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3 Best Cardio Workouts You Can Do At Home

Fitness | December 17, 2013

Every once in a while I receive a question about a cardio and what type of cardio I do. Not everyone understands that cardio is not just running on a hamster wheel or doing countless repetitive moves on stair master for at least 30 minutes while reading a magazine. Cardio workout is any exercise that strengthens your cardiovascular system by raising your heart rate up and improving your oxygen consumption. Watch the video first and then read on to find out which are the 3 best cardio workouts you can do at home in less then 15 minutes.



The Best Cardio Workout #1 – Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell training develops muscle and cardio endurance as well as explosive power. It’s been proven to be highly effective in terms of producing fat loss and increasing metabolic load on the body.  The kettlebell swing increases your energy expenditure due to the compensatory acceleration that makes you utilize more muscular power, even by using light to moderate weight. That results in burning tons of calories, strengthening your heart, and toning up your entire body.  All you need is a moderate size Kettlebell that you can buy at Dragondoor.com and have them ship it right to your doorstep. I use the 26lbs kettlebell which is a good size for an average woman.


The Best Cardio Workout #2 – Jump Rope Workouts

Jump rope workouts offer the most effective calorie burning cardio you can imagine. Only 15 minutes of jump roping will give you more cardio benefits and burn more calories, then an 8 mile run through your neighborhood. Jump roping is another form of explosive exercise that won’t only promote fat loss, it will also tone up your entire body and improve your agility. Besides, this is the most affordable and effective piece of equipment that is easily portable anywhere you go.




The Best Cardio Workout #3 – Explosive BodyWeight Exercises

Any exercise that is explosive in nature will raise up your heart rate, promote fat loss and shape up your body. That’s the reason why I include these type of moves a lot into my bodyweight workouts. If you don’t have a weight to lift or swing, you have to accelerate the movement of your own bodyweight in order to get the same benefits. Exercises such as the jump squat, jump lunge, or burpee will do the trick.

Last but not least… haha I said it the other way in the video… The best workouts are the ones that combine all of these three training methods in one short session. Which is exactly what we do in the Zgym so if you want to get in shape fast without spending too much time working out, then sign up and get ready to workout with me 7 days a week!






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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I love your pants in this video! Where do I buy them? 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      these are old pants from Puma 🙂

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    you are amazing, thank you Zuzka, I lov ya 😀 see ya in zgym

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Love the Kettlebell swing…nothing helps me drop the fat as much as the swing does….I cannt wait for your new DVD!!!!!!!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Oh my goodness!!! Look at the leaves in your driveway! I just shoveled a foot of snow and I did so in a lot more layers of clothes than you 🙁 Not that blue is my colour anyway :p

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzana tell me about fruit, how many servings should I eat and how much is too much, I have increased my fruit intake and don’t want to overdo it

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      I would also like to know that.

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka Where did you get the arm band for your smart phone?

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    You truly are like a ray of sunshine. Thank you for these tips and the video, and MANY thanks for sending me your abs workout DVD! It was like Christmas came early for me, and the icing on the cake was your little note. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity and for reminding everyone to maintain a positive, stress-free mindset. :). Best to you and yours!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I am from México, I just want to say that you are amazing, I found you in internet and you changed my way to do exercise, I love it, because we can work a few minutes, but we can burn more calories, my body is change and I have only 2 months that I do it, so, thanks for all.

    My english is not so good, sorry =)

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka,

    I am a member of the ZGYM and I really like working out with you every morining before work. I consider myself an advanced athlete and I was wondering if you personally only workout once a day and if your workouts are just like the ones you post in the ZGYM? I am still trying to figure out how much I should work out and how much of the time should be recovery 🙂 I bet this is very individual, but I would still be happy to hear about your work out schedule.

    Thanks again,

    Have a wonderful day and I wish you a very happy christmas with all your beloved ones!

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hey Zuzka,

    What would be an ideal weight in a kettlebell for a young man? It’s hard for me to judge because with weight training I’m strong so I’m tempted to buy a 20kg kettlebell or something around that weight (44lbs)?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 


      I would say if you are pretty strong I wouldn’t go below 50 lbs or you will outgrow it fast.

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