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All About The Zone Diet

Health | August 09, 2017


There are many different diets out there, and you guys know that I like to keep you as informed as possible. Just because I eat a certain way, doesn’t mean that everyone, across the board, is going to thrive the same way. So in an effort to educate you and help you find an eating style that works best for you, from time to time, I will be blogging about specific and popular diets.

Today, we’re talking about The Zone Diet. For more info on how I eat, you can check out my Z-Shred Super Food MEAL PLAN.  

Now, the concept of the Zone as well as the use of Zone Diet is easy once you have a good understanding of the program.

The physiological condition in your body where cellular inflammation is controlled, is called the Zone. It ensures that the inflammation remains level; not getting too low where the body is unable to fight off infection, nor will it get too high where the body would begin to basically attack itself.

The Zone Diet primarily focuses on controlling your hormones.  Your wellbeing is affected by your body composition, energy utilization, blood chemistry, and much more. All influenced by how your hormones are balanced.

In order to get into the Zone and stay there, paying attention to your diet is key. The Zone Diet, which was developed by Dr. Barry Sears more than 30 years ago, is an anti-inflammatory diet which will get you to the Zone. It is designed to control the expression of inflammatory genes.

When your body is out of the Zone, you begin to gain weight, can develop chronic disease at an earlier age, and even start aging at a faster rate!

The Basics of the Zone Diet:

When you are on the Zone Diet, you have 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. Each is a mix of low-fat protein, (skinless chicken, turkey, or fish) carbs (stick to some fruits and veggies) as well as a small amount of “good” fat (like almonds and avocado).

Remember these proportions: 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbs.

Almost as important as what you eat, is when you eat!

When you don’t eat often enough, your blood sugar will start to dip, which will begin to trigger those hunger pangs. Try to avoid going no more than five hours without eating. Have your breakfast within one hour of waking up.

For example, if you’re up around 7 a.m., plan to have your lunch at noon, followed by a snack at 5 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. and then another snack at 11 p.m.

When on the Zone Diet, keep in mind that calories count! Women get about 1,200 calories a day, and for men, it’s 1,500.

No diet is incomplete without a little physical work. This diet recommends “moderate but consistent exercise“. For example; a 30-minute walk is great along with some strength training for about 5-10 minutes a day.

The easiest way to determine if you are in the Zone is never feeling hungry and remaining at peak mental acuity throughout the day. However, a simple finger-stick blood test works as well for direct results.

**For even MORE information of the Zone Diet, visit http://www.zonediet.com/resources

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    I have doubts about things posted 30 years ago. Personally I am very eager about the Plant Paradox by Dr.Steven Gundry (on the press last spring). He has also a self-criticism that is sane attitude (he wrote a book 10 years ago). I also love to watch all his own video and the interviews made by others (currently watching the one he did with Dr.Mercola)

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    colorado springs, co

    The best diet is having a bit of everything. Avoid processed food, white sugar, cans and jars food.
    Eat fresh veggies and fruits, complex carbs( quinoa, brown rice, potatoes : regular and sweet, ezekiel bread, buckwheat….), cheese ( specially in the morning ), kefir milk….and good protein! Once in a while…a great pizza, o cheeseburger…! life is too short to deprive of good food. Carbs is not bad!! Moderation is key!! keep your diet balanced.

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      Private Member  | 
      ramona, ca, usa

      I agree with you, Rose Marie! My boyfriend’s grandmother lived to be 102 years old. Whenever someone asked what her secret was, she would say “walking, reading, and eating everything in moderation!” 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      Agreed, balance is the cue:-*

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    1200 hundred calories a day?? If I would eat that little on a daily base I would for sure not be able to do properly my job, plus train hard, plus climb, plus study!! Sounds crazy for me

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      It’s not for everyone…

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        Private Member  | 

        That’s true!! =) And I totally get that you are just giving pieces of information here, not even saying your own thoughts on it…on the other hand your meal plan, that sounds great to me.
        Just was shocked about the amount the calories but thanks for keeping us aware about diets out there. Following you for like…7 years now and still love all the workouts!!!
        Keep on doing what you do ’cause you are great

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      ramona, ca, usa

      Hi Zuzka, thanks for sharing! I enjoy reading about lots of different eating styles. I get bored with my food really easily so it’s always fun to try something new.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I can’t tell how this diet is any different to any other out there? The same old same old. 1200 calories per day plus exercise sounds like a recipe for short term weight loss and long term weight gain. And its hardly going to control your hormones. Have you met a woman on a diet? They are hungry, angry and grumpy. In fact these sort of diets are the very reason why so many women end up with messed up hormones. The healthiest advice is ditch the dieting. For good.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I appreciate all of the information Zuzka provides so we can make up our own minds. No one food plan will work for everyone and we have to listen to our own bodies. This particular eating plan is much like the anti-inflammatory regime my Gastro specialist has me on. What I can thrive on and what another requires are frequently very different. I am open to many school of thoughts and as I said previously, I am always grateful for the insightful reading material Zuzka provides for our edification.

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    You can also take a look at the Barry Sears book “Zone diet”. It is quite nice meal plan and gives good results relatively short amount of time (when training included of course). For me, if your do not like to count calories, you might prefer the “blocked” version of the Zone. Depending on your body type and activity level you choose 2 -3 -4 block meals , Thus said each meal has 2 blocks of protein, 2 blocks of fats and 2 blocks carbs , 1 block P is 7 g/ 1 block C is 9g and 1 block fat is 1.5g. It s just different definition of 30-30-40 approach that Zuzka described. Thanks for the post, Zuzka!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I am almost 3 years in this diet, and I can tell it change my life! It helping me to pregnant, to get enormous level of energy, health, workout with Zuzka 6 day a week, and more. And those 1200 callories are not a problem at all if you plain your diet properly. Actually you don’t count those callories, you don’t need this.

