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Who is Zuzka Light?

Blog | August 21, 2018


Zuzka Light is a leading fitness personality, fostering millions of followers worldwide. She is also an author, movement and mobility specialist, certified holistic health & fitness coach, and a certified life coach.

Her career as a fitness expert began in 2008, when she co-founded the BodyRockTV brand and garnered a strong fan base across the globe. In doing so, she became one of the biggest influences in health and fitness, thanks to her unique style, voice, and personality. Many of her workout and travel videos became viral hits on YouTube, catching the attention of a Los Angeles-based production company. 

Zuzka then moved to LA in 2012, where she was hired to shoot the ZCUT POWER CARDIO SERIES. It would prove to successfully become the #1 best-selling fitness DVD on Amazon.com in 2013. More than thirteen best-selling DVDs would soon follow, helping to convert her powerful explosive workouts into an accessible, comprehensive fitness program. 

In 2014, Zuzka started her own production company- Zuzka Light Productions LLC-, followed by her online subscription club known as the ZGYM on her website, ZuzkaLight.com. With its enormous library of workouts, fitness programs, and meal plans, the ZGYM has helped to transform the lives of thousands of its members. 

The following year in December of 2015, Zuzka published the book 15 Minutes to Fit- The Simple 30 Day Guide to Total Fitness 15 Minutes at a Time. Taking the guess work out of daily training, the book is designed to motivate and provide you the tools for starting a healthy lifestyle and achieving the body you always wanted. 

 It includes:

  • A 30-day exercise plan for fat loss and strength, which can be done in just fifteen minutes a day in the comfort of your own home.
  • Clear instructions and step-by-step photography of every move for proper form and technique.
  • Accompanying meal plan featuring delicious, healthy recipes for each day.
  • Essential tips and inspiration from Zuzka herself, coming to you as someone who overcame the odds in order to become the female face of fitness.

What I Do:

At-Home, Online Workouts:

My ZGYM is where I share a weekly workout schedule and post brand-new routines every week. It features a variety of full-length, real-time workouts, and a wide variety of programs for you to choose from: Beginners, Yoga, Body-Weight Only, Kettle Bell, Jump Rope, Postural Therapy, Mixed-Equipment, and so much more! I’m always adding a new workout series to keep your routines from ever getting boring or repetitive. Instead, you’re constantly challenging and improving yourself in new ways, which keeps you motivated and consistent towards reaching your fitness goals. My hope is to prove that you can get amazing results with 10-20-minutes of intense workouts per day, all without ever having to leave your house.

Smart, Effective Training:

The workouts I do are designed to be short and sweet. They’re meant to push your body to the max using the least amount of time as possible. My approach involves an innovative format wrapping together an assortment of cardio and complex movement-based exercises. While the exercises alone aren’t always complicated, when put together in this very format, they become quite challenging. In the end, your body will be under-going incredible changes. So no more long, drawn-out aerobics or bland, basic bodybuilding moves. My workouts are forever evolving and constantly stimulating. There’s no boredom, with new challenges waiting for you at any given moment.

Guided Meal Plans and Nutrition:

Just like I offer an array of workout programs and styles, I also provide meal plans based on several nutritional approaches. For instance, there’s one centered largely on the power of plants, and another one focusing on low carb, high fat. Moreover, these meal plans all have an important element: taking the tricky guess work over what to eat and doing it for you. Many experts tell you what to eat, but they never dive deep on what that actually looks like! That’s where my meal plans come in. They’ll be guiding you throughout the whole process, programming all of your main meals, snacks, and grocery lists. They even provide helpful tips like managing cravings, controlling portion sizes, and eating intuitively. Outside of these meal plans, I provide tons of free recipes and information on nutrition on my site, covering an even bigger array of topics like the power of whole foods, eating for recovery, and learning how to find the best diet for YOUR unique self. 

Inspiration Through Lifestyle:

When I workout, I let people see that I’m human just like them- struggling, but using my own determination to push myself even further. With this example, my aim is to motivate others to push themselves and do the same. Working out and living this fitness-based lifestyle has helped me tremendously. It lifted me from the negative influences that came into my younger life. I am eternally grateful that I found this calling- it’s why I want to share my passion with as many people as people. Ultimately, I’m out to change lives, not just bodies. Fitness does more than a body good- it shapes up your mind and spirit. 

