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Sharing Your Fitness Routine with Your Children

Fitness | December 31, 2015

I have to share this with you guys because it’s just too cute!  Copied below is a note I received from Cinthia, a member of my ZGYM, along with the pictures she shared with me.

I’m writing to you to share my Christmas surprise from my twelve year-old son. He pre-ordered your book ‘15 minutes to Fit‘. Because the book will be available only after the 5th of January, he made me a 15 minutes to Fit version in the meantime. I was so touched by this that I had to share this story and the pictures with you 😉!
Please, see attachments below. P.S Puchi is our word for a big belly 😀.

Thanks for everything you do, you’re the best coach! We ❤️ you!




HAHA “Founder of ZuzkaLight.com (duh!)” So funny!  My favorite exercise is the hot dog swings! 🙂 So clever and so cute!!

I’ve also read on my facebook recently more stories about children becoming interested in exercising because they’re inspired by their parents.  From toddlers to teens, I think it’s super important to set up your children with a strong foundation of daily exercise and healthy habits because it makes it so much easier for them to maintain those habits as adults.  Think about it, if you exercise and eat right daily then that’s all your kids will ever know.  It won’t become a struggle or a chore for them to start up a fitness routine when they’re older and they’ll be less likely to ever struggle with their weight if they have a healthy mindset from early on.

What do you guys think?  Did your parents exercise daily, either way do you think that had an effect on your habits as an adult?  If you have children, do you involve them in your fitness routine in any way?  Share your thoughts and personal experience in the comment section below!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    What a sweet son!!!

    My parents did not exercise daily so it wasn’t something that was naturally instilled me. My exercise “obsession” started out by simply not being able to fit into my jeans anymore. However, it was the not visible effects – increased self-esteem, more energy, improved mood – I could go on and on, that got me hooked for life. My exercise habit has seemed to be rubbing off on my 6 year old as he BEGS me to allow him to try and pick up my 20 lb and 25 lb kettlebell so he can show off how strong he is. He also likes to try and follow along on some of the body weight exercises sometimes too. I hope my example can help him develop good habits when he is older as well!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    ponte vedra beach, fl

    My mother has been anorexic since she was 14ish. Before anorexia had a name. She spent several months in the hospital and was told she would never have kids b/c she had done so much damage to herself. She never got real help and to this day has a negative body image and an unhealthy relationship with food. I was a chubbier kid but never wanted to end up like her. At 13 I ended up losing a lot of weight by eating fat free everything. Teachers became concerned and talked with me and I realized I had become a different version of exactly what I had vowed I’d never be. At 14 I became very interested in healthy eating and joined the YMCA where I would go after school to workout. Obviously I have evolved a boatload in 21 years. I’ve done all sorts of different workouts and my diet has greatly improved to a paleo diet. Unfortunately I have to start the autoimmune protocol this week due to adrenal fatigue and digestive issues. Physically though I’m in the best shape of my life now after joining zgym. I never dreamed I’d have such a sexy stomach after having 4 babies! My almost 2 year old works out with me every day and has watched me since I started working out from home a year ago. She has her own mat now and little weights and she’s working on perfecting her moves. 🙂 I’ll be involving my 14 year old now who is showing interest in being healthier. My boys that are 12 and 5 just like to pretend they can do pull-ups on my pull up bar. And they also can’t leave that darn exercise ball alone!! I have to hide it or it becomes a weapon…

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      Private Member  | 

      Hi Amy. I have had a similar experience as you. My mom had 2 older brothers that teased her about her weight incessantly until she starved herself down to -100 pds when she was 14. Unfortunately she never realized, and still doesn’t, how her eating habits affected me. I was put on a diet when I was in the first grade. She is a wonderful mom, she just sadly never had the tools to educate herself on diet and nutrition like we do today. Inadvertently though being put on diets at such a young age affected my self esteem so badly that I turned to junk food and ate my feelings away. I was never heavy, but I was on the road to getting there very soon. Not until I was 15 did I decide to do something about my lifestyle and nutrition. I started working out with a Jane Fonda, yes Jane Fonda, video I bought on clearance, changed my diet completely on my own, and jazzercised my way down 20 pds that summer. 🙂
      I joined a gym with a friend soon as I hit 16 & bought my first car, and have never looked back.
      After my daughter was born, I struggled again due to a toxic relationship. Once I regained my inner strength to pull out of that and find myself again, exercise was once again at the forefront of health for me.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    toronto, canada

