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My Food Journal - From December 12th to January 1st

Workout Schedules | January 01, 2016

The past 3 weeks in December where really crazy busy and hectic for me and I totally dropped the ball on my food journal. I didn’t remember to take a picture before every meal, but I did remember to eat healthy for 90% of the time!

I’ll be better with my food journaling again starting tomorrow. I’ve been also working on a new meal plan that will contain a lot of cool information and the latest and greatest from nutrition science. It’s been keeping me super busy, but I’ve never been so excited to sit on my butt in front of the computer and work on something so detailed 🙂




Snack – orange, 1 low carb chocolate bonbon



















High Intensity Training

We were out for the rest of the day and I didn’t take pictures of what I was eating.

Lunch – chicken salad (FM)

Dinner – Nachos (WEM)



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The Week of December 19th




Pre-Workout Protein Drink and then high intensity training

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SUNDAY – Christmas Day

I didn’t take any picture, I didn’t work on anything and I didn’t do any workout or stretching. It was all about spending the time with our family and loved ones. I did eat some finger food during the day, but not too much. I had a few drinks and then we had a really delicious dinner. Roasted beef with roasted veggies and an apple pie with ice cream for dessert.



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What the heck did I eat yesterday?? I have no idea, all I know it was healthy and low in carbs 🙂 I did not do a workout.


SUNDAY – Moderate Fast Day



I did my Stretch & Tone workout


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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    melbourne, australia

    A haha! Thank you for sharing and Happy New Year!!!!
    The food journal is funny and honest)

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thanks for the food journal! However, I had no idea that potatoes are considered FM, since they are actually full of carbs.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      I’m thinking the same thing…

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Me neither until I did some research lately. I didn’t consider the possibility of boiled potatoes being ok because they don’t raise the blood sugar levels. Now if you bake the potato or make fries, you’re back to WEM.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Hi Zuzka my love!
        Could you please share that research or article with us? I would love to know if i could fit some boiled potatoes into my diet as well (:


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        Private Member  | 
        caseyville, illinois

        Great research! I had learned the same and they are suppose to be even better if they are left to cool due to the resistant startch. i am so happy about this as i find that going low carb full time sometimes leaves me wanting a little something, like not so satisfied, but having a little potatoe hits the spot and i can go all day with no cravings! The same does not work if i have eziekel bread or oatmeal, etc., i find myself craving; but not with boiled potatoes.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Lots of white potatoes on the menu. I eat them every day and love them – superfood in my books. I didn’t know they were considered low carb though – in that case I have been low carb my whole life without knowing : )

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    belgrade, serbia

    Im very excited to see potatoes at FM. Great food journal.

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Did you start adding starchy carbs since potatoes are more WEM?

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    prague, czech republic

    I don’t understand why potatoes should be FM and corn, which is only vegetables WEM…

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      That’s a good question, both of them are foods high in carbs but don’t rank high on glycemic index. They can be considered as WEM for someone who has a very low carb tolerance or follows a very strict low carb diet. For someone who’s very active and has a good carb tolerance, these foods are considered FM. I chose to mark them as WEM because there are a lot of people that come to my website to lose fat, and the fastest and healthiest way to do so is by cutting down on carbs. Those are the people that need more guidance.

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        Private Member  | 

        I’m excited to see the potatoes on the menu. I’m still trying to lose weight, so occasionally having them shouldn’t be so bad. Can’t wait for the new meal guide. I am fascinated with how the GI lowers when boiling them. I love doing nutrition research!

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        colorado springs, co

        Indeed, boiled potatoes in their skin, with moderation of course are considered as a fat burner food!! A friend of mine, did weight watchers few years ago and she lost 44 pounds in 3 months!!! eating a lot of potatoes in their skin. it is said that the skin is good to burn the fat. So, welcome the potatoes in your diet. Just boiled ones!!!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Happy new year! Awesome, that you manage to keep your healthy diet even in stressful times! Regarding the potatoes it’s quite interesting. As far as I know potatoes are especially beneficial when cooked and cooled, thus the carbohydrate structure turns into ingestible resistant startch which results in an overall much lower GI (though I think the overall glycemic load is much more important healthwise, than the GI by itself since we rarely eat one type of food alone) and has multiple health benefits like increasing satiety and contributing to a healthy gut flora. Same for some legumes. So go for potato salads with beans :). Xoxo Diana

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      caseyville, illinois

      I have read that about cooling boiled potatoes also. Have you ever searched where people by resistant starch powder and take it before bed, i think as it is suppose to be good for the gut.

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Looks so good! Now that I’m not sick anymore I have to workout again 🙂

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    medicine hat, alberta, canada

    I am extremely excited and looking forward to your new research info…thanx Z. I love that red top with the straps in the back wow it is quite flattering. Meowsers I want one too….

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I am curious. What makes the apple with mango chutney a WEM .?

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      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      This one had added sugar. I got it from Jesse’s aunt who makes it at home. If you can do one without the added sugar, then it could be FM

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        Private Member  | 

        Good morning Zuz. This has nothing to do with the comment above but I wanted to write you privately… I have to say I admire you greatly for what you have done and what you are still doing! The way you Never Give Up has inspired me. I have been following along with your workouts for about 5 years. I have noticed ,in that time ,the care and dedication that you put in to everything you do. You are one of a kind Zuz. In a world of “flash in the pan ” fitness (here today gone tomorrow) you have stuck with it! I love the way you don’t follow the trends in fitness. It is obvious that you do your research in diet and exercise and while you stay up to date you don’t follow all of the foolishness that is out there. You tell us the truth (weather we want to hear it or not ) that true fitness is a life long daily adventure. I like what you said one time….you said ” I never take my body for granted ” …that really stuck with me. Also Zuz I wanted to let you know that while I was googling your workouts one day many years ago , I found some news about your past. PLEASE LISTEN . I work with women in the Tampa Florida area who have been trapped in that life (however it is no life at all , it is survival). But now THEY ARE LIVING! Daily they are realizing that they can do it . They Can live a full, abundant , joy filled life. Knowing that you went through that time and came out the other side makes me admire you even more! Most people see you as just a body and want what you have so they follow you, but I want to let you know that I see MORE . I see a beautiful sweet spirit that has conquered incredible odds and is so giving that she could not keep it to herself so she is sharing that NEVER GIVE UP attitude with whoever will listen! Someone a long time ago tried to take your future from you, but you overcame! You are living your God given purpose! How fulfilling that must be for you. I have even seen the struggle that you have gone through when people have tried to take your vision and change it and make it theirs…for their profit…but you never fell for it…you never compromised….you were determined to never sell yourself again. God loves you Zuz. You have a message to share.
        Ephesians 2:10
        Blessings to you,

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