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Outfit of the Day and Furry Tote

Fashion & Beauty | January 15, 2016



I went to run errands this morning and had to dress warm. Still, this is not the kind of winter I know growing up. At this time of year people in Prague are wearing North Face jackets.



I do have passion for good deals and recycled fashion. This cute little furry tote is from Crossroads and for a fraction of the original price.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    prague, czech republic

    Zuzka, you are sooo pretty 🙂 A when are you going again to Prague? 🙂

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    sion, switzerland

    Really cool outfit Zuska, it suits you!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Love the boots! (And the outfit as a whole.)

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I’m a little confused why there is a post about a “cute little furry tote” by Uggs then I scroll down and there’s a link for Cruelty free handbags by Gunas. ?? Does anyone really need to contribute to the torture and killing of innocent sentient beings so we can carry our car keys and lip gloss around inside their skin on a cool day? You couldn’t pay me to promote that message. It really is sad more people don’t try to help animals. They owe us nothing and we take everything. We think we are animal lovers since we bring dogs from a shelter into our homes, yet continue to contribute to massive amounts of cruelty by eating them, wearing them, demanding entertainment from them, making them work for us, etc. I was disconnected for so long, but since I finally made the connection it’s impossible to unsee what you’ve seen.

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      There is nothing wrong about eating meat and I promote traditional way of farming and diet that consist of animal protein, because it’s healthy for us people. If a company like Ugg decides to use the by-product of farming to make clothes instead of letting it go to waste, I don’t see anything wrong with that either. It’s wrong when companies kill specifically for leather or fur in my opinion, but that’s not what Ugg is doing.

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        Private Member  | 

        Watch Earthlings (narrated by Joaquin Phoenix) then see if you think that’s a kind way to treat animals. If you haven’t watched Cowspiracy yet I suggest you watch it and see the horror of animal agriculture has on our planet. There’s no kind way to murder aka slaughter a being who doesn’t want to die. Whey protein powders, glue, dog food….those are byproducts. Those companies would literally have to pay to get those waste products off their hands, yet have tricked masses of people into thinking they are good and then charge US money to buy their junk. There was a live export ship with thousands of cattle and sheep aboard broken down and stuck off the coast of Australia for two weeks earlier this month….30,000 cattle died in blizzard in TX/MX the end of last month…..2,100 innocent pigs died in a barn fire in Canada this morning. We don’t hear about all those things, though. Injustice anywhere threatens justice everywhere.

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          Private Member  | 
          lake tahoe, nv, usa

          So you think that instead of supporting traditional farming (organic farming) and at the same time protest against factory farming, we should all stop eating meat or use any animal products. There should be no farms at all, and no leather products. We should not drink any milk or eat any eggs, cheese, or whey protein. We should all be vegan?

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            Private Member  | 

            There is nothing humane about the way leather, skins, fur, wool, or flesh are obtained. Of course the companies want us to believe they are not directly contributing to suffering, disease and unbelievable pollution because it’s bad for their business. By organic farming I think you are talking about things like grass-fed beef, free range eggs and poultry. First of all, those are extremely deceiving. We would need about 9 planet earths to have enough land to support grass-fed, free range beef in the quantities we are eating it now. Not to mention the greenhouse gasses, and not to mention the cruelty. I see the animals transported daily in those trucks, standing and sliding around in their excrement and freezing cold weather. If you get time to watch Earthlings, Cowspiracy, Forks Over Knives…they might change your mind. The truth is undeniable. I saw a video on YouTube recently tilted “the wool industry exposed” you should watch…it’s insane because it’s wool and we think they simply shear the sheep and everything is good. It’s not. It’s just not. It’s so incredibly empirically wrong. Then when they stop producing as much wool, they get loaded on ships, stuck for weeks, then murdered (sometimes skinned alive), then even after they’ve gone through we sell their flesh and make boots from their skin. Sheep..They symbolize innocence, purity and peace, yet in reality treated so incredibly horrible that I have a hard time imagining a more awful life. I think we all agree animal cruelty and exploitation is wrong, but most of us inadvertently support it. Humane slaughter= oxymoron 🙁

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              Private Member  | 
              lake tahoe, nv, usa

              I agree that the way animals are being treated in factory farming and other places is horrible. Factory farming is fairly recent and the amount of meat they produce is a complete waste. Traditional farming however used to produce enough meat for everybody for thousands of years, so I don’t agree with your statement that traditional farming can’t be supported by our planet. It was working just fine up until a few decades ago. My family had a farm, so I grew up around it and maybe that’s why I can’t relate to those who see farming animals as something horrible and cruel. Traditional farming has been always around to provide food and work for people. As for leather products, I don’t believe in all conspiracy theories and the truth is that some companies really do make sure that their leather is just a by-product that comes from farming.

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                Private Member  | 

                You seem to like animals so I think it will click one day. Watch Cowspiracy at least (Leonardo Dicaprio is the one who actually got Netflix to show it). Factory farming has been going on since before you and I were born. Living in a state that has constant drought issues and people are told to “take shorter showers” and want to point fingers at almonds using so much water yet officials fail to acknowledge that ONE quarter pound of beef takes the amount of water used for two months of showers. Two months of showers….one small burger! Fracking, ocean dead zones, rainforests being destroyed at an acre per second to clear way to grow food for livestock while there are starving children holding out their hands, people clogging their arteries, species extinction…all for a burger? Because we were taught to believe we need it. We don’t need animal flesh or their secretions to survive. It’s easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled. There is an awful lot of money in animals. Plus, the World Health Organization finally admitted that processed meat increases cancer risk. People who have kids or are thinking about having kids are completely selfish if they choose to bring life into an already overpopulated world when they are not working to help preserve it, yet are participating in its destruction. Why should they have to deal with the mess we created? Even Arnold Schwarzenegger was telling us that eating animals is destroying our planet when he was in Paris recently at COP21.

