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No Abs? Time to Bust a Gut!

Health | February 05, 2018

Have you done everything you can to get abs? You’ve done your homework, training your entire core– from the obliques to the erectors-, nailed your diet according to your body type and special needs, and figured out the best way to train for you (such as following a weekly workout schedule like the ones I put up in the ZGYM). But there is one thing standing in your way, in spite of all your best efforts:

Your digestion.

Think about it: your abs are spread over your belly, which you are trying to tone and flatten. If it’s always upset, it’s going to be more likely to blow up like a balloon and struggle to digest the nutritious food you’re eating to support your training.

What are some signs that your digestive system is out of whack?

Pay attention to your bowel habits. I know it’s something many of us are embarrassed to talk about, but if you’re trying to get abs while dealing with a poor stomach, then I urge you to pay attention to your digestion.

If you’re constantly dealing with inconsistent stools (aka, poop) like diarrhea, constipation, or switching between the two, that’s a dead-on sign that something isn’t right. Another obvious sign to look out for? Bloating. And not just period bloating for us girls. I’m talking about bloating that doesn’t stop even when you’re not on your period. The kind that leaves you looking nine months pregnant and ready to deliver at any moment. As for when it happens, it could be after meals, at the end of the day, or even when you wake up. One thing is for sure: it’s a nuisance.

Another thing to look out for is gas (and lot’s of it). Think of it like Jaws, sneaking up when you least expect it- and when it arrives, all terror breaks loose. You feel it building up inside of you, and when it comes out- take cover! Even worse, sometimes, it’s trapped inside of you, causing not only bloating but also a lot of discomfort.

On that note, many people with digestive issues deal with cramps. Anywhere from moderate to severe types of cramps that happen sporadically. If these cramps continue and are becoming incredibly painful, you should see a doctor ASAP.

All of these side effects are your body’s way of communicating that something is wrong. If someone were crying out for help, you wouldn’t ignore them; treat your body the same way!

First and foremost, if any of these symptoms cause any intense pain and making your life a living hell, seek medical attention. They could be signs of serious issues like Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD). You could also have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which is actually quite common and yet another sign that your digestion is imbalanced.

If you want to reveal that inner six-pack, and some of these side effects occur a lot, then it’s time to bust a gut! The solution is to start giving your belly a little extra TLC. Here are the top five ways to do it:

  1. Keep a food journal. For one week, keep track of all of the foods you are eating, and how you feel after consuming them. Write about your bowels, too; were your bowels “backed up” on Tuesday, and very “loose” on Thursday? Was Saturday the day you became the Goodyear Blimp? Follow your meals and symptoms to see if any specific foods are affecting your digestion. Once you do that, cut out that food for a few days, and have it again. If you’re reacting negatively to that food, then you might have an intolerance to it. Some foods to keep an eye out include gluten, dairy, and soy, as well as processed foods and drinks like soda, take-out meals, frozen desserts, and baked goods.

There are other foods to keep track of if you have frequent bloating, which I’ve covered in an article here. Consider them suspicious suspects when it comes to battling the bloat!

  1. Support Your Gut Bugs. There are trillions are beneficial bacteria in our body’ many of which play a part in how we digest our digest. They are very complex organisms, and science has yet to figure out all of their unique functions. What we do know however is that there are many different species and strains of bacteria that impact our appetite, mood, and digestive efficiency. One way to ensure we have enough good bacteria is to load up on plenty of fiber-rich, colorful foods like fruits and vegetables, which are prebiotic. Prebiotic foods- like apples– don’t get broken down by stomach acids or enzymes, but are instead undigested and left to ferment in the colon by our healthy, friendly bacteria. These foods help to nurture good bacteria while at the same time starve out bad bacteria that are prone to causing a lot of mischief and imbalance in the digestive system.
  1. Eat Fermented Foods. Now that you know about prebiotic foods, it’s time to know about probiotic foods. Good bacteria are also known as probiotics- they’re the healthy residents in our gut that help to keep our digestion in tip-top-shape. But they’re also found in certain types of foods known as fermented foods. Beneficial, live bacteria are abundant in foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, sourdough bread, yogurt, and kefir, all of which are fermented for a certain period of time to allow these healthy bugs to flourish. The benefits of eating fermented foods over taking a probiotic as a pill include getting in extra fiber, vitamins and minerals, and spending less money. You can even make your own at home, like I do. By loading up on these foods, you continue to add and support your beneficial bacteria that help with digestion (and tackle imbalances like bloating!).
  2. Soothe Your Belly. When an upset stomach starts rearing its ugly head, one of the first things we should do is try to calm it down. We should try to look to mother nature first before popping any pills. Look to foods and herbs like ginger, peppermint, fennel, chamomile, licorice, aloe vera, bone broth, herbal tea, and lemon water.

