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Why You Should Care About Your Lymph

Health | April 23, 2018

Do you know about the Lymphatic System? If not, it’s time to change that- here’s what you need to know about it, and why it’s essential for us to take care of it.

Our lymphatic system is made of thin tubes called lymphatic vessels that travel with the nerves, arteries, and veins. These vessels collect lymph fluid, a clear, colorless, watery fluid, from different parts of the body, and take them back to the bloodstream. Lymph fluid is rich in white blood cells (lymphocytes) that help to protect the body against infections. They are stored in bean-sized collections of cells known as lymph nodes, which are scattered throughout the entire body. [1]
The Lymphatic System plays a vital role in regulating our immune system, in addition to maintaining fluid balance in various parts of the body. It’s also the body’s “sanitation department”, helping to clean the debris left by our cells and other systems. This is done through urine, sweat, and stool.  So think of it as one big drain! [2]

What’s interesting about the body is that it has NO pump to move our lymph. Which is crazy, since we have 3X more lymph fluid than blood! [3] In fact, when it starts to fail or malfunction, we’re at a high risk of developing autoimmune disease, cancer, chronic inflammation, and a host of other compromised conditions. [4] And even if it’s still in motion, a lot of things can go wrong when it starts to become congested.

How do we know if our lymph is becoming congested? Some signs include: [5]

  • Bloating
  • Chronic Skin Problems (acne, eczema, etc)
  • Fatigue
  • Cellulite
  • Worsened Allergies
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Cold lumps
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Joint Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Poor Immunity
  • Dehydration
  • Breast Soreness, Tenderness
  • Sinusitis
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Lymphedema

That last in particular should be taken care of ASAP by a doctor, as it’s a sign of other diseases or conditions. Lymphedema is the swelling of arms, legs, or other areas of the body. It should not be ignored! Which is why prevention is key.

Now, our body is really clever- even though the Lymphatic System doesn’t have a pump to move things along, it doesn’t need us to do anything drastic to make sure it’s well maintained.

The solution is very simple- exercise. Yes! You read that correctly- exercising daily helps to keep our Lymphatic System running smoothly. When we exercise, we stimulate circulation in our body, which transports oxygen into our tissues and cells, as well as our lymph.

Staying inactive increases the chance of causing stagnation in our lymph. And it’s no wonder that a lack of exercise makes us feel sluggish, weak, and tired! Part of the reason this happens is because we’re not supporting our lymph. The two are connected- not exercising, and our lymph becoming stagnant. If we to be at our best- inside and out- then we have to realize that moving our body is not all about vanity. What’s the point of having a bikini body if it’s always sick, and feels like it’s made of wood? A good looking body should be a side effect of taking care of it. The better we feel, the more motivated we’ll be to stay consistent with our (healthy) habits.

So whether that’s adopting a regular exercise program (like in the ZGYM), or following your own protocol, it’s important to get active everyday. Do something to get your lymph flowing! It can be gentle, intense, or somewhere in the middle. Just fit it in!

There also other things you can do to give your Lymphatic System some support. These include:

  • Infrared Sauna
  • Dry Skin Brushing
  • Rebounding (using a mini trampoline or anything that gets you moving up and down; Jump Rope, Plyometrics)
  • Deep Breathing
  • Contrasting Hydrotherapy (taking a shower and alternating between hot and cold)
  • Massage
  • Hanging Upside Down (Inversion Therapy or using Yoga Trapeze)
  • Flexibility Training

All of these little, simple things add up to a bigger whole: a healthy Lymphatic System. So the next time you workout, think about what good it’s doing for your internal health.


[1] https://www.livescience.com/26983-lymphatic-system.html

[2] https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/lymph-system

[3] http://www.lifesourcelymph.com/About/The-Lymphatic-system.aspx

[4] http://www.lymphaticyogaexpert.com/what-if-the-lymphatic-system-fails/

[5] https://www.womenshealthnetwork.com/detoxification/the-lymphatic-system-and-your-health.aspx

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    caseyville, illinois

    Nice article. I had done T-tapp for years and Teresa Tapp was big into the lymphatic system and that is how i got into the daily habit of skin brushing. I have gotten lazy with it, but still do it a couple times a week.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    the pump for lymph is the muscle contraction, so indeed moving is what makes it move. Babies during pregnancy are pressing on lymph nodes which can prevent normal move of lymph…hence thick legs during pregnancies. with my second baby, I had really huge feet and needed to wear specific shoes. After delivery, I lost a lot of this water retention and wondered what to do with these loosy-goosy shoes 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      hailey, id

      thanks for sharing, Laila! haha .. yep, the large shoes are like the large jeans… what to do!??
      my experience wasn’t just large legs.. i gained 60 lbs with my first! hahaha!!
      but lost it all in less than 2 months because I was a run-walker.
      thankfully, i gained half that by my third sweetheart.
      interestingly – my first was 7.5 lbs, second was 7 lbs and third, 6.5 lbs… and with each, I didn’t gain as much weight.. hmmm

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    seattle, washington

    Many of your list of symptoms unfortunately are things that just do happen to you when you get older.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    san antonio, texas

    Really enjoyed reading this Zuzka. Thank you for sharing! Wish I was as disciplined with dry brushing as I am with ZGYM workouts. Bought a brush about a month ago and managed to use it 3 times 😒

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    hailey, id

    love that picture, Z!!
    when do we get to do moves with the loops, tramp and swing???
    LOVE it!!

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    yilan city, taiwan, taiwan

    Western scientists literally just discovered a “new organ” called the interstitium which not only is the source of lymph but a network that runs throughout the entire human body, from the linings of organs to the fascia surrounding muscles. The interstitium was found to be a kind of pre-lymph system draining fluid into the body’s vital lymphatic systems. Personally, I think the interstitium was known for thousands of years by traditional medicine (Chinese and Ayurvedic to be the most well known). Cupping, for example, is an old therapy to move stagnant lymph. I also think when we practice yoga and tune into the “yoga body” its this interstitium, a subtle awareness of the current surrounding our fascia and organs that’s linked with our breath.

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thanks for this information, Zuzka! 😀

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    FRUIT!! Eat lots of fruit, berries, and melons to heal the lymph. If we are eating acidic foods, we are hindering our lymph system…eating alkalized fruits can heal you. The lymphatic system is amazing! Thank you for the article…I believe more and more people are waking up to the truth with nutrition and exercise and REAL health.

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I have to say since Zuzka mentioned the lymphatic system as one of the 8 pillars I am now super curious about it. I will include more jumping and more sauna and more massage. I will try to dry brush as part of my detox bath ritual. It makes sense to get the lymph pumping by contracting the muscle during exercise. I am also interested in the interstitium. I will look it up!

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