    haha this is so adorable, my favourite part is the drawn on abs

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    los angeles, ca, usa

    Hahaha – moonwalk for 2 mins! Brilliant!

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      Private Member  | 
      seattle, washington

      That also struck me as the funnest exercise!

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    perth, western australia, australia

    I”ve always like exercising and sports during school days. But working life has pushed exercise down the list as work got busy etc. After marriage then started new busy life again but went back to do exercise from youtube just to spend sometimes with my daughter then 4 years old. Now i’ve been doing power yogo, arm balance and some bodyweight exercises with her. I always wanted to teach and show her the important of exercising and having healthy diet. I would like to keep doing this with her more. She is now 8 years old and has mastered handstand without wall and been trying to do handstand push up against wall. Think she has gone far ahead of me now😃. I will definitely won’t stop exercising and will continue to encourage her. It’s one of the best way to spend time with her and get fit.

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka,
    My son was so happy that you liked his little book! I’d like to say that since I started working out with you, you have inspired my whole family. My husband often does your Zwows & my 14 years-old daughter, she’s been following you for more than 2 years. She does your exercises daily before going to school. I’m so impressed with her discipline! On the weekends, we do them together. They are a great way to bond with kids. We want to be a good role model for our kids and the best way is teaching by example.
    We all ❤️ you! Thank you ! xoxo

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Hi Cynthia, that’s the best compliment I got in a while!! Thank you, I really appreciate it. I wish you and your whole family all the best in 2016! XOXO

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        Private Member  | 

        Thank you so much!!! 🙂

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    cardwell, queensland, australia

    That’s so awesome, what an inspiring young man. Zuzka, I’ve been following you for about 3 years now. I stumbled upon your workouts by accident while on Pinterest one day and I was hooked! I lost around 25kg doing your Zwows and changing my eating habits. My youngest daughter has taken an interest in training too, so much so that she was sneaking off with my mat, has claimed one of my jump ropes for herself and recently got into chin ups and pull ups. So Santa got her a pull up bar for Christmas. She was so excited she said it was exactly what she wanted! My daughter is 11 by the way and can do more chin ups than me!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    ellijay, ga, united states

    That’s just too awesome! What a super-creative way to come up with a placeholder while waiting for the book to arrive! 😀 HA! The moon-walking cracked me up, too! That’s great!! That’s such a wonderful thing, hearing of the whole family getting into it. Not only will it build good habits, it will also build good family memories!

    My parents would give my brother and myself incentives for running when we were young (middle school or so) — we’d write down a checkmark for each mile we would run. Upon hitting 50, we’d get something special. I’d usually run by myself, but I remember going on runs with my Dad, as well. 🙂 Through high school, my Mom, brother, and I would all go to the gym together. We’d all do hikes or bike rides together, too. Great stuff for together-time, and I feel it helped set up good habits as I grew! 😀

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Ok, that’s the cutest present! I love it-what a thoughtful kid with a great sense of humor. Keep up the good work, Mom!

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    What an awesome and hilarious gift! Kids are so creative! My mom has always been active and was careful with her diet. At times it made me self conscience about being overweight, but became an inspiration after I had kids and encouraged me to finally look after myself while being a caretaker. My 3 children have always been active, especially in martial arts. I’m excited to share your splits series with them! My 12 year old started doing your 5 minute workouts and bunny slope workouts this fall. And my 5 year old is a beast! She will give herself workouts and physical challenges all day long. I’m so glad that I can share you as a role model for my daughters, Zuzka! You’re making a big difference in the next generation.

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