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Exercise Library

This is a new addition to our ZGYM. I will be adding new exercises almost daily, and soon enough we’ll have a huge library of exercises for you to search through whenever you need to brush up on a proper form, or easier modification for beginners.

Exercise Library

ZGYM™ Community

On Lifted Butt Series #3 X

That backward lunge is so awkward. Switched to single arm for it so I could do a proper lunge.

On Body Sculpting Program for Intermediates / Advanced

That's great Sherri! I'm loving this one too!

On Body Sculpting Program for Intermediates / Advanced

Awesome! I'm loving it so far, I knew there would be a variety of wo's in this program! Have fun and give it hell!!

On Body Sculpting Program for Intermediates / Advanced

Thank you Darlene 🙏 Happy New Year 🎈 Just finished day 6 and loving the program so far. My body is super sore. Good sore 😊🤞

On Lifted Butt Series #3 X

This was a killer..I was going to give up after just one round, but then I realised that Z was using a lighter KB for the whole WO. BI = 24kg ...

On 15 Minute Fit Slide #22 X

ughhhh it was tough today after yesterday's birthday party of my colleague 😎 I used 8,5 kg db each and 20 kg kb

On Tips for Plant-Based Eating

Also vegan and Z gym follower for 10 years already. I have found being vegan is best for me. I tried keto, vegetarian and just healthy variety of ...

On Body Sculpting Program for Intermediates / Advanced

I'm so excited for this one, too! I am on Day 4.

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