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Workout Schedules | August 14, 2016


About the workout schedule

One of my workouts a day is good enough to improve your health and fitness, and get real visible results. If you’re super motivated to get super fast results, you can do the second suggested workout in this schedule, but caution should be taken to ensure that you’re not regressing by draining your energy too much.

I’m posting new workouts at midnight (PST -8) Los Angeles time zone, before the day starts. You can find this workout schedule on the right side of each page with links to the new workouts included.

You can also check out my latest weekly Food Journal where I share what I eat on a daily basis.


Monday – Kettlebell Workout #4 (Beat Your Personal Best) + Power yoga of your choice

Your second workout can be 15 Minute Fat Burn #5


Tuesday –  Killer Legs #7 X (New in ZGYM) + Power yoga of

your choice

tYour second workout can be Body Crush #23


Wednesday – Stretch & Tone Workout #10 (New in ZGYM)

Your second workout can be Beginner Strength #5


Thursday  – Upper Body & Abs Inferno + Handstand challenge (New in ZGYM)

Your second workout can be Cardio Shred #23


Friday – 5 Minute Workout #88 (new in Fitness) + Power yoga of your choice

Your second workout can be 5 minute workout #78


Saturday – Summer Shred #19 X (Beat your personal best)

+Power yoga of your choice

Your second workout can be Black Diamond #5


Sunday – Stretch & Tone #5 (Stretch your body – ZGYM)

Your second workout can be Power Yoga #9



Workout Schedule for Beginners 

If you’re a beginner and you have just joined ZGYM™ for the first time, you should be focusing on building your strength and endurance via beginner workouts so that you can eventually progress to workout series such as Cardio Shred, Body Crush, Kettlebell Workouts,  Jump Rope Cardio, etc.

If you stay consistent and workout daily, you can get there in just a few weeks. Remember that everything takes time and practice, but nothing is impossible. EXERCISE DAILY!

Here’s a 12 week Cardio & Strength Starter Program

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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    curitiba, parana, brazil

    Hi Zu…schedule is better this week. I liked it…but I love 15 min slide workouts. It would be good to see them on Sundays instead of repeating Stretch and Tone! See you and take care.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    inferno ABS omg cant wait!

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    when will the bikini and butt lift program start? im so looking forward to it 😀

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    aliso viejo, ca

    Excited about Thursday “ABS.” Would love, love to see new JRC workouts!!!

  5. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Oh no.. Where have the fit and slide workouts gone? I was convinced to continue in zgym because I was able to find also intense but not exausting workouts, as i feel the need to be more gentle with my body lately. I love Zuz and her personality, but just cannot follow her schedule or the too high impact workouts. The sliding workouts were just great, my heart rate was quite up without dying and I felt the stretching side of them as well.
    I don’t know if this is the proper place to write what I am about to write, but I think that Zuz should offer a better variety of her workouts. I hope she is always going to get new and young members, but some of us are getting older (I used to follow her since body rock), and we need some effective but less destructive approach to fitness. All is nice when you are young and (or) don’t have neck or back pain or struggle with your knees.
    I understand that you might say, well if you don’t like it here, you can always go somewhere else. That’s true, but I think that in a more medium-long term, things are going to be different necessarily. I used to be a fitness trainer for more than 15 years, then 5 years ago I suddenly decided to change completely the field of my profession. I used to give myself completely in my job, first in my classes and then in personal trainings. I have a lot of different certifications, from step and power yoga instructor to the most advanced Pilates ones and postural training.
    I never was training myself during my private or collective classes, even though I was jumping like crazy or dancing around the step.
    Zuz is a wonderful person, we all know that and i am not discussing it, I only have the feeling that here things (workouts) are zuzka-centred.
    So if you don’t like training 7 days per week (an active rest is not power yoga, or tone and stretch, those are proper workouts a bit less intense) or just cannot or would like to include some softer things, well, it is better for you if you look somewhere else.
    And I think Zuz could do a wonderful job creating workouts and schedules that could be used as Tetris pieces to create something more personally adaptable according to our needs, possibilities and capacities.
    I could do it on my own, I have the knowledge and the experience, but I really would like to rest my mind and just enjoy the workouts without having to create them as well.
    I know it is not easy to meet everyone’s needs, but it is possible, and even not difficult to give more options, especially schedules for different needs.
    I hope is clear I love Zuz and the zgym, no hate things coming from me, just a bit of constructive criticisms.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      los angeles, ca, usa

