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Workout Schedule for the Week of August 10th

Workout Schedules | August 09, 2015


About the workout schedule

One of my workouts a day is good enough to improve your health and fitness, and get real visible results. If you’re super motivated to get super fast results, you can do the second suggested workout in this schedule, but caution should be taken to ensure that you’re not regressing by draining your energy too much.

That said, let me give you a few tips:

1. Don’t do 2 high intensity workouts back to back. It’s going to be way more effective if you do each of them with fresh energy, so take at least a few hours in between them. If you’re fresh and strong for each workout, you’ll be able to push yourself harder and thus burn more calories and contract your muscles better. The only exception is Power Yoga. You can do PoYo after any workout since it’s an aerobic based routine focused mainly on stretching and core work.

2. Support your training with proper diet. Read through my Nutrition Guide to get the idea.

3. Track your progress. Always write down your score for every workout. If you see that you’re not beating your personal bests for routines you’ve done in the past, the chances are you’re overtraining yourself instead of getting stronger. If you’re getting fitter, stronger, and faster, it’s going to reflect on your body so keeping track of your times and reps is really important. You should also take measurements with a tape measure, and before and after pictures. Weighing yourself won’t tell you much unless you can track your body fat % which is not easy to do accurately at home.


Monday – Summer Shred #8 X (beat your personal best) + Arm Balance #7

Your second workout can be Body Crush #1


Tuesday – Jump Rope Cardio #15 X (New in ZGYM) + Arm Balance #7

Your second workout can be Cardio Shred #3


Wednesday – Beginner Cardio #4 (beat your personal best) + Arm Balance #7

Your second workout can be Beginner Strength #5


Thursday  – 15 Minute Fat Burn #3 (new in ZGYM)  + Arm Balance #7

Your second workout can be JRC #2


Friday –  5 Min #44 (new in Fitness) + Arm Balance #7

Your second workout can be 5 Minute Workout #33


Saturday – Cardio Shred #7 – Lifted Butt Series (beat your personal best) + Arm Balance #7

Your second workout can be JRC #6


Sunday – Arm Balance #8 – All Levels (New in ZGYM)

Your second workout can be ZWOW #2



Workout Schedule for Beginners 

Your goal is to push yourself little more each time you repeat a workout.


Monday – Kettlebell Workout for All Levels #4


Tuesday – Beginner Cardio #3


Wednesday – Power Yoga #2


Thursday  –  Guns & Pistols 8


Friday – Beginner Cardio #3


Saturday – Kettlebell Workout for All Levels #5


Sunday – Arm Balance #8  – All Levels (New in ZGYM) – if you’re new to this challenge start with

Arm Balance #1

I’m posting new workouts at midnight (PST -8) Los Angeles time zone, before the day starts. You can find this workout schedule on the right side of each page with links to the new workouts included.

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    mza, argentina

    mmmm week looks so good!! 🙂

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    I already look forward to this whole week. Monday and SS #8 – what a kick a** start. 😊 Can’t wait to get home from work! Have a great Monday WarriorZ!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    lodz, poland

    great, great, great schedule,love it :***
    PS: who’s this cute, curvy buddy in your arms?:)

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      you have to watch the house tour video where she introduces him/her (?) to us 😉

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    seattle, washington

    Zuzka, what’s the name of the cat again?

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      Como 🙂 Como kitty

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        seattle, washington


  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    lodz, poland

    Really?I watched it but I must’ve missed it out 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      It was in the bathroom where Zuzka feeds the cat beside the sink (because here is the “dog-free”-zone ^^).

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      seattle, washington

      The Como appears very near the beginning 0:22 about.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        seattle, washington

        That was… The cat Como…

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          lodz, poland

          oh, there he is :))) thank you Chris!

          • private avatar image

            Private Member  | 
            seattle, washington

            Glad to help! 🙂

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Beat personal best for summer shred 8X good start:) the kitty is a cutie! I think the name was como? But I don’t know how to spell it.. Have a good day warriors!

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    mza, argentina

    Hi Z!
    The past week it had been too dificult to see your new videos, can´t watch in a real time and did not upload . So it was very slow because I had to wait until each exercice was shown and then could do it properly but then had to wait again until I could see the next! So it was more than an hour of the WO that should had been 15 min. Any advice?? Is it slower with HD on? (Neither functioned but I´m interested). Help help!!

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    toluca, state of mexico, mexico

    Anxious to start the week!!! I deeply love all your workouts beautiful Zuzka!! They make me feel so good and healthy 😀

    Have a great week everybody!

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    santa cruz, ca

    Thank you so much for clarifying about how many workouts to do in one day. 🙂

    I have had the tendency to put two together. But lately I have been very busy and only able to do one. I have noticed exactly what you said. It is a sort of meditation that requires a lot of mental discipline to genuinely put in as much effort as I possibly can into ONE workout, to make it count–as opposed to 3/4 of my total effort (or less) into two workouts back to back.

    I have also noticed I look leaner and am stronger/fitter when I am doing one workout with more effort. It leaves me more sustainable energy throughout the day to do what I do. I also ride my bicycle a lot, so I am still able to do that with less fatigue. 🙂

    Anyway, I appreciate your clarification. I always think, “I should do more, I should do more…”

    Also, too much physical activity makes me hungry for more food than my body can handle. I have learned that I need to match my digestive capacity with my exercise capacity as well. 🙂 Back in the day when I did cross country and track and field in high school, and college, those pasta dinners and after-meet/race dinners were always so hard on my digestion…but I was always so excessively hungry…..it just doesn’t work for everyone.

    Thank you Zuzka!!

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    Hi Z, I am rarely able to go by the plan and tend to pick the workout according to my energy level of the day. If I can do 3 days in a row with X, then I will. If I am tired and no time, I will do yoga for several days.
    That being said, am I reading between the lines correctly that your week schedules seem to be the follow pattern ??.

    -high intensity (often an X)
    -medium intensity (regular workout)
    -lower intensity (e.g. beginner’s class)
    -high intensity
    -medium , but short (Friday 5 min.)
    -high intensity
    -low intensity (Sunday yoga)

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