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5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #63 X

February 25, 2016 | private avatar imageZuzka

Equipment for this workout:

  • Exercise Ball

  • Kettlebells

  • Pull Up Bar
Low Impact Warm Up
5 minute Dynamic Warm Up Routine
27 Squats Warm Up
Cool Down & Stretching for Busy Days
15 Minutes Cool down & Stretching
Cool Down & Stretching | Front Splits
16 Minute Upper Body Stretching Routine
MOB Therapy #1
MOB Therapy #2
MOB Therapy #3
MOB Therapy #4
MOB Therapy #5
MOB Therapy #6
MOB Therapy #7

Workout Routine

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This is a very advanced routine for those of you who have been following along for a while and have build the strength and stamina necessary for these exercises. I don’t want anyone to be excluded though, so I have linked to easier exercises that can be use instead. Do you feel like this workout is just too hard? Then this article is for you!


Warm Up Routine

Cool Down & Stretching

Workout Breakdown

5 min AMRAP

1. Exercise ball – Extreme mountain climber (x3) to Shoulder Press x 2 sets

*an easier modification can be Mountain Climber x 15 reps (push yourself)

2. KB pass under jump lunge x 6

*an easier modification can be KB pass under to Jump Squat x 6reps

3. Hanging Leg Raises to the top x 6

*an easier modification can be Ab Splitters x 3 sets


For your Progress Tracker – 1 round is 20 reps

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    manchester, united kingdom

    Really enjoyed this workout especially the chanllege of the exercise ball mountain climbers!!!

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    santa cruz, ca

    This was rockin’! I was a little slow, waking up in the morning. Did 1 round, all of #1 and #2.

    I followed this by last week’s rockin’ 5 min workout and also [20 KB pendulums + 20 regular KB swings]x3=120 total swings with the 45 lbs. KB

    I also went on a refreshing jog on West Cliff Ave, here in Santa Cruz, in the rain. I love running in the rain. I don’t run as often as I used to, but I just had to. It is so wonderful to run in the refreshing cool rain with the spectacular ocean at my side….I also got a lot of honks and vehicles slowing down and whistles. Thank you, Lifted Butt series.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      santa cruz, ca

      Dangit. This was meant for 5 min workout #64. Whoops.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        santa cruz, ca

        BUT I did do this workout today as well. I accidentally read #1 wrong for whatever reason and did 6 sets instead of 2, completing 2 rounds and 1 set of #1 in total. Doing 6 sets of #1 was actually more effective for my core, so it’s all good.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Made this in 10 minutes AMRAP did 5 full rounds and the 1 exercise. And love it!! 😉

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Quick question. Am i counting reps wrong? One round seems to be 14 reps (2 reps first exercise, 6 each for the other 2)….

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I was able to keep up but was not as graceful as you on the ball. Love these super intense 5 minute workouts! They always make you feel like you accomplished a great workout and it only took a small amount of time.

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    samara, russia

    76 reps (20 kg kettlebell)

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      samara, russia

      79 reps (24 kg kettlebell)
      + 8 minutes of rope jumping

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