      What you’re describing is, I think, what the ZGYM Programs section is meant to be. Z is working on getting new programs done now, so keep checking back. And we’re working on new/better ways to find content, but for now you can find the fit and slide workouts here. Thanks for the feedback! 😉

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 

        Thank you Scott for your reply. I do appreciate it. Hope some new schedules will pop up soon. 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      aliso viejo, ca

      Understand about the getting old part. But as a suggestion, you could make up your own schedule and do her Bunny slope seriousl and stretch and tone! And you can always modify a workout. Like Z suggeste’s. For example, instead of jumping lunges do lunges. My boyfriend does her workouts and he always modifies exercises that he can not due because of his many injuries from being in a motrycle accident. Just a friendly suggestion. 😉

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        Private Member  | 

        🙂 I understand your friendly suggestion. I am always so worried not to be misunderstood in comments as written word is easily seen negatively.
        Thank you very much, of course!
        It is true that I joined the zgym 3 months ago, but have done for more than 20 years (of my adult life) a lot of sports and fitness (body rock hiit and zwows were just one of them). This is why I cannot do the bunny slope program, I am not a beginner at all, I just choose not to do to much training that is high or extremely high impact. I had some neck and shoulders stress problems and had to slow down. But I need to stimulate my body. It is nice from time to time to come back to basics, but it is not enough for a very trained mind and body. This is what I was talking about in my comment, zuzka has great ideas, she is so creative, she should win the Nobel prize for some combinations she created. She is good in creating them both in low-medium and high impact workouts. But what I see here is that the effort is mainly concentrated in the extremely strong and hard workouts.
        So, if you are looking for those workouts, fine, here you can find your paradise.
        if you are a beginner, you will find your way to improve a lot.
        If you already are quite well trained but do not want (or cannot) follow the killing schedule, then here you will find some workouts but have to build your own weekly schedule. Unfortunately those workouts could just suddenly stop without an apparent reason (fit and slide for example). (Is it serious?)

        I don’t think it’s difficult to build a proper parallel weekly schedule for people like me, we may want some less strong workouts for many different reasons.
        I could daily do what the official schedule says, but what also I have seen in my experience is that I have better progress if I respect my body and not always force it to do the maximum.
        Fit and slide was a great example of an intense workout that was more gentle to your joints and body in general. Stretch and tone is GREAT as well, dynamic combinations of the power yoga or the very interesting bar method Zuz just put in last the stretch and tone and killer legs (the only reason I actually did that workout today).
        I am not sure is it comprehensible at all what I am saying, it is all so clear in my head 🙂
        What I want to say is that I think she is so good in what she does and I am so sure she would do an even better job if she put a little more effort into creating workouts that are not the type of workouts she likes the most and she builds to train herself. And those workouts could be part of the parallel ‘softer’ schedule.
        By doing that the Zgym would be much more complete. 🙂
        The end 😉

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          santa clarita, ca

          Like people have mentioned, Zuzka gives many suggestions/modifications. You can go at your own pace, not push yourself as hard or not use weights? The main premise of zgym is short INTENSE workouts, so we don’t have to workout for hours on. Zgym is only $10 per month:) I think we get a lot for our money and Zuzka does a fabulous job. I appreciate her effort.

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            Private Member  | 

            I also do, and think I’ve said that several times. I just think that if people join the zgym because they also see different type of workouts, intense but not always so advance (those words have two different meanings), then it is not really good to make those series just disappear, after just nine posts. Short and effective workouts are great, but they can be build in so many ways, Zuz has proven that herself by making some extraordinary ones. I was just saying that some effort might be put in developing that as well on a regular basis, not just when she feels the need, as she might lose part of members who otherwise would have stayed.
            And, even if much more slowly than a regular human being ;), she is getting older as well, and why waiting for that point where she will be forced to change her approach?
            I am so sorry my comment has been seen as not appreciating the rate: what I get for the money.
            I was just suggesting something which I still think might give a much more complete overview of short and effective workouts, which can be done in million ways. And not even just for my own benefit, I am completely able to do that by myself, as I have a more than 15 years long experience in almost every fitness field and approach, including personal training.
            All of that was a suggestion, not a complaint.
            Really sorry for being misunderstood.

