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For Beginners: Getting Started

Fitness | March 11, 2018

We all have struggled in the beginning of our fitness journey- we’re learning how to connect with our body, go through a workout, and find what works best our bodies. We’ve most likely failed plenty of times before figuring out how to make an active lifestyle work for us. But for sure, one of the most intimidating aspects of working out when you’ve never done so before is simply getting started.

I get it- you see all the fitness and bikini models on the cover of magazines, Instagram, and ads. Everyone has an opinion on the best way to get in shape, grow that booty, and get those abs. After a while, it becomes too overwhelming, and you’re stuck figuring out how you’re ever going to get started.

One of the simplest things I can recommend to you is to develop the habit of exercising everyday through walking. For some people, that’s all that they can do, and as a start, it’s perfect.

Walking is not only accessible, it’s easy. You’re not running against the clock or measuring your strength and endurance. All you’re doing is putting one foot in front of the other, and moving. That’s it. And when you commit to doing that everyday, you start to program in your mind a habit of committing to exercising.

Picking up a new habit can be very difficult. What’s worse, sticking to something, only to fall off the wagon and abandon your goal. That’s why it’s important to stay consistent with your exercise no matter what. Consistency beats motivation because motivation is only temporary. There can only be so much motivation to make sure you’re always showing up and taking action.

Start with going around the block for a few days, then slowly work up to walking for twenty minutes. Every week, add five to ten extra minutes to your time, until you’ve made it to an hour. If you want to do more, then do it. Don’t try to force yourself. This should be enjoyable and a way to get yourself outside. Listen to a motivational podcast along the way, or take in the sounds of nature.
Do whatever you can to make this time for you. It’s a way to clear your mind, move your body, and invest in your personal wellbeing.

After doing this for at least a month, then you can graduate towards actual workouts, like the ones over at the ZGYM.

If you have never done any formal exercise before, I’d like to point you in the direction of the various workout series I’ve made just for beginners.

These include:

Bunny Slope Beginner Workout Program 

 Start here first before doing any of my other programs. Perfect for complete beginners. Recommended for overweight individuals or anyone coming from a sedentary lifestyle. No previous experience with exercise needed. Composed of low impact exercises at an easy-to-follow pace.

Cardio & Strength Starter Program 

Come here after you’ve done the Bunny Slope program. This series helps to keep you structured and consistent with your workouts. It’s also good for weight loss and getting lean while building functional strength and endurance.

If you want to add some variety to your training but are not yet advanced enough to do my other programs, I have some options for you:

Bodyweight Beginner Series

Raise your heart rate, strengthen your body, develop core strength, and learn how to exercise just by using your body. This is great for beginner to intermediate levels of experience, so come here once you’ve nailed the basics with both the Bunny Slope and Cardio & Strength programs if you’re looking for a minimalist, equipment-free workout series.

Jump Rope Cardio for Beginners

Get your cardio on by learning how to jump rope. You’ll start with the basics, learning simple jump rope skills and progressing into intermediate to advanced levels. You’ll need to practice consistently in order to advance between each workouts as the difficulty progresses, but don’t be discouraged. See this as an opportunity to pick up a new skill while still training and shaping your body!

Beginner Kettlebell Basics Program

If you’re already used to training regularly in the ZGYM and want to learn how to use a kettlebell, this program is right up your alley. The workouts are great for all levels of experience, including beginners. The kettlebell is one of the most effective tools for increasing fat loss, strength, and lean muscle mass. You’ll also be improving your flexibility and mobility in your joints.

As you can see, it’s possible to transform your entire body right at home without ever stepping foot in a gym. Beginners especially don’t always have the confidence to walk into a gym, and at home, you have both the privacy and convenience. Just make sure to stay consistent with your training. Don’t give up, and commit to believing in your goals!

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I started the Kettlebell program today! I was an avid zgym member but then ended up with a surprise 5th pregnancy!!! She was born Dec 2nd! I did the first 5 bodyweight beginner workouts last week and they weren’t enough by Friday. I grabbed my KB’s and Dumbbells out the garage over the weekend and started the KB today again and it was PERFECT!!!!! Used my 25lb KB for all exercises except the push press/twisted sit ups. For those I used my 15lb! Very proud of myself. My last workout was last April 2017!!!….. Excited for the next 6 weeks. After this I will go on to the upper body and abs shred! I LOVED those workouts a year ago… LOL. Gotta find my pull up bar still and my bands…. Already found my ball and sliders too… 🙂

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    cherry hill, nj

    I think walking is underrated. I need to get out for a walk everyday or I feel like my mental health declines. I don’t even think of it as exercise, it’s more of a moving mediation for me.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    austin, texas

    Just signed up for your program! I can’t wait to get started. Ready to trim up and get more fit.. xoxo..

