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Prenatal Exercise 101 

Fitness | September 12, 2017

It’s an important time in a woman’s life to be conceiving a child, and naturally, many of us want to stay in shape while also keeping our baby safe. A lot can happen during those nine months, so it helps to know how exercise fits into the equation.

The number one question most women ask once they get pregnant is, can I still workout?

Now, with every woman, it’s going to be different. There are a lot of factors to put in with each situation- were they active before becoming pregnant, do they have any preexisting medical conditions that could complicate things, or are there any physical complications that could put the developing child at risk? These are all very important considerations that need to be discussed and evaluated by a healthcare provider, so it’s important to get a full medical evaluation before committing to any exercise programs.

Your healthcare provider will be able to help you determine whether or not exercise is appropriate, and establish the proper guidelines tailored to your unique experience of pregnancy.

Once you’re in the clear to exercise, here are some guidelines to follow through:

  • Stick to low-impact exercises that don’t involve a lot of plyometric jumps or explosive exercises.

A great example is the Pendulum Swing, which works the entire body and is excellent for building a nice butt while also providing you some cardio and conditioning.

I also recommend checking my Low Impact Full Body Workout series over at the ZGYM, which are great, effective alternatives to my normal routines. Even if you are a beginner or have worked out with me before, you can still do them once you’ve gotten permission from your doctor.

  • Other activities you can engage in include walking, swimming, stationary cycling, and prenatal yoga, pilates and strength training exercises.
  • Avoid doing any sports such as soccer, basketball, football, etc, or activities with a high risk of falling, which include skiing, surfing, off-road cycling, gymnastics, or horseback riding.
  • Skip skydiving, hiking in rocky terrain and scuba diving.
  • Do not do any exercises in hot environments, like Hot Yoga, Barre, or Pilates or outside at extreme temperatures.
  • Avoid exercises that require you to lie flat on your stomach and back after your first trimester.
  • It may help to work with a trainer or teacher that specializes in prenatal activities, so you’ll know the proper alignment for exercising. There are even specific classes dedicated to pregnant women, such as Prenatal Yoga or Prenatal Pilates.
  • Be sure to practice proper recovery and relaxation after working out; avoid overtraining or taking exercise to any extremes.
  • Remember to stay hydrated and take as many breaks as you can if needed

How do you know if your exercise program is working against you during pregnancy? First, listen to your body, always. This is especially important when you are pregnant, as you not only putting yourself at risk, but also your baby. Next, stop immediately and call your healthcare provider if any of these things occur:

  • Headaches, dizziness, or feeling lightheaded
  • A decrease or stop in fetal movement
  • Pain or swelling in the calves
  • Chest pain and rapid or uneven heartbeat
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Uterine contractions that continue after resting
  • Regular, painful contractions
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fluid leaking from the vagina
  • Weakness in the muscles that affect your balance
  • Pain in the lower back

Even though there are things to look out for and avoid during pregnancy, you can still enjoy the benefits of regular exercise. There are actual benefits from remaining active during this time. By choosing to maintain some level of fitness and exercise, you actually help to prepare your body for some of the physical challenges that come from being pregnant. You’ll also improve your sleep, give your mood a boost, stay energized, maintain or promote more strength, endurance and even a bit of muscle, and prevent excessive weight gain. Another possible benefit is cutting down the risk of developing gestational diabetes, which is a common complication from pregnancy.

So yes, it is possible to keep a workout schedule and stay active during pregnancy within reason. You will have to make a few adjustments and avoid certain things for a short while, but in the end, you’ll be doing yourself and your body and baby a service by choosing to remain healthy through regular exercise.


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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    lethbridge, alberta, canada

    And how old is Ashley’s baby now?!! She looks so good! What a great pic of the two of you 🙂

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      Private Member  | 
      seattle, washington

      I was wondering that as well. The babe must be at least 6 months old if not a year.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    lethbridge, alberta, canada

    Sorry, maybe I should have asked first if Ashley had the baby?!! I remember seeing her in a video quite some time ago and she was pregnant then. I just don’t remember how long ago!

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  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thank you for the article. Listening to your body is key. I am 2 and a half months pregnant and still workout when I don’t feel sick. If I am not feeling good I rest. I do the low impact and yoga. Also lots of walking and stationary biking a few times a week. I feel like it helps me a lot in keeping my energy levels at optimal. The endorphins after working out help me with pain and nausea and I love it! Of course eating healthy clean food and drinking plenty of water is the other key part that helped me stay healthy and happy.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    seattle, washington

    A Post Script telling how Ashley and her baby are doing would have been nice…

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    During my entired pregnancy i enjoyed your workouts “stretch-tone”.
    Even now, 3 Weeks before Birth, between swimming, prenatal Yoga and lower dance lessons, i enjoyed these exercises. (not all of the exercises are still possible, but really Lots of them!)
    Thanks a lot for all of your amazing exercises, looking forward to make all of your workouts with this little miracle beside me😍

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    15 weeks pregnant here and loving the new Fit Slide Beginners series and the low impact lower body. Doing Black Diamond as well. Was doing all X workouts before getting pregnant but stopped for now, or I modify them. Worked out till 40 weeks with my son and bounced back so fast. Your workouts are seriously AMAZING for any mom. I workout while my 2 year old naps.

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    prague, czech republic

    Hi Zuzi, very interesting article. You look very goot with a smile. 🙂

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    melbourne, australia

    Great timing with this, I’m 14.5 weeks, I love the X workouts, especially the butt lift programme, but I stopped for a while cos I was feeling so exhausted and sick. I go for walks when I’m up for it but miss the intensity and high I get. I’m going to start on the low impact workouts now that I’m starting to feel (somewhat) myself again.

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Great advice! 🙂

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