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Travel Friendly Workouts

Blog | November 05, 2018

With the holiday season coming up on its last stretch, many of us might be wondering if we’ll have to abandon our fitness goals while we travel around to meet with friends and family. It’s easy to give up and forget working out altogether when we’re stuck in a hotel or guest room and away from our normal routine. But just because you don’t have access to a gym or equipment does not mean you can’t workout effectively.

Starting off, if you can bring a laptop with you and access the Internet, then there’s no reason why you can’t join me in the ZGYM! Place the computer on a bed, nightstand, or dresser, and select a workout. It’s as easy as that!

But I know what you might be thinking-

That sounds great, but my hotel doesn’t have a gym.

If you don’t go to a gym at home, what makes a hotel any different? There’s no reason why you can’t workout in your hotel room! I’ve done it before- Boston, Las Vegas, Idaho– and I always feel good after I’m done. I’m less stiff, cranky, and achy, and overall a happy camper. Here’s a quick Hotel Workout if you’re short on ideas.

And don’t let your environment intimidate you! Even the smallest space is big enough for you to workout in, as I’ve shown in this Small Space Bodyweight Workout.

But what if I don’t have any equipment?

Trust me, it’s not impossible to train effectively without equipment. Your body is your own gym. And I’ve got you covered- there are tons of bodyweight-only routines for you to do. You can also try one or a combination of the following series that require zero equipment:

Bodyweight Beginner Series

Body Crush

Legs Like a Dancer

Power Yoga

If you don’t have access to the ZGYM, then write down some of these routines on a piece of paper and take them with you. Or create your own workouts! To help you get started, here are 30 Bodyweight Exercises for you to use. If you know how to do this right, then you’ll definitely be keeping yourself in amazing shape. Play around with different sets, times, repetitions, and combinations.

But I’m on vacation! I don’t want to think about working out!

As crazy as this sounds, you’ll actually feel energized after doing a workout despite being out on the road. Our body likes to move, and as I’ve written about before, exercise is great for our mental health. Beyond burning calories and shaping our body, exercise also helps us to relax, focus, and feel good. The holidays tend to stress many of us out as it is, so why not do something that gives you multiple benefits? Don’t look to exercise as punishment- see it as a reward! You’re investing in your health and well-being, and looking good is just a great side effect.

Don’t let your travels keep you down! It’s your body, and your rules. Stay consistent with these tips, and let me know how you stay in shape while on the go or during the holidays.

(PS- if you have room, pack some exercise clothes! That way you’ll have a reminder to stay consistent with your training. If you’re looking for something different, functional, and fashionable, then try out my new active wear line!)

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    massachusetts, united states

    I went on a 10 day cruise earlier this year and worked out everday! I was up early and got it out of the way so I could do what I wanted for the rest of the day. I felt great and not so guilty when I overindulged in drink and food. I took pics of your body crush wo breakdown and did one of those every day. It was perfect! Zuzka you kept me motivated , I imagined you sitting on my shoulder , saying lets do this!!!!!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    thank you for summing up these workouts. they are very useful even for busy days.

    I usually do exercise at least a little bit when visiting my family but probably not as intense as I do at home plus I do a lot of walking and other activities when I am there (I am also originally from the Czech Rep, so enjoying forrest and mountain biking etc 🙂 ), however I find it difficult to exercise when on holiday. I usually skip workouts during my holiday. I travel very light and try to save my T-shirts as much as possible haha 😀 also I very often travel to Asia where it is very humid climate, so not feeling like more sweat. Funny thing is, I always lose some weight when travelling even I do not exercise, my eating is not as great and sometimes I am even not as active (long travels in bus etc). But I always look forward for workouts after and also feel all my small injuries and pains disappear after holiday 🙂

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