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Sharing Your Fitness Routine with Your Children

Fitness | December 31, 2015

I have to share this with you guys because it’s just too cute!  Copied below is a note I received from Cinthia, a member of my ZGYM, along with the pictures she shared with me.

I’m writing to you to share my Christmas surprise from my twelve year-old son. He pre-ordered your book ‘15 minutes to Fit‘. Because the book will be available only after the 5th of January, he made me a 15 minutes to Fit version in the meantime. I was so touched by this that I had to share this story and the pictures with you 😉!
Please, see attachments below. P.S Puchi is our word for a big belly 😀.

Thanks for everything you do, you’re the best coach! We ❤️ you!




HAHA “Founder of ZuzkaLight.com (duh!)” So funny!  My favorite exercise is the hot dog swings! 🙂 So clever and so cute!!

I’ve also read on my facebook recently more stories about children becoming interested in exercising because they’re inspired by their parents.  From toddlers to teens, I think it’s super important to set up your children with a strong foundation of daily exercise and healthy habits because it makes it so much easier for them to maintain those habits as adults.  Think about it, if you exercise and eat right daily then that’s all your kids will ever know.  It won’t become a struggle or a chore for them to start up a fitness routine when they’re older and they’ll be less likely to ever struggle with their weight if they have a healthy mindset from early on.

What do you guys think?  Did your parents exercise daily, either way do you think that had an effect on your habits as an adult?  If you have children, do you involve them in your fitness routine in any way?  Share your thoughts and personal experience in the comment section below!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    torrance, ca, united states

    Hi Zuzka!

    I must admit that at first moment I hesitated in purchasing the 15minutes to fit book. As a Zgym member, I thought I already had enough information of exercising in your website. But as a book lover, I decided to please myself with a self holliday gift and… OMG, I’m so happy I decided to do so! Of course your website is amazing and it is more than enough informations for who wants to follow an exercise routine. But in the book I found a complete and consist access to all your life style in such a practical way! It brings just the right amount of information and its wrote in a way that makes the reader connect to you. In other words, I’m both learning and having fun while reading it!
    I shoul have known that coming from you it certainly would be an outstanding piece of work.

    Thank you for inspiring me to have a healthier lifestyle everyday, and even more now that o can take your book with me whenever I go. I wish you the best!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Thank you, I really appreciate it 🙂 I’m so happy you like the book so much.

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      Private Member  | 
      switzerland/, france

      Julia, I am in the same spot as I don’t know what else would the book bring to me that I don’t already have in the Zgym? except if I would get a signed copy ;)) I am the kind of person that likes to know the why’s behind doing things in a way rather than another way. However I trust Zuzka as I have been following for 5 years approx. Once in a while I like to read other’s input on the science behind things, but when it comes to fun, easy, challenging and accessible routines, Zgym is my Mecca ;)…a compass always brings me back here.

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        Private Member  | 
        torrance, ca, united states

        Haha, nice! Thanks for sharing that Laila 🙂

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