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    austin, texas

    On the nutrition part. How many meals a day? Should we count calories? So new to this. I get the FM part and the WEM, I just want to make sure I do this properly.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      liverpool, uk

      Hi it’s me again😂 it doesn’t matter how many meals a day as long you are in caloric deficit. Zuzka doesn’t count calories but is mindful with her eating and she advises to stop eating when 80% full. In her meal plans she does intermittent fasting as well. I have tried her meal plan and liked it as it cleans up your diet and makes you aware how much we are actually overeating. I’m currently doing Keto and it’s fab as it decreases cravings so much and it’s easy to stick with. Check out zuzkas blog (it was on one of the workout schedules about a month ago) and articles about Keto she has written. There is also a lot of good stuff on Keto diet on the internet and some free meal plan samples so worth researching it to get you started without being overwhelmed with it all.
      Sorry about long winded message!!

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        austin, texas


        Thank you again.. So much to learn. I guess literally I need to do this one step at a time, and one bite at a time.. LOL. So much info here, trying to take it all in.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        austin, texas

        So maybe I missed something EvaT, I assume Zuzka’s meals are low cal due to the ingredients. I am being more mindful of the amount I am eating. I need my diet to support my workout’s. I giggle when I say bunny work out, I am a 48 year old male doing this. LOL.

        Also I guess now that I am not eating fries, burgers, all the breads I should start losing weight (fat) . I do lot’s of bike riding, so my cardio is in good shape, but my diet is American, and it has always been high fat, high carbs and lot’s of sweets. I am a realtor and I am always on the go, so fast meals are what I grab when on the go.. well , I used to, but not anymore!!!

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          liverpool, uk

          Yes her meal plan would be lower cal than our usual eating day. But sounds to me like you are doing a great job already! Cutting out fried food and sugar is fantastic and just take it one step at the time. Think that alone will get you results and get you feeling better. Perseverance is the key here. I know bunny slope sounds like a child’s game 😂

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    aalborg, nordjylland, danmark

    Dear Zuzka

    All throughout the bunny slope program you keep saying that it will prepare you for “the 10-week beginner program”. Which one is that, because I can’t seem to find it anywhere?!

    Best regards

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    ballito, south africa

    Hi Zuzka, I’m a slim build and would like to build muscle, I started with some of your bunny slope workouts on YouTube, and trying to gain my strength, you mentioned to do it for 10 weeks and move onto your website. Would you do bunny slope 1 for Monday and So on..? What would be the rest day? Letitia

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      You can just follow the Bunny Slope Program here on my website – it removes all the guess work: https://zuzkalight.com/programs/bunny-slope-beginner-workout-program/

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        ballito, south africa

        Dear Zuzka, I’m almost done my bunny slope workouts. I have three weeks left. This is the first time that I have been able to complete it, I always lose interest and I have been really enjoying it. I don’t know what to do next, what do you suggest?

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          lake tahoe, nv, usa

          Hi, I’m glad to hear that you’ve been enjoying it. I would recommend you either do the Cardio & Strength starter program which requires a very basic equipment, or you can start following the weekly workout schedule for beginners. The weekly schedule offers variety of workouts with variety of exercise equipment. You can also follow the weekly workout schedule and if there’s a workout that requires equipment you don’t have, then you can always swap it for a bodyweight workout for beginners or other workout that uses equipment you have.

          • private avatar image

            Private Member  | 
            ballito, south africa

            Thanks so much Zuzka, I don’t think cardio is right for me as I’m very slim already and I don’t want to lose weight. Please send me the link for the beginners program you recommend I will have a look at your rates and see if the South African rand can afford it.

            • private avatar image

              Private Member  | 
              lake tahoe, nv, usa

              You can do the Kettlebell Basics program which helps to build strength and get you started with weight training. You’ll need a kettlebell for this program and I would recommend that you start with something like 15-18lbs. We don’t have separate rates for the programs. If you purchase ZGYM membership, you get access to the weekly workout schedule and all the workout programs.

            • private avatar image

              Private Member  | 
              lake tahoe, nv, usa

              Also just to let you know, we’re having a live session on Sunday September 6th for ZGYM members and we’ll be talking about training, and how to get the most out of ZGYM. It might help you to get your questions answered.

              • private avatar image

                Private Member  | 
                ballito, south africa

                Thank you so much

              • private avatar image

                Private Member  | 
                ballito, south africa

                I have actually decided to do your strength training and it’s working other muscles. Will move onto the kettle bells next

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