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              Private Member  | 
              medicine hat, alberta, canada

              HI I was reading the comments and I noticed that you said that there was nothing good about the skins of animals and using them and stuff like that ..paraphrased…
              my sister lives in Okotoks here in Alberta Canada, and there is a woman in Banff that she goes to and this woman goes out – and she’s made a business of it – and she finds roadkill and it can be a fox or could be a wolf, it could be a bear ..It could be a moose, it could be..you know a squirrel, it could be a rabbit,.. it could be whatever and they take the dead carcass off the road or the side ditches and they clean it up and they sanitize it and use the skins for different kinds of things., all I know is that my sister had a bag full of little rabbit sized furs and I of course was a little upset at this and I was like” hey where did you get all that fur, did you buy that? ” She said ” yeah I bought it.” I said ” well what about the animals? ” and she says “oh no no its not like that she says I got it from a lady in Banff, who gets it from dead road kill and they go along the highways and they find these animals and they actually have started a business.” so I don’t remember what she said the name of it was but it is a legitimate business and it’s legitimately roadkill so to say that there is no good value in animals and their skin is an unfair statement because the animals are alive on the planet just like we are and when they die just like our bodies are sometimes are given over to science and are you know organs and tissues are given to help burn victims and people who need hearts and livers and kidneys and organs, for the furtherance of scientific study and help in diseases and stuff – the animals were given as a covering for us and its beneficial, and is helpful and it’s not always a vain glorious type of thing… a lot of people like the natives put the skins and the bones and the meat and the sinue and the veins,, all to good use, all of it. So there is not just the native Indians who are taking care of the animals and their ways of life is practically gone and everybody who is okay with eating meat and having animal skins does not make them a hideous horrible torturous psychotic person. I just can’t agree with that kind of logic its not logical it’s illogical to think that every person who is okay with having a fur donated to them from their grandmother or from their mother or finds it in the Salvation Army or the second hand store and they want to buy it does not mean that they are agreeing with the cruelty of some businesses that grow and kill their animals and treat them with such inhumane ways.
              that doesn’t make sense and it is unfair to judge someone or something you may not have all the facts on,, you can’t lump it all together, you can’t throw out the baby with the bathwater you’re killing the baby !! so I just wanted to throw my two cents in there because I seen this this kind of thread over and over again and I understand both sides and I can empathize with both sides of this whole situation my whole family is very proactive towards the saving of animals and keeping of animals and making sure that their you know humainly treated, and we like to eat meat and drink milk etc, we Don’t agree with the way that some are treated.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    lake tahoe, nv, usa

    I agree to disagree with this extreme point of view, but you’re absolutely entitled to believe what you want and live the way you want.

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      Private Member  | 

      I’m also a farmer’s daughter and support organic livestock farms in the Netherlands where I live. Like you, I use animal products but I make sure I buy from places where the animals have been treated well. But Zuzka, I’m afraid they are right about Uggs. I don’t know about the leather they use, but the Australian merinowool Uggs uses for their products is obtained through horror and pain suffered by the sheep. Please…consider not using products with Australian merino wool. Have a look at Peta’s informationhttp://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-clothing/wool-industry/

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        Private Member  | 
        lake tahoe, nv, usa

        Thank you for the article. I read it all. I see that PETA is completely against using wool for making products no matter how it’s being produced. I didn’t read any concrete accusations agains Ugg company. If I missed it somewhere please let me know. I agree that animals should not be killed for fur. I do agree that animals should be treated with respect and love. That’s why I do support traditional farming for meat, so if the fur is a byproduct instead of being wasted, I don’t see the problem there. PETA believes that killing any animals at all under any scenario is unacceptable and inhumane. They lump every company – big farm, small farm, bad farming, good farming all together. I respect PETA and a lot of things they fight for but sometimes I feel like they are being extreme for pushing Veganism on everyone no matter what. One of their perspectives is that no animals should be used for food. I have seen all those horrible videos of animal abuse. I know what is going on in the world and I think it’s horrible. However, what I don’t like about that is that PETA doesn’t support traditional farming and even a small traditional farm that truly cares about the animals is unacceptable to them. That is an extreme point of view and I don’t like extreme people or companies.
        I love animals, but I’m an omnivore just like my dogs and my cat. My dogs and my cat eat meat when they’re hungry and no body judges them. People have been eating meet and using by-products of farming for millions of years and suddenly we get to be judged for what’s natural to us? I don’t think that’s fair.
        That said, If Ugg is not using a byproduct like they claim on their website: https://www.uggaustralia.com/animal-welfare-faq.html
        Im done with them, but so far I have seen only accusations by PETA, with no proof that would be directly connected to this company.
        If we’re talking here about killing animals, I have something that really bothers me and makes me really dislike PETA, because I love dogs:

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Where did you get the adorable boots? Are they still available?
    You’re so darn cute!

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Those are from Ugg as well.

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Just an FYI: On Beginner Cardio 10X, the “minutes and seconds” box is missing, so there is no way to record the time.
    Hope you can fix this : )

    Thanks so much!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I cant find the WO.
    I love your outfit !!!

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