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The Top Five Fitness Trends of 2017

Fitness | September 28, 2017

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) issued an annual report in 2016, which stated that trends such as wearable technology, body weight training, and even high-intensity interval training was bound to be huge in 2017.

Since we are now more than halfway through the year, a majority of these trends have greatly taken off and have found their place in the wellness and fitness world, many of which are here to stay.

From improved technology to fun new ways to work out, let’s take a look at some of the top fitness trends of 2017:

Wearable technology: Fitness trackers and smartwatches have both been popular holiday gifts for the last few years, and according to the ACSM, that trend won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. Brands like Apple, FitBit, and Garmin have been updating their wearable tech and have improved the accuracy of heart rate readings, GPS route tracking, move reminders, and so much more. Their features are designed to not only get you moving but to keep you going as well. With alert reminders to do things like stand up and breathe, wearable technology is quickly becoming a trend which can be easily integrated fully into your lifestyle.

HIIT: High-Intensity Interval Training, also referred to as HIIT, helps you burn calories faster by alternating between quick bursts of high-intensity exercise with short rest periods. When trying out a HIIT workout, you spend 12 to 30 minutes total combining repeated shorts bursts of work with short break periods. A 20-minute HIIT workout can burn around 190 calories per session and will help to keep your metabolism fired up long after you finish the routine. ZGYM is full of these type of workouts that are time saving and yet very effective.

Body Weight Training: These non-equipment workouts are quickly becoming popular in the fitness world. Not only are they seemingly easy to learn, but they can be modified to fit anyone’s ability level, and can be done just about anywhere. Get fit for free! Classic body weight moves include push-ups and pull-ups, but there are so much more to choose from. Start adding movements like squats, lunges, and even planks into your daily exercises. There are over 100 bodyweight workouts and 6 workout series in the ZGYM that focuses on bodyweight exercises. If you want to build your strength with calisthenics, you can start with the No-Equipment Needed Total Fitness Program in the ZGYM.

Aerial Yoga: If you are looking for an alternative workout, or something to replace your more traditional yoga class with, consider jumping into a silky sling and give the gravity-defying fitness trend aerial yoga a try. Channel your inner yogi meets acrobat/gymnast and enjoy the added health benefits; zero impact on your joints, extra cardio for example. This style of yoga is a great core workout and offers you a true mind-body experience.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    michigan, usa

    I do love my Fitbit. I’ve used one regularly for many years now. I know it’s not 100% accurate but approximate stats are good enough for me. Plus I use it as a watch, alarm, tracker when running, & stop watch. And of course we do all this trendy stuff (😉except areal yoga) in the zgym already. You were always ahead of the game when it comes to the fitness world zuzka!
    I do have a muscle question and hopefully my comment finds Z.
    I have noticed since we started to intensively train our glutes (around when we first stared the lifted butt series) that if I don’t do any heavy glute isolated exercises in about 4-5 days- my muscles actually get more sore than the day after doing an intense training day. I hope that makes sense. Like my butt is sore if I don’t train it with heavy weights after a couple days. Haha. Why is that?!? Is that good or bad?? Any one else know what I mean..?

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      It might be either very delayed post workout muscle soreness from the hard workout, or maybe we did other type of gluteal work in a different workout that targets the muscles on a different, maybe deeper level which may challenge the hip extensors more and cause soreness. Post workout muscle soreness is neither good or bad. It’s just a sign of muscle tissues being torn on a micro level which makes the muscles stronger as they heal, but not everyone has to experience the pain on a regular basis to make progress and see results.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    ellijay, ga, united states

    I have a Garmin Vivosmart as a tracker…but I actually got it because the company where I work has incentives where we earn “points” for various healthy activities. One of which is working out, and the tracker tracks it. We get to cash out the points for Amazon gift cards — LOL so the workouts here have been earning me gift cards IN ADDITION to keeping me in shape!

    Sadly, this monitor is HORRIBLE at tracking this kind of workout. A chest strap, I’ve found, is much better. Frequently, it will show my HR as 70 when it’s more like 170 (I’ve put on the chest strap and seen that the chest strap will say the high end and the wrist one the low end). SO…I take it with a grain of salt. I hope one day they’ll make the wrist monitors that are closer when monitoring this type of workout.

    What I DO love about the wrist monitor is that it tracks my sleep (since mine is typically not so good) and tells me when my deep sleep was and when my light sleep was, how much, etc. And the buzzing reminders to get up and get moving are very helpful (I try to use that time for pec stretches, too, to try to counterbalance my desk job). I do enjoy the graphs the watch provides, too! Really, even with the bad HR tracking (it’s fine for walking/running/cycling, I noticed), I still do love the watch (ha ha, and not just because it gets me “points”! 🙂 )

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Trends always make me *eyeroll* but especially when it comes to “gadgets” for fitness. Do you really think we evolved to require machines in order to stay fit?

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      Private Member  | 
      switzerland/, france

      it makes people more accountable I guess.

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      Private Member  | 
      kauniainen, finland

      “Do you really think we evolved to require machines in order to stay fit?”

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      ellijay, ga, united states

      Yeah, I bristle a little at the word “trend” as it implies “oh everyone else is doing it, so I guess I will too!” Ugh! I agree that there’s no NEED for machines to stay fit, for sure. When used incorrectly, a fitness gadget can be a hindrance: if someone were to get one because “everyone else has one, and getting one will get me fit” but then do nothing to change their fitness habits…that gadget is pointless. But used correctly, it can be a nice tool. Not a “needed” tool, but a nice one (particularly for visual people who like to see graphs and their stats over time). We weren’t created to require machines to stay fit, but we were given ingenuity. And it’s nice when that ingenuity can bring about something that might be of a little help. 🙂

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        Private Member  | 

        Very true!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      michigan, usa

      Well, would you judge people the same for using a treadmill instead of walking outside? or any other gym “machine” as a tool to stay fit and motivated? Online gyms, like the zgym, are a huge trend right now too. Is that eye roll worthy?
      Do people *need* fitness gadgets? No. But it’s a helpful tool that works for them.
      Just like an online gym.
      We evolved with the access to technology that provides us these gadgets, machines, and even Zuzka!
      Just another way to look at it instead of feeling judgmental about it.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    seattle, washington

    These trends are continuing from past years. Nothing is popping up as a completely new trend?

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    my personal feeling is mobility and natural movement should/is becoming more and more…maybe will be in the list of 2018 ?
    I am still the only one around, even at my gym doing “animal-flow” , mobility drills, floor Flow and climbing trees, jumping on haystacks 🙂

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      Private Member  | 

      That’s awesome!

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    melbourne, victoria, australia

    I guess I am going to stick to Z-Gym, works best for me so far 🙂

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hey! You should check out the October 2017 issue of Shape magazine. Sonequa Martin Green gives a little shout to Zuzka Light as one of the workouts she does at home online because of her hectic schedule. Very cool!

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