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July 09, 2015 | private avatar imageZuzka

Equipment for this workout:

  • Bodyweight only
Low Impact Warm Up
5 minute Dynamic Warm Up Routine
27 Squats Warm Up
Cool Down & Stretching for Busy Days
15 Minutes Cool down & Stretching
Cool Down & Stretching | Front Splits
16 Minute Upper Body Stretching Routine
MOB Therapy #1
MOB Therapy #2
MOB Therapy #3
MOB Therapy #4
MOB Therapy #5
MOB Therapy #6
MOB Therapy #7

Workout Routine


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Here’s the Mystery Workout I promised you guys 🙂 It’s the good old ZWOW #6. It’s definitely an X if you really push yourself. That’s the power of short circuit workouts. No equipment needed, just a competitive attitude. I don’t ever try to compete with others (cause I don’t like losing..just kidding 🙂 lol), but I do compete with myself on a weekly basis. I don’t always manage to beat my own records but at least I have a baseline and know what to aim for.

I remember how hard this workout felt when I did it the first time, and how difficult it was for me to squat jump or do the burpees fast. I was taking short breaks and rubbing my sore legs already during the second round. I did 4 full rounds, and 4 reps of the Side Burpees in the original video and this week I decided to challenge myself to beat my record. I completed 5 full rounds and the entire set of Side Burpees. I was a little nervous, because I’m in Keto and have felt some decrease in strength when doing my workouts the first week while my body was trying to adjust, but this felt really good. Have fun and let me know in the comments below how you did!




Warm Up Routine

Cool Down & Stretching


Workout Breakdown

3 Pulse Plyo Jumps x 10

Side Burpee x 8

Jump Lunge Kick up x 6


10 minute AMRAP


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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I was wondering if the mystery workout was going to be an old ZWOW! I look forward to doing this one again.

    Like others have mentioned above, a coffee talk about keto would be really interesting. I’d also love the hear about your book you were doing the photoshoot for a week or two back.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Zuzka!!! Those 10 3-pulse plyo jumps were intense, my quads is on fire! I was able to complete 6R + 10 ppj + 2 s-burpees.
    Fun! Happy Friday everyone!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    michigan, usa

    Loved the surprise! Thank You, Zuzka! You never leave us bored! xoxox

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    ok! i wanted at least 15 minutes this morning, so i added five. but it seemed like it would be way too many repetitions, i wanted more variety for all that time, so i added my two weakest exercises: 8 dive-bomber to crab-toe-touches and 5/5 pistol squats to dead-lift and side kicks. finished three rounds, last pistol set after the timer 😀
    thanks, zuzka!!!!
    please be careful with that diet! i don’t hear good things 🙂

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    curitiba, parana, brazil

    Hi Zuzka and friends, very nice surprise! I love the old ZGYM workouts! They are the hardest ever! It is a very good idea to bring them back every Friday…hope you will keep it up Zu! I liked this workout…short and intense…not very painful not painless also…just the right amount of exercise for a Friday! 🙂 I did 6 rounds plus 2 reps of exercise 1. See you, take care.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      caseyville, illinois

      I hope she brings back the Zshreds also. The earlier ones were great, tough and so motivating!

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I been waiting for your zwow 6 I love this routine! I m totally gonna see if I can beat you or beat my record!!! So excited! 🙂 just made me so happy that you posted this workout! 🙂 MORE ZWOWS!!!!!!!!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Does anyone else feel a strong burn on the sides of their knees??? That’s where I felt it! Especially in the first exercise (pulse and sumo jump squat).

    I did 5 rounds exactly.

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    didn’t write my score last time, now 6rounds + #1 and 4reps of #2
    thanks and good luck with your move

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Never did a ZWow before! My goal was at least four rounds. Did that plus 10 sumo jump squats and 5 reps of the side burpees. Woo hoo! Fun fun fun! Happy Friday, everyone!

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    trego, wisc., usa

    Oh, boy.

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