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ZGYM 101: Sliders

Fitness | January 21, 2019

I always like to go back and provide material for beginners. Even for those of us who workout regularly and have been doing so for a long time, it’s always good to go back and freshen up our memory. Sometimes we’ll pick up something new or remember things we may have forgotten. Today we’re going to go over one of my favorite pieces of equipment: Sliders. We’ll cover what they are, their benefits and the many ways you can use them, and examples of some of the ZGYM workouts that incorporate them.


Gliding Discs, Core Sliders, or simple Exercise Sliders are all sliders no matter the name they go by. A slider is a flat, disc-shaped object that we place either our hands or feet (sometimes both, depending on the amount you have!) upon to perform specific exercises. They can be purchased online and sporting goods stores, but can also be substituted with common household items. These include folded towels or blankets, worn out T-shirts, rags, paper plates, and furniture sliders. You might be able to get away with only using a pair of fluffy socks or knitted slippers, too.

Benefits of Sliders

Sliders are a creative way for toning and strengthening your entire body. Unlike bulky weights that obviously can’t be taken around for traveling, sliders fit comfortably in suitcases, backpacks, and handbags (which is why they’re great for getting in challenging, doable hotel room workouts). Sliders also enhance the effects of bodyweight training, providing just enough resistance to simple exercises like lunges. Another benefit of using sliders is the fact that they’re low impact. When using sliders, there are no explosive “jumps” or movements that would otherwise bother people with injuries, knee, or joint issues. So if you’re looking to strengthen your body without causing any stress, these are a great tool to have at hand.

Next, sliders provide novel ways of working your core. If you’re trying to strengthen and tone your midsection, look no further than sliders. There are tons of ways you can use these instead of just sticking to crunches. How about a plank with a slider? Or sliding mountain climbers?
If you used to be a regular gym member and miss machines like the hamstring curl, then prepare for a surprise- sliders can be used in place of them, minus the wait time or constant repairs. They also can be used as a substitute for popular Pilates reformer exercises as well (i.e., ab roller, pike press, knee tucks).
Sliders broaden your choices, no matter the move- lunges, pushups, leg extensions. They can be used for cardio, strength, and balance, and add a challenging, fun element to your training.

As a final bonus, sliders are very affordable. Buying even one kettlebell or a group of various dumbbells can be quite expensive. Don’t get me wrong, I use these tools in my own workouts as well, and believe there are benefits to using them, but I also understand that not all of us can afford to buy tons of exercise equipment and set up a little collection in our homes. A pair of sliders shouldn’t cost more than $9; some might be $10-$12, and even the most expensive of sets (which sell around $30) usually come with DVDs, bands, and accessories. So if you’re on a really tight budget and want to get the most bang for your buck, consider using these.

To put all of this together, the benefits of using sliders include:

  • Versatility
  • Easy to Use
  • Travel-Friendly
  • Low-Impact
  • Cardio, Strength, Core, and Balance
  • Affordability

Start Right Now

Get a hold of a pair of sliders and try incorporating them into your workouts. I suggest buying these, which are double-sided for both carpet and hardwood floors.

Like I mentioned before, sliders can be substituted for everyday objects, from towels, T-shirts, paper plates, rags, and blankets, and even furniture sliders, respectively (these are the ones I recommend).

Once you’re ready, why not try doing one of the following routines?

For Beginners

Tabata Fit Slide for Beginners #5

Kettlebell Fit Slide for Beginners #2

Low Impact Full Body #1

Intermediate to Advanced

15 Minute Fit Slide #1

Sliding Ab Workout

Jump Rope Cardio Fit Slide #1 X

Stretch & Tone #32

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    hailey, id

    did that JR Cardio Fit Slide 1 just now.. whew!
    now i know why I love the sliders – they’re the slippery, silent savior from the rest of the moves in the wo!
    – I have a glass-smooth, rock floor that rags work awesome as sliders on

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    my double-sided sliders were disappointing, probably not the right type of material (teflon would be better than standard plastic) and the smooth surface needs use of shoes or yoga socks (with those rubber antislide dots). I rather use a leftover plastic floor covering that I can mover around the house. I also slide the whole body on it 🙂 I love Marlo Fisken FloorFlow classes for that.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    krasnodar, russia

    The first sliders I got were Ironbull ones. The fabric came off from one of the discs in half a year. So I got another pair of unbranded sliders from EBay. One of the cheapest from China. Using them a couple of years now and they work fine, no damages.

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I simply use socks on my Floor XD it works as well…. but it is still a great tool 😉

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    shalimar, florida, united states

    Hi everyone😁👍 I just ordered carpet furniture sliders for Heavy furniture since none of my sliders have slid well on my rugs. Hoping these slide better. Now I only weigh 95 pounds but it seems my weight is is too heavy for getting my fitness sliders to work on my type of carpeting in my house. My hardwood floors are too knotty in places so that side catches. Hoping to find a nice large piece of smooth flooring roll that I can move around and use as well. Ideas welcome ❤️
    Cheers! Christi Higgins

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