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Recipe Roundup: Keto-Friendly Desserts

Nutrition | October 05, 2018

There’s no shame in wanting a treat every now and then! But with keto, there’s always the risk of getting put out of ketosis with these occasional indulgences. Luckily, the way around it is by making your own. It’s possible to convert many of your favorite desserts into ketogenic-friendly recipes. Here are some of my top keto-friendly desserts. Trust me, they’re so good you wouldn’t even think about going back to ones you used to make.

All of these fall under the free-meal category, are low carb, and are especially good for those who follow my Keto Meal Plan or  are trying to maintain or get into ketosis. 


Sugar Free Mocha Ice Cream

Low Carb Coconut Chocolate Bonbons


Low Carb Almond Butter Cookies

Low Carb Macadamia Cookies

Cinnamon Pumpkin Cookies

Cakes, Pie, and Tarte:

Mini Raspberry Cheesecakes

Low Carb Pumpkin Mug Pie
Coconut Joy Chocolate Tarte

Low Carb Cinnamon Coffee Cake

Pastries and Other Goodies:

Low Carb Brownies With Peanut Butter Chocolate Layer

Low Carb Caramel Pecan Bars

Homemade Low Carb Chocolate

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    massachusetts, united states

    Love all the variety, thank you for all these yummy recipes, so many to choose from!!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka! I just want to Thank you for sharing your knowledge of keto with the world! With all the conflicting info out there it takes courage & bravery to put yourself out there-knowing your right cuz your results are living, breathing proof that your right- & then have to read all the negative comments against keto or ‘your way of keto’ is wrong. It would be frustrating for me personally but obviously your a very strong person & believe in yourself through all the ups & downs. So again, Thank you for your courage & knowledge. On a side note: you stuffing that keto cake in your mouth on instagram was so funny & human! Lol!! ❤

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I noticed that most of these recipes use almost a cup of sweeteners… is that healthy?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      ellijay, ga, united states

      I think since it’s a sugar alcohol, it’s just supposed to pass through the body, undigested. However, I’ve found that erythritol and other sugar alcohols bloat me like crazy, even in the smaller amounts (I suppose it’s different from person to person. Some people don’t have any issues with it. I know erythritol is the one that’s supposed to have the least impact as far as sugar alcohols go…but still! Whew!). I have to use stevia instead, which is too bad since it has the bitter side to it. I’ve found if you use JUST the right amount and not too much, it’s not so bitter. ALSO if it’s 100% pure and not cut in with other stuff, that helps. Since it’s sweeter, less is used, too. Because of that, I just measure to taste using liquid and a dropper, I do a drop or two then taste…and if it needs more, another drop or two until it tastes just right to me.

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      Private Member  | 
      ft. lauderdale, fl, usa

      I don’t think that there’s enough research done on this topic to answer your question. It’s supposed to go through us without getting absorbed, however so does saccharine and that’s a pretty controversial sweetener with potential to be cancerous. Honestly, it’s a question that I’ve been struggling with the most, what is better, using a cup of sugar or a cup of sugar alcohol? With sugar we know what it does to us, destabilizing blood sugar, supporting inflammation, supporting cravings and appetite.. with sugar alcohols we can’t be quite sure yet.
      In my opinion it’s the best to stay away from the sweet taste in general. And after being keto for 8 weeks, sweet stuff isn’t so tasty anymore anyway.. it’s just the craving that makes me eat sweets and I usually end up being disappointed because the sweets are just not as good as they used to be..

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