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ZWOW #3 - For Strong Legs - New & Improved!

Fitness | December 11, 2014

Hi everyone,

I have improved another ZWOW and instead of the 18 minutes routine, we’re doing almost 30 minutes of an insane pyramid that focuses mainly on your legs. I have to warn you, that I had a serious post workout muscle soreness in my thighs which lasted 2 days. I had to do deep tissue massage with that red foam roller that you can see in my videos, and I drank like 5 liters of ginger tea. It was brutal. I looked like I crapped my pants each time I tried to get up or sit down on a chair. That’s how much it hurt. I can’t stress that enough how important is to move even when you’re sore. You have to increase the blood flow through the sore muscles, because they need a lot of oxygen and nutrients, which only blood can deliver. The more you’re moving, and massaging the area, the faster you’ll recover.


Warm Up Routine

Workout Breakdown:

1. Jump Lunge to Jump Squat to Jump Lunge and back  (don’t hate me this one is tough)

2. Weighted one leg elevated lunge to Forward Lunge

3. Push Up/ Bird Dog / Superman

4. Skater Jump Up (2 jumps count as 1 rep)


ROUND #1  X 5 REPS for each exercise
ROUND #2  X 10 REPS for each exercise
ROUND #3  X 15 REPS for each exercise
ROUND #4  X 10 REPS for each exercise
ROUND #5  X 5 REPS for each exercise

Cool Down & Stretching 

This workout took me almost 30 minutes! Why don’t you try to complete it under 25 min? Let me know if you did.


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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thank you for refreshing these older workouts to make them more challenging, it’s a great idea.

    Used 4kg dbs and kept pace with Zuzka as I always prefer to follow along. I actually didn’t find this too challenging leg-wise and wonder if it’s because I’m petite and don’t have so far to squat/lunge! I have a similar problem with kettlebell deadlifts – I can’t bend too far before the kb touches the floor which makes it too easy 🙁 loved the longer workout for a change though!

    Zuzka please could you tell us the weight of your dumbbells in this workout?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Hi Nadia, I don’t see how you being short would effect you differently as long as your body is normally proportionate. I could see that being a problem only if your legs were way shorter than your upper body. As long as you’re lunging, squatting and dead lifting with proper form, you should feel the same challenge like everyone else. My dumbbells are 6lbs each.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I’ve been thinking more about what you said, and I think that you may need a heavier kettlebell and dumbbells. You are probably way stronger then you realize and that’s why you don’t feel the challenge with certain exercises. It has nothing to do with you having a small frame, you’re just bad ass 🙂

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        I love this response hehe 😉 Nadia’s a warrior 😀

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        Private Member  | 

        Wow. This was an AMAZING workout. it was so hard. It took me a VERY long time to finish it. BUT, I did finish it! Every single rep. and I made sure to do perfect technique, no getting sloppy. I did do a modified push up but went up to my feet for the bird and did those properly. I didn’t use weights for the lunges. I don’t think I have sweat this much in a year…. I am SOAKED haha TMI. I finally feel strong and good and positive after a workout…. The past couple weeks have been tough to get in to. Thank you Zuzka <3

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Ok, when I watched you explain the exercises I thought, no problem, I can do that faster than 30 mins. Well, you beat me by one second lol. It took me 29:36. I did do the workout with an 8 lb weighted vest but still, deceptively hard. Thanks Z for another great one.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    staten island, ny, usa

    Please please please Zuzka, tell me what brand this jacket is and where i can buy it! 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      It’s from Lorna Jane.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    oakland, ca, usa

    This was good! 24:10. 8 lb db

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      No way! that’s awesome

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Z, this workout looks insane! I think when you start missing reps cause you’re so out of breath and can’t physically do any more, that means the workout is really hard. Not sure how I’m going to get through it! I still need my legs to function since they’re my main means of transportation (I commute by bicycle), so I think I’ll have to cut some reps of the jump lunge/jump squat combination…maybe I’ll cut some of the jumps. As always, thanks so much for your hard work, and keep being awesome!

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    toronto, on

    29 minutes!!!!!! Awesome endurance sweat session!!! I modified some of combo #1 on two rounds, moving into the lunge and squats instead of jumping due to time limits in my day, but otherwise ploughed through it 🙂

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    kuala lumpur, malaysia

    25:20, nice workout, did it with 15 lbs dummbells , did the longer round with 8 lbs dumbbells. Tough workout, every time when we are working out bigger muscle groups, my heart rate goes crazy + the burn from the lunges, i hope i will be able to walk tomorrow, haha . Thanks Zuzka!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    hesperia, ca, usa

    Weight: 10 #dumbbells
    Time: 26:14

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Wow! Nice job

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Loved it! much harder then the original Zwow 🙂 my time 25:39! 🙂 I used 3kg dumbells.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I have 3kg (albs) dumbbells too. You killed it!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      OH my, this one was really hard this Sunday morning. Last time I used 3kg dumbells, but today I used 5kg / 12lb dumbells and my time was 26:45. So I guess I wasn’t THAT bad, since I was only worse by a minute. 🙂

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I love this & this one is killer! I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been off my game–out of town–and while I walked around a lot (reason why I love NYC and Europe–so much walking), this workout kicked my butt. I had to pause many (MANY) times, but I pushed through. Never Give Up. WarriorZ to the core! Thank you Z for pushing our limits! 🙂

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