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Benefits of the Bunny Slope Program

Fitness | November 02, 2019

The Bunny Slope workout program is the perfect place to start for beginners. Whether you’re new to working out or want to know the basics that will carry over into my regular series, this program should be Ground Zero for complete beginners. You don’t need any previous experience, either. I meant what I said when I wrote that it was appropriate for complete beginners. With that being said, a lot of you guys don’t know much about the Bunny Slope Program, so I wanted to highlight the benefits of it in today’s post. If you’re thinking of trying it out or haven’t even signed up for the ZGYM, then now’s your chance to learn more about my approach to training and why even the Bunny Slope workouts are perfect for testing the waters of fitness! 

Daily Exercise

When you go to the program, you’ll notice that the schedule doesn’t include any rest days. While some of you may think that’s too much, it’s really not for this series. Unlike my other series, the workouts in the Bunny Slope program do not include any high-intensity cardio or heavy resistance training. Don’t get me wrong, for those of you who are just starting off these workouts might be challenging enough! But they’re not designed to exhaust or drive you to the ground. They give you just enough challenge without overwhelming your body, so you’ll be able to recover and train every day. In fact, daily exercise is very good for you, no matter how experienced you are. Intermediate to advanced users are encouraged to make their recovery days “active rest days” where they’re still doing some exercise, whether that’s improving their mobility or doing activities like hiking and walking.

Turning Fitness into a Habit 

Want to know the secret to a bikini body or an athlete’s physique? It’s not a superfood or fat burner. And it’s nothing new. The secret behind the most successful models, trainers, and athletes is habits. A habit is something that you consistently do, even when you don’t want to. And to make something like fitness into a habit, you need to be consistent. And to stay consistent, you need discipline. It’s the only way to reach your goals all the way. Otherwise, you’ll only be meeting it half-way. The Bunny Slope program’s daily workouts help to turn fitness into a habit that you commit to every single day. It takes out the guesswork of planning your workouts and tells you exactly what needs to be done. Trust me, the power of habit is strong. Once you’ve made it, there’s nothing to stop you from reaching for higher goals!

(Don’t believe me? Check out these anti-aging rock stars who made their fitness into a habit! They’re outdoing people twice, if not three times, their age!)

Perfect For Everyone!

Are you starting entirely from scratch? Never done a single push-up in your life? Good news! You can do the Bunny Slope program. Seniors, overweight individuals, post-pregnancy (with the doc’s permission), getting back on track after a long hiatus or recovering from sickness. This program was designed for everyone! In fact, I’ve also converted- I meanconvinced– other members of my family to do it out, and they’re hooked! At first, they were too scared to try it, but soon enough, they started to enjoy it! Even my mom was able to do the exercises and enjoy them since they’re not too extreme and easy on the joints.

Intermediate to advanced users can do it- add more weight or modify the moves into their advanced variations (i.e., making a kneeling push up into a regular one). The program is also great for active-rest-days. Some members do it when they’re low on energy or on their period (for the ladies), calling it the perfect “wake up” for their body!

All About the Basics

Another reason why the Bunny Slope program is excellent for beginners is that it teaches them the basics. Form, posture, exercise styles (like AMRAP training), and controlled movement are some of the things you’ll be introduced to, which carries over into the more advanced training from my regular workouts. Think of this as the stepping stone in your fitness journey! Your basic training is what carries over to the next level. I can assure you that you will be safe, as well as improving your strength and endurance. 

The Perfect Beginning

Let’s face it, with the internet today, fitness can be overwhelming, especially to newcomers. Before, it was easier to look into different programs and training methods since the industry was still fairly new. Now? It’s exploded! Gyms can be found almost anywhere these days, and everyone and anyone can call themselves an “expert” online. One person tells you to do this while the other says to do that. Enough to make your head spin! Luckily, the Bunny Slope is there to help you take your first steps. No more complicated routines or insane exercises. The goal is to get you started and make sure you’re making progress by getting stronger. You won’t be hitting any plateaus either since the workouts get progressively more challenging. So, don’t overthink it, and just get started with the program. It’s as simple as that.

It’s Free

Did I mention this series is free? No need to be a part of the ZGYM! If you can’t afford a membership, you can still do the Bunny Slope program. And if you’re thinking of joining the ZGYM but would like a test run, this series is a perfect introduction! You can go to the main program here on the site or on my YouTube channel.

Alright, guys! There you have it! All about the Bunny Slope Program, and why it continues to be one of the best series on my site. I’ve got people from all levels of fitness and lifestyles doing it. From my friends and family to newcomers and yes, even advanced users. If you’re ready to join the ZGYM,  check out this post on how to make the most of your membership!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    mtl, qc, canada

    This is an awesome serie! I love it!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    shalimar, florida, united states

    I like Bunny Slope and other trainers’ beginner programs to do everyday especially when I’m run down. I’m advanced in a lot of moves and new to a lot so beginner works for me until I get familiar with the training style of the instructor. Beginner alwYs helps me go back and revisit form.

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