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3 Day Shape Up for Your Last Minute Event

Fitness | November 13, 2014

We all have been there. Sometimes life happens and we get caught up in work so we put our fitness on a back burner. While I always suggest to stay consistent to keep yourself in top shape at all times, I understand that sometimes it’s not just excuses that keep us from daily exercise. From my personal experience, we try a lot harder even under the same life conditions, when there’s an unexpected special event coming up that we were invited to. Suddenly we get this wake up call and realize that we would like to be in a better shape and we are willing to take the time and effort, but there’s one problem. The event is a last minute thing and we have only 3 days to get ready.

Trust me I do too try a lot harder, whenever there’s a special occasion, and I think that this little bit of pressure can be actually a good start towards becoming more consistent.
This 3 day workout schedule will help you to get your body tighter, stronger and sexier, for your upcoming special event. Also keep in mind that exercise helps with confidence, skin, and mood. All the endorphins are going to make you feel happier, and as Audrey Hepburn once said, the prettiest girls are the happiest girls 🙂




Day #1:

Morning workout: Cardio Shred #3

Evening workout: Body Crush #5  followed by Power Yoga #1

Day #2:

Morning workout: BodyCrush #3 X

Evening workout: Kettlebell workout followed by Power Yoga #2


Morning Workout: JRCX #2

Evening Workout: Cardio Shred #4 X followed by Power Yoga #3




Start your day with a bullet proof coffee – I use only 1tbsp of grass fed butter, 1tbsp of coconut oil and I blend it with a hot good quality coffee. It will give you energy for your morning workout without making you feel heavy. Your post workout meal should contain good quality protein, in form of meat, egg whites, or whey. You can also enjoy some carbs such as oats, whole grains, legumes, or sweet potatoes, but don’t go over the limit. Your portion for protein should be the size of the palm of your hand and the portion size for starchy carbs is whatever fits into your cupped hand. Healthy fats such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil or nuts and seeds should be included, but keep the portions really small. About the size of your thumb. When it comes to veggies, you can load up on them, because they are full of nutrients and super low in calories.

For the rest of the day, try to stick with low carb FM recipes. You can find quite a few of them in my Nutrition Category. Just look for recipes that have FM in their title. Drink water, green tea, black coffee, ginger tea, herb tea, or lemon water. Avoid alcohol, diet sodas, Lattes, and basically any drink that contains sugar, and calories. You can have coconut water, but make sure that it doesn’t have added sugar.
Have fun with your training and good luck with your event. I’m sure you’ll be just stunning as always beaming with happiness!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    las vegas, nv, usa

    Thank you Z for this, I know I’ll need it especially after the Thanksgiving hoilday.
    Love the new website. Love what you do..you’re AWESOME!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    czech republic

    that is exactly what I need now 😀 My last 2 weeks really sucked, so I want to get in shape back quite quickly :)) Thank you 🙂

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I love this ! 🙂
    Zuz, could you please share some daily meal plans? I have a problem with spacing meals, adding healthy carbs and eating enough proteins. I love your recipes btw 😉

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Awesome absolutely spot on z love zgym! Thank thank u for this!!! 🙂 🙂

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    This is EXACTLY what I needed now.
    It is amazing! Absolutely unbelievable that you come up with this topic and a concrete solution!

    I thank you s o m u c h , Z, for helping me with what is ahead of me!


  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I am a very affraid of trying this schedule though,
    because last week I have just done the beginner class in ZGym and was so extremenly sore for two and a half days afterwards.

    I am just afraid of not being able to work on Monday.. 🙁 donno if I should give it a try,
    no the other side, my dance show is coming up and it is really important to me to have the best fitness I can have and be in the best possible shape for me…

    So actually I am afraid of both: I will be sore if I workout OR I will be unfit if I do not workout..

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      I’d say go for it. Just make sure that you’re doing everything to help with muscle recovery: deep tissue massage, gentle stretching throughout the day, eat food with anti-inflammatory properties, drink ginger tea… Once your body adapts to these workouts, you’ll be getting stronger without being sore.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        I was so happy to see, you have answered. Thanks!

        I will try and organize this schedule, then report back.

        Have a great Saturday!


    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      or, usa

      Z is right! When I first started I was SOOOOOO sore for almost a week, but after my body got more used to it I was never that sore again. I still get a tad sore once in a while but I rarely get real sore anymore. You’re body will get used to it quickly. Also, I like to take epsom salt baths. They are relaxing and have a ton of benefits including relieving sore tired muscles. Have fun!!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    san antonio, texas, united states

    Love the twice a day workout schedule, I am definitely going to be doing this!!!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Thanks so much for the guidance to get back on track .I have not exercised regularly for months now and even the 5 min workouts became a challenge for me. As a result I gaind 5 kgs in a short period of 6 months and now I cant seem to shed even a gram of it. Will have to try this kind of schedule not only for three days but 2 weeks but I guess i will end up taking twice as long to finish the workout due to my current fitness level. I need to believe I CAN and NOT GIVE up on myself

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      Dont give up. I love to drink wine and beer and am having to realize that is not the best for me. Lets motivate each other. Lets do the 4 day plan and go from there. Follow the eating plan and no alcohol too!!!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      or, usa

      Go Aadiela!!!!! I usually do two workouts everyday and it’s really helped me to see results fairly quickly. You can do it!! You’ve got all us Warriorz behind you. Something that helps me when my motivation hits a low is to look through pictures of FIT women. Not skinny. FIT. Instead of just wishing i looked like that I’ve decided I can and I will and so can you!!!!!

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi Zuzka what was your take on the ketogenic diet? Is Jessie still following this diet?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      He is, I’m not because for me it’s too much sacrifice 🙂 I’d rather earn my carbs then give up on them completely. He likes it because it has a good impact on his energy levels.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        astoria, or, usa

        I did a ketogenic diet for a little while but couldn’t stick to the almost no carb thing; I gained all the weight back 3-fold! I haven’t cut back on the fat but added back the carbs (and I’ve just been terrible with my diet lately too). I have no concept of calories or how much one should eat; I know you don’t count calories, but roughly how many calories do you think you should be eating doing these workouts? I entered what I thought was a good day of eating into this app and it was 2900 calories, 65% from fat. I just don’t know what my goal should be. I have a similar build as yours (probably because I do your workouts), am about 5’8″ and currently just over 130 (but my goal is to get back to 123lbs). Also, I really want to do this 3 day program but love following your workout schedule and don’t want to miss a new workout. Should we do all of the above or sub out one of the workouts in this program for whatever new one you have that day (from the same category)??

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    What about using almond milk with sugar free syrup? I do LOVE lattes.
    Thank you so much for all this useful information and wonderful recipes!!!!! It is so appreciated!!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      I put splenda in my coffee. I know artificial sweeteners are bad for you.. but.. :/ meep.

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