Beach Workout for Tight Body
Fitness | January 31, 2014
I feel pretty lucky that I can go to the beach in the middle of the winter and have fun with my training outside by the ocean. I know that not everyone of you has this option, but the least you can do is to try this workout at home and start getting ready for the summer. Just imagine yourself walking by the sea in your shorts or even bikini and enjoying the sun shine, the sound of the ocean, and the warmth of the white sand. Imagine feeling great in your own body and grateful for this moment. If you can imagine in all this in your mind, you can manifest it into your life. However positive affirmations are not going to always work without your actions. Put maximum effort into everything you do, and believe that your work will bring the results that you are looking for. Then you’ll see miracles happening right in front of your eyes. You can start right now with this workout:
Beach Workout for Tight Body Breakdown:
1. Low Jacks – 20 reps
Stand with your feet together and bend your knees keeping your body upright. Push your hips back slightly, jump your feet apart and then back together keeping the knees bend. Stay low and complete 20 reps.
2. Bird Dog – 20 reps
Get into plank and remember to keep your body in one straight line. Don’t drop your hip and try not to bring your hips up either. Lock your core. Make sure that you are not bringing your chin too down or up and that your neck is in line with your spine. Keeping your hips as steady as possible lift one arm and the opposite leg up until parallel to the ground. That counts as one rep. Switch sides and keep going until you complete 20 reps.
3. One Leg Squat – 20 reps each leg
Stand on one leg and bend the other knee into 90 degree angle so that the heel is behind you and your shin bone parallel to the ground. Tense all of the muscles of the standing leg all the way up to your glutes. Lock your core, keep your back straight and push your hips back while bending the knee of the standing leg. You should go all the way down until the knee of the lifted leg touches the ground. Then push off of the heel and use your hams and glutes to push your hips up and forward. Repeat 20 times on each leg. You can hold on to something for support and you can also pace yourself and do 5 reps at a time, take a break and then continue.
4. Side Burpee Knee Tuck – 20 reps
Get into the side plank turning one side of your hips up but keeping both hands and feet on the ground on the ground. Do a knee tuck with the top leg and bring it towards your chest. Put the leg into the starting position, jump your feet towards your hands and then jump up. Repeat on the other side and complete 20 reps total. Always keep your core locked when you get into the side plank so that you’re not dropping your hips.
Try to complete 4 rounds of this circuit under 15 minutes. Write down your time and make sure to revisit this workout in a week or two to check your progress. The faster you’re able to complete this workout with great form, the fitter you are. Use these workouts to get into shape and also to test your strength and endurance.
If you want to workout with me on a daily basis and in a real time, then join my Zgym and get started! It will be easier for your to push yourself, if you’ll have to keep up with me
Have fun and I’ll see you soon!
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curitiba, parana, brazil
Hi Zu…I did 2 rounds of this workout yesterday. I was about to write the comment when tablet battery was over. I did not want to take a day off, even being tired. See you, take care.
Private Member |
samara, russia
Private Member |
Took me 24mins. I cannot complete 400 reps in under 15… need to practice!