apartment in kinda small) and my only spectator is my cat, she’s very curious about the new elastic bands by the way. I always have problems explaining my training to my friends though, I say I work out everyday doing squats,etc and some weights and they are all very impressed but I think they imagine me doing something like Rambo, 😊😊😊

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    st. peter, minnesota, usa

    Working out at home is so much better than the gym. I’m also much more likely to really push myself at home. At the gym I am too conscious of sounds I might make, and in my local gym the space for doing ZGym type workouts is basically on a platform in front of all of the cardio machines.

    In my last house I built a home gym with MMA mat floors and a large mirror to check form. It was really nice! The buyers wanted the setup, so it stayed behind when I moved. In the house I have now my (soon to be) workout room has oak flooring, so I will need an exercise mat. I’m looking forward to trying the indestructible mat Zuzka recommended!

    The other thing I wanted to mention is the pull-up bar. My pull-up bar (the doorway type that is held without screws & can be put on the floor for pushups) fit great in my last two houses (one from the 1980’s and one from the 1990’s), but in my current house (built in 1880’s) it doesn’t fit… the walls are too thick. I’ll be buying a more permanent type. 🙂

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thanks for the video, Zuzka. Which size Swiss ball do you use? Thanks.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Just thought I would add another suggestion for a yoga mat. I have been using the Manduka Pro and it’s indestructible. I have been through several yoga mats over the years and they crumble and fall apart. The Manduka Pro is amazing!

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka, do you have a recommendation on wrist protection? When I try the overhead KB exercises, like the KB snatch, I wind up with bruises on my wrists. I notice you always have wrist protection when you do these exercises and I know it would be beneficial for me to use some, but I’m not sure what exactly to use?

    Any advice/recommendations would be super helpful! 🙂

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi zukalight. Where did you buy your kettlebell?

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    naples, fl, usa

    I honestly get more done at home….. with better results.

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 


    What is the name of your yoga mat? Thank you.

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I still use the sandbag from your old workouts — for now that’s my beast. Swings can be awkward because it hangs low, but it works :). It’s really great for bridges too.
    Which brand of bands do you use?

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