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hello Zuzka and beautiful ladies …. I’m 54 years young, 5 feet tall and weigh in at 110 lbs.,and I’ve decided that being thin is boring to me. I look in the mirror every day and I want to be strong, fit and defined. After deciding to get serious about fitness and bored with lifting weights and squatting three days a week, I needed a boost. Last night I signed up with the gym and did a kettle-ball workout this morning. WOW! It was such a nice refreshing challenge. I’m eager to see how I’ll look in a few months. Thank you for all the work you do Zuzka, to make this site so informative and helpful. To your health, Alicia from south Texas, USA. 🙂

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      Private Member  | 

      how are you now, a year after Alicia? hope still actively following Zuzka?

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      Private Member  | 

      Nice challenge Alicia, I’m 57 years “young ” 5.6 feet tall and weigh 145 lbs. And I started a few months a go with Bunny Slope Beginner Workout Program. I’m nearly finished. I lost some fat I was at 33% and now I’m 29 % …that is good ! I no want to lost too much weight but fat Yes !!! Thank you Zuzka ♥♥♥
      Catherine from France 😉
      Sorry for my english

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    atlantic beach, fl

    Zuzka. simply incredible routines!!!! As a former collegiate athlete and current marathon runner and tri-athlete, I am looking forward to finally getting into the best shape of my life! 🙂 Thanks for sharing & continued success!


  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I was wondering Zuzka, which type of Yoga training/ schooling have you taken? I am hoping to take my yoga training in the future, and I really enjoy your style.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Way to go Z! My hat off to you. Wish you continued success and happiness. <3

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    san antonio, texas

    Don’t know HOW I missed this article?! Thank You Z for sharing yourself with all of us. You are such an inspiration to All of us…. I really feel empowered that “I can do this “, for whatever fitness/health goals, business goals,etc….
    ZGYM has truly become my place for learning in all aspects.


  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    ft lauderdale, fl, usa

    Like Lisa, I don’t know how I missed the article either but I saw Lisa’s post and read it.
    Zuzka you are the epitome of a true professional. Amazing! I am 59 and I have worked out all my life. However, as I got older I didn’t see the results that I always had before. My body was changing (not in the good way) and my workouts weren’t keeping up. A few years back, I did two rounds of P90X in an attempt to see if it would make a difference. It did. Although I have always maintained a healthy weight, I did gain some muscle and tone (I got hurt midway through 2nd round, hurt my shoulder and neck area). Problem was that it is not a sustainable plan. Long daily workouts that became boring and repetitive. Then I found you Zuzka. First on Bodyrock (then I lost you, you disappeared) and then on ZGYM. Your workouts are shorter and better than the P90X by far. The constant change and challenge, the creativity in the workouts, the education and reminder of maintaining form, stretching, postural therapy, etc… YOU are amazing, it is clear you love what you do. I am in the best shape of my life and I get stronger everyday. Muscle, tone and sculpting like never before. People (of all ages) ask me constantly what I do to stay fit, I send them straight to ZGYM. You are a gift! You change both bodies and lives. Thank you. m

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Hi M, I’m so happy to hear that you enjoy ZGYM workouts so much. It makes me appreciate what I do even more! And thank you for spreading the word.

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        Private Member  | 
        ft lauderdale, fl, usa

        I’m not one to post often but you deserve all the good press you can get. Amazing. m

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      Private Member  | 

      It is a beautiful recognition, i agree with you MM

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka you are truly a gift. It took my friend a year for her to convince me to try one of your wo’s. I’ve always loved wo’ing out at the gym. With kids, I was needing more time in my day and I finally decided to look into your wo’s. That day after I did my first wo of yours, I cancelled my gym membership and have been following you ever since for the past 5 years. I’m in the best shape of my 51 year young life! You are genuinely such a good person and so fun to wo with haha! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for all you do. I am grateful every day for you.

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