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ZGYM™ Community
On Black Diamond #3 – Upper Body & Abs
What can I use if I dont have a pull up bar equipment?
On Control & Cardio #6
Cardio: 28kg kettlebell swings x 15, paired with jumping split squats (I made it extra challenging) and alternating side kicks x 20 per leg. ...
On Control & Cardio #6
Cardio: 28kg KB for the swings x 15 + jumping split squat (I made it more challenging for myself) and side kick x 20 alt leg 13 kg KB for the ...
On Jump Rope Cardio Kettlebell X #1
KB is my most favourite way to target my core. This workout is great. Short, sweat, sweaty on point without too much fuss, songs etc around ...
On Live Empowered #30 | Self Love Practice
Thank you sis,words of wisdom. I need to have a better self-talk and become the turtle and not the hare. Thank you for being my role model. I did ...
On 15 Minute Fat Burn #4 X
Очень понравилась тренировка, утром вместо зарядки, осоебенно хорошо после силовой, т.к тело все болело. После HIIT лучше ощущения в теле, ...
On Live Empowered #30 | Self Love Practice
Never a failure ! If you keep saying that to yourself you will believe it. Just keep getting back up on the horse and try not to do all or ...