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Budget-Friendly Wellness Alternatives

Health | July 10, 2019

Does living a healthy lifestyle seem expensive to you? Is taking care of your well-being daunting due to your budget? If so, I’d like to show you ways in which you can save money at the bank without having to compromise your health and well-being. Because it’s true. All of the “experts” and influencers online seem to have all the time and money in the world to be able to buy rare and exotic superfoods, supplements, coaches, trainers, and bio-hacks. But the average person doesn’t always have the luxury to make a multitude of investments. So, if you’re looking for budget-friendly wellness alternatives, read on for my tips and insight. Are you ready? Then let’s get started!

Home Training

Let’s start with my number one passion: fitness! My long-time fans know that I don’t own any gym memberships. In fact, I haven’t even stepped foot inside one for years. I not only prefer the comfort and privacy of my own home, I like the fact that I save hundreds of dollars a year by choosing to train at home. Whoever said you couldn’t get amazing results without a gym is fooling themselves. With the right training plan and setup, you can get the most effective workouts done without the monthly membership fees, traffic, crowds, sanitation, parking, and operating hours. (Not to toot my own horn, but the cost of a ZGYM membership is significantly lower than even community gyms- only $9.99 a month. Not convinced? These testimonials speak for themselves!)
Some people are fortunate enough to build their own gym in their garage. Others barely have enough space in their living room. The good news is that you can work with whatever you’ve got! Even bodyweight training works. You can also invest in equipment, buying just one item each month by working it into your budget (here’s my list of recommendations). Websites like eBay, Craig’s List, and Amazon all offer deals and used items, so consider buying them from one of those!
Otherwise, you can work with items you already have at home. For instance, instead of using exercise sliders, you can substitute them with paper towels, paper plates, and furniture sliders (they also make good substitutes for the ab wheel). You can stuff a backpack, bag, or suitcase with as much weight as you want and use it to perform exercises like upright rows, lunges, squats, and other exercises. A simple chair or sofa allows you to perform elevated pushups, dips, step-ups, barre training, and lunges. If you have a long staircase, you can use it for running up and down. Then you’ve got a wall, which is a no-brainer when it comes to stability for doing advanced yoga poses or holding a simple squat.
Don’t have a pull-up bar? Get a broom and mount it between two chairs, as I did here.

Mobility Training

All of those yoga blocks, mobility balls, and equipment look wonderful, but their cost can quickly add up. Thankfully, there are ways of getting similar results. All it takes is using a few creative substitutions.

Instead of yoga blocks, you can simply use a textbook, stack of blankets, or a pillow, depending on the exercise.  Mobility balls can also be substituted with tennis balls, which are really cheap (you can buy an entire tub for an extremely low price). If you don’t have a band to assist with certain stretches, you can simply use an old towel, robe tie, or shirt.


Think you need good money in order to buy good food? Well, that’s not always the case! First of all, you need to develop a keen eye for deals. Doing that alone opens up a world of possibilities when it comes to savings. You also can make simple swaps that save you extra bucks, like frozen fruit and vegetables, canned fish, and opting for leaner cuts of meats. Don’t forget about buying in bulk, too! Places like Costco are great when it comes to bulk items, helping you to save more in the long run. ThriveMarket.com and MyGroceryDeals.com are also great sources for paying fewer prices on healthy foods and supplements!
Don’t forget your local farmer’s market! While it’s tempting to buy the artisanal desserts and novelty items, stick strictly to your basic produce and animal-based foods. On top of that, opt for whatever is in season. Those items typically cost less than those that are out of season. You may even be able to bargain with the vendor!
For more tips on eating healthy with a budget, you can check out this post here.


Sometimes all it takes is reaching out your community for resources! Keep an eye out and see what your neighborhood provides. Everything from yoga in the park to group jogging sessions can be found depending on where you live. Certain places even offer discounted group training, as well as acupuncture, guided meditation, nutrition counseling, and healthy potlucks. It’s a great way to get out and socialize while still taking time to do something good for yourself.

Stay-at-Home Retreats

They say there’s no place like home. When it comes to investing in your health, consider taking a page out of the “staycation” book and use it as an opportunity to do a stay-at-home retreat. See if you can have some quiet time to yourself, scheduling no obligations, events, or errands. For those of you with families, I know that this can be a bit tricky, but consider talking with your loved ones and see if they too just want to have a relaxing, casual stay at home. While at home, you can access YouTube and do a free workout, yoga class, or meditation. You can also take a cold shower, a free biohack that helps with inflammation, circulation, and building resiliency, amongst other things. (Want to learn more? Read my post here!) On the flipside, there’s nothing like a long, warm soak in the tub to ease off the tension and stress of the day. Do a nice, homemade exfoliating treatment or hot towel scrub, and diffuse some soothing essential oils. Treat yourself!

If you’re still itching to get out, don’t underestimate the greatness that is nature! Go for a hike at a local trail, swim at the lake, or head over to the beach for some fun in the sun. If you live in the city, then find a nice park to walk around and people watch.

Over to You

Now it’s your turn. Share with me what you do to stay on top of your wellness game! Got any budget-friendly secrets to divulge? I’d love to know what you do!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Great tips, for at home I also burn one stick of high end incense, my favourites are from Japan, many of which you can buy online. Incense in combination with drinking some matcha or coffee or a meditation session instantly brightens my mood. I also end with a petting session with my beloved dogs, a few minutes of petting will increase your oxytocin levels and give you a sense of wellbeing and happiness

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