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3 Best Cardio Workouts You Can Do At Home

Fitness | December 17, 2013

Every once in a while I receive a question about a cardio and what type of cardio I do. Not everyone understands that cardio is not just running on a hamster wheel or doing countless repetitive moves on stair master for at least 30 minutes while reading a magazine. Cardio workout is any exercise that strengthens your cardiovascular system by raising your heart rate up and improving your oxygen consumption. Watch the video first and then read on to find out which are the 3 best cardio workouts you can do at home in less then 15 minutes.



The Best Cardio Workout #1 – Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell training develops muscle and cardio endurance as well as explosive power. It’s been proven to be highly effective in terms of producing fat loss and increasing metabolic load on the body.  The kettlebell swing increases your energy expenditure due to the compensatory acceleration that makes you utilize more muscular power, even by using light to moderate weight. That results in burning tons of calories, strengthening your heart, and toning up your entire body.  All you need is a moderate size Kettlebell that you can buy at Dragondoor.com and have them ship it right to your doorstep. I use the 26lbs kettlebell which is a good size for an average woman.


The Best Cardio Workout #2 – Jump Rope Workouts

Jump rope workouts offer the most effective calorie burning cardio you can imagine. Only 15 minutes of jump roping will give you more cardio benefits and burn more calories, then an 8 mile run through your neighborhood. Jump roping is another form of explosive exercise that won’t only promote fat loss, it will also tone up your entire body and improve your agility. Besides, this is the most affordable and effective piece of equipment that is easily portable anywhere you go.




The Best Cardio Workout #3 – Explosive BodyWeight Exercises

Any exercise that is explosive in nature will raise up your heart rate, promote fat loss and shape up your body. That’s the reason why I include these type of moves a lot into my bodyweight workouts. If you don’t have a weight to lift or swing, you have to accelerate the movement of your own bodyweight in order to get the same benefits. Exercises such as the jump squat, jump lunge, or burpee will do the trick.

Last but not least… haha I said it the other way in the video… The best workouts are the ones that combine all of these three training methods in one short session. Which is exactly what we do in the Zgym so if you want to get in shape fast without spending too much time working out, then sign up and get ready to workout with me 7 days a week!






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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzi, I like to exercise outdoor.

    Now in Prague -2C, and so I run with my dog 🙂 Zuzi know how to ski? it is only sport that I can not. I love you, pa pa from Prag Helča 🙂

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hay Zuzka,

    can you pleas halp my with diet? I dont nou what I should do! I´was before 3yars skinny (i lost 15kg) and I wonet to bild some musceln and i was found one personal trener and her told my i shold eat only protein to lose body fat and gain musceln..i was 4monts on keto diet and i was mental and healthy lost.i was start to bing becose I was mising fruit,rice,swet poteto..i lowe healthy food and i as before 15jg lost with helathy food and sport but from keto diet I´m total lost.From keto diet I bekam intolerant to egs,nuts,dairy product…oats..I hawe stomach problems and I was start to binge…i lost houp,strang to belive in my..I workout hard,I do 2 times a weck cros fit and fit box,4 times a weck I workout in gym and after i do your gym…I eat healthy but I dont no result becose I dont hawe balans…I dont nou what i should eat to lose eight,,,carbs yes or not? I´m very lost.I ned your help,I´m not heppy and i wont just to be healthy,happy andse results..I wold do enyting to get body and muskeln like yours.pleas zuzka help my.I folow you for begin,your my idol not only fisical,mental becose your so mocuh strong women,person,yours life was not to easy but your wariorz and fither..your dont give up.I was thet person before keto diet and binge eating.my life was not easy,my fother is alkoholicar,my life was to difical,but i was fithg,i was not give up,I was the best in my school,best in sport,gimnatic..but nou I´m youst lost with food.

    pleas zuzka help my a now Year to start like fither like wariorz! happy and healthy inside! metal and fisic.pleas zuzka ! dont live my alon with my problem.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka,

    I was wondering are you going to make a Kettlebell workout DVD. I’ve bought your Zrope and DVD and the workouts there are amazing! I’d love to have a DVD with a series of Kettlebell workouts as well. Thank you so much for the tips on cardio. It really helps!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I couldn’t agree more with these 3 forms of cardio.

    I lift a lot of heavy free weights and every day I do 10 to 15 minutes of condition, which is usually a form high intensity cardio. This post inspired me to combine all three forms for my conditioning today. I did 10 Burpees, 25 swings, and 100 skips repeated the circuit 3 times. It was a great way to end the workout.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Love this video. So natural. I use kettlebell a lot and I love burpees. Use both as great cardio for the days that I don’t do running 🙂 And whenever I’m lazy, it is at least KB swings. Thanks for your great work&love from Prague

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Watching your videos gets me in a good mood every single time. Keep it up!

    And is there an update as to when the abs dvd will be available in Europe? I tried to order it via amazon twice now, but they keep withholding it since they don’t ship it to Germany yet…

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka, i have one simple question for you, please do some workout that empasize on building up/ toned/shaped up the entire arms. Biceps/triceos fasters way if possible! I have heavy arms especially just below armpit. I have get myself toned but still heavy.. Help!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thanks so much Im so glad I found your site!

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