Bone broth in particular is excellent for those of you with intestinal permeability, or leaky gut, helping to heal and seal up open gaps in the intestinal tract. Herbal tea is also like liquid medicine depending on the combination of herbs it’s brewed with. My Fairy Blend Relax and Digest Tea combines a blend of calming herbs that help to calm the body, mind and stomach to improve digestion and total relaxation. If you’re prone to gas and bloating, you should definitely keep a cup of this tea on hand!

Lemon water helps to naturally cleanse your body of toxins, rejuvenate your skin, and improve digestion. Having a sip of this in the morning as soon as you wake up will help to kick start your digestion and flush out any un-welcome gunk out of your body. It’s also a good to drink when you have bloating.

  1. Lower Inflammation. Inflammation isn’t necessarily bad- when temporary, it helps our body to fight off infections and deal with injuries. In the long term, chronic, uninterrupted inflammation starts to create problems like cancer, diabetes, and, yes, even everyday problems like acne and bloating! The first step is to remove pro-inflammatory foods like processed and fast foods, vegetable oil, MSG, and soda. There are more foods to look into as well, which I cover here. The second step is to bring down the inflammation by eating anti-inflammatory foods. Some of these include turmeric, berries, and salmon. For a longer list of anti-inflammatory foods, take a look at my article here. The goal here is to put out the fire, which will lead to a better digestive system, leaving you with a happy, bloat-free stomach.

And there you have it! By spending some time to get to know your digestion, you’ll understand how important it is to support it. Try these tips out, and see if you’ve finally been able to bust a gut and reveal those six pack abs. 

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thanks Z. Very useful tips!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Why there is only one new workout per week for last three weeks? Thanks

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      There are always 3 new workouts a week. There’s one for beginners, one for Wednesday which is typically for intermediates/advanced and another one on Tuesdays that is also for intermediates or advanced.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    nürnberg, germany

    thank you! I am always bloated, cause i love cauliflower, brokkoli and especially cabbage…not too good to get rid of bloating although it’s veggies…any advice here?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      Hi Sabine. I eat lots of those same veggies too. Have you tried drinking a glass of water with a cap full of raw cider vinegar before your meals? Another idea is to have digestive enzymes beforehand….or eat them with tablespoon of fermented veggies.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        nürnberg, germany

        I drink always plenty of water…but i will try the cider and the fermented foods. Thanks!!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      ohio, usa

      Try eating fermented foods to them. Like Zuzka said in the article, probiotics love these foods. They will not only help you digest them, but they also help you get more nutrients from them! Win win!

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka, I have been noticing that I’m slightly intolerant to dairy, so I did cut down on cheese & milk. I feel much better now. Thanks for the tips! Have great day! xoxo

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This is ALL soo true! From personal experience I found that food journals are hard to do and truly find out which of the foods you ate bothered you. After many many years of eating spot on “perfect” and still feeling and looking bloated, I got the IGG blood test to check for food allergies. Now that I know very specifically what NOT to eat, I feel so much better and yes, you can see your abs that we have all been training to get. Like Zuzana has said many times, what works for her doesn’t always work for each of us, Listen to your body. Your guts will thank you for it!

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    sorry I meant to say I had the IgE allergy test done. The IgE is different than the igg test.

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Mind reader this is perfect timing thank you so much for this article 😄

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    santiago, chile

    Great article! So useful, I’m starting with the food and digestive journal to improve this, thanks Z!

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    yilan city, taiwan, taiwan

    My digestion is excellent (i’ll spare the details), probiotics and fermented foods all the time, my weakness is sugar, sweets, carbs. I know everyone was on the gluten-free train, turn paleo, now low carb/keto, but I just don’t have the willpower and I know that even working out as hard as I do, I will never see cut abs like Zuzka because of my sugar addiction. I live by 2 excellent bakeries, a Frenchman who imports all his ingredients and the other imports all their flours from Germany, so I tell myself, well its wheat and sugar, but at least it’s not processed. Is the lack of willpower a matter of not wanting cut abs bad enough to give up these bakeries? I think I need help clarifying my motivation or lack thereof.

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I just started brewing komboocha, so I totally get what you say about fermented foods. Great tips! I have been gassy lately, I went from carnivore to veggie and a lot of the veggies give me gas so I will try a food journal to figure out which one give me more gas than others. thanks for your tips, great info!

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