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    @Zuzka and all Warriorz out there! I workout about 30 mins after I get up early in the morning and am not sure what I should eat before my workout (and I definitely need to because otherwise I feel extremely weak). I’ve been having a store-bought protein bar for a while but I’m not sure it’s the best because it’s full of sugar and preservatives. I feel like there’s a simpler and healthier alternative. Any thoughts? What do you recommend?

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      Private Member  | 
      chicago, illinois


      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Oh that’s interesting! I will definitely look that up! Thank you so much for your help!

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          Private Member  | 
          chicago, illinois

          No problem. I switch my days . Like today I had a shake. I made it with 4strawberries, one cup coconut milk, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and 2tbsp of hemp protein. Hemp protein is not that tasty but it has no sugar not hidden chemicals. It is satisfying.

          • private avatar image

            Private Member  | 

            Good to know! Strawberries are also in season here right now so that’s a good idea as well!

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      Private Member  | 
      provence, france

      @Melanie You don’t need to eat before workout.If you do this and soon after you make HIIT workout, all that food will jump in you and you won’t make the exercises at full capacity.Do the workout on empty stomach, then you eat.Plus Zuzka preffers intermitent fasting 2 times a week, in the days with streching.Giving digestion system a break is good for the body.

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        Private Member  | 

        Yes, I’m careful to not overeat before a workout because having too much food in my stomach while I jump left and right is definitely not a good plan haha. I really do need a small snack though otherwise I feel extremely hungry and weak! Thanks! 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      provence, france

      After workout you can make a chia pudding with organic vegetal milk , chia seeds ofc, some berries also , half banana,goji be creative putting healthy ingredients.I put also gelatin beef for joints.Or you can make a smoothie with organic plant based protein.in which to put berries, ginger also chias seeds, sesame seeds, avocado, coconut oil, 1 date if is not in protein powder already, spiruline.Possibilities are endless.I even put aloe vera gel in my smoothies.For protein bars or any other product, you need to check list of ingredients, this needs to determine the choice you make,not the marketing.I hope it helps:)

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Thanks for the advice, I will definitely check that out for post-workout meals! As for checking the list of ingredients on products, I completely agree and is a practice I don’t use as ofter as I should!

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      Private Member  | 

      Here’s what I do and I don’t always eat before I work out. However if I am hungry here is how I will eat:

      30 minutes or less: espresso (or around 4oz or less) and some fruit.
      more than 30 minutes: I may have a little more “fuel” like maybe two hard boiled eggs or half an avocado.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Oh thank you! I guess a bit of fruit is a good idea! Any ones in particular? Thanks!

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          Private Member  | 

          Bananas, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, oranges and mangos are my staple group.

          Some other seasonal fruit I like are passion fruit and dragon fruit (when I can find them).

          Hope that helps 🙂

          • private avatar image

            Private Member  | 

            Great ideas! Thank you 🙂

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      Private Member  | 

      I usually have my bulletproof coffee. 🙂 It wakes me up, and I get the energy from the fats and the caffeine.

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        Private Member  | 

        Coffee doesn’t go well with me, it makes me really jittery! However, maybe I could try tea! Thanks 🙂

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 

          Some people try the tea version of the bulletproof coffee, with green tea 🙂 I’m actually thinking of trying it too. I love coffee but I’m also addicted to it, and I don’t like that part…

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            Private Member  | 

            Yes, that’s actually one of the reasons why was never tempted to try coffee and get used to the taste while growing up. I saw how addicted people get and I wanted to rely on my own body to feel energetic in the morning and throughout the day. Apparently it causes headaches if you stop and all too! I do enjoy tea better, but I am careful not to have it systematically, every morning at the same time. I can go months without having tea and all of a sudden will have some a few times a week at varying hours!

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 

          Also, if you like sweet stuff, Z has a bunch of recipes of low carb small chocolates or cookies, to have as a small snack before the workout. I can imagine a very good light breakfast, simple tea and a cookie hehe

          • private avatar image

            Private Member  | 

            Your absolutely right! I forgot about those! I will look them up for sure! Thank you so much!

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          lethbridge, alberta, canada

          Sadly, most caffeine, coffee for sure and caffeinated tea make me feel terrible and make my stomach so nervous that I finally quit trying 🙁 I really loved the taste of bulletproof coffee though 🙂

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            Private Member  | 

            Yes it’s not for everyone I guess! I can’t say I like the taste of coffee either, it’s too bitter for me. The closest thing I enjoy to coffee is a latte because it’s full of milk, but it’s also full of sugar 🙁

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          Private Member  | 

          I drink Matcha tea when I want to stop drinking coffee for a while.

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            Private Member  | 

            Good to know!

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      medicine hat, alberta, canada

      an egg and if you are heading out boil a few before hand and get a couple of salt n pepper packets from the fastfood shops for the eggs . also block cheese in a sandwich bag is great with the egg.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Great idea, thanks!!!

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          Private Member  | 
          medicine hat, alberta, canada

          your welcome. I hope you found lots of ideas.

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            Private Member  | 

            Yes I did! Thanks to all your help! Happy training 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      I really like to eat one or two of Zuzkas low carb chocolate clusters in the morning:

      The protein is filling and the cocoa powder gives a caffeine boost before I’ve had a chance to have my coffee. Also they are not so filling that you can’t jump around.

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        Private Member  | 

        Thank you so much! I’ll look into that!

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