            • private avatar image

              Private Member  | 
              heredia, costa rica

              I think the same. I am about to finish the Cardio and Strength Starter Program (and of course I already got over the Bunny Slope Beginner Workout Program). However, I think I’m still not ready to start the regular schedule, because sometimes I take a look at it and I see that they are very advanced exercises and even Zuzka says that it is her training to keep in form, and believe me I don’t have her physical condition.
              I think that you should take into account the suggestion we are doing, because even though I love Zuzka’s exercises, I don’t want to get to the point of completely vary the exercises or simply not being able to complete them. I know that there are many people here who are able to complete the regular workouts, however, for people like me that just joined the Zgym and want to begin to work out intensely, it would be good to have a proper schedule according to our level (not beginner, but not so advanced). It is just a suggestion for the Zgym Team and I don’t want to cause problems.
              I’m just afraid to finish my current program and not be able to continue with the regular schedule and I really want to (that’s why I joined the Zgym).

              Thank you very much for all your hard work.

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        Private Member  | 

        Thank you very much!

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      I feel the same way… I am not a beginner at all but I’m not that advanced either. I feel that ZGYM schedule doesn’t really cater to people like myself. It’s frustrating to be told “Do the bunny slope” when you have outgrown that level, or “just do as many reps as you can by following me”, which usually comes down to 2-3 reps out of 10-15 🙂 when you have to follow the very advanced moves. I’ve been creating my own weekly schedule. Basically what I’m trying to suggest is there should also be schedules for different fitness levels.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      ramona, ca, usa

      The Fit Slide workouts aren’t going anywhere, you can still access them and work them into your own schedule 🙂 Have you tried any of the workouts in the Bunny Slope series? They are all low impact, no jumping or anything hard on the joints. Also, I believe the Black Diamond series for upper body and abs has no high impact moves either but is still an advanced level.

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      fl, usa

      I feel the same. I’ll be 50 soon and need more days of true active recovery. Also, I’m a competitive athlete, so I have to be careful not to overtrain. I do like Zuzka’s workouts to improve my strength and endurance, but I can’t do them every day. I like to follow the zgym schedule for 5 days per week, and do less intense workouts on the other days (plus train for my sport). Like you, I don’t find the bunny slopes workouts challenging enough. I’d like to see something more balanced, with only maybe 3 days of high intensity workouts.

  6. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Yay new upper body & abs series + handstand challenge! Been hoping for this type of series.

  7. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    caseyville, illinois

    Yay! I am excited about the upper body series. I love intense training and challenging myself as it feels great especially as I get older.

  8. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    What I usually do is push myself with the reps that I can and modify. Some exercises are more difficult than others, but by adding more weight or reps I still get a great workout. I couldn’t do the first exercise on the kettlebell # 4 so I modified by doing more reps (squat and lift with kettlebell) instead of the rolling part.

  9. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    For some reason Thursday’s link is not available 🙁

  10. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi zuzka and ladies
    I have followed zuzka for a Long time and find myself taking bits and pieces from her but I want to start consistently doing her workouts but I do know where to start I feel I like I want to do them all at once so I don’t miss anything lol should I go back to the start of the year and start from there or should I just jump in with the week is up too? Also is there any serious you girls can recommended as your favourite or so results with .eg slide serious , body crush etc xx

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      aliso viejo, ca

      HI Sally –
      When I started with Zgym, I just started following that currents weeks workouts. For instance, if you are starting tomorrow, do the workout scheduled for Friday, August 26. I used my phone to write down each workout and give it a rating of 1 or 5 stars depending on how much I liked it. I also, made sure to write down notes, on why I liked it or didn’t. After a month or so, I just started to follow my own schedule based on my current fitness goals and energy level. I have also learned from during Z’s workouts that they are very intense and you have to give yourself REST days! Which the Stretch & Tone are perfect for. 🙂
      Here are a few of my favorite workouts:
      Summer Shred #20
      Lifted Butt Workout #17
      JRC KB #6
      Power Yoga #48
      Power Yoga #43
      15 Minute Fat Burn #6
      JRC #15
      Summer Shred #19
      JRC #13
      Cardio Shred #12X
      15 minute Fit Slide #8
      JRC 8x (I have repeated this one so many times) . . And the list goes on and one.

      Honestly, I love all her workouts. And I use her workout schedule as a guide to create my own. 🙂

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        Private Member  | 

        Oh thank you so much that was extremely helpful ! Do you use her workouts as a add in to your normal exercise routine eg gym, running, classes or is this your main workout ? I’m trying to workout wether to cancel my gym membership and just focuse on this as I’m finding it hard to get to the gym ! Also with her workouts do you find one isn’t enough ? Xx thank you for your last post it was really helpful

        • private avatar image

          Private Member  | 
          aliso viejo, ca

          Cancel that gym membership!!!! All you need is Z-gym. I only use Z-gym. I just modify the weeks workouts based on how I feel and my goals. Z-gym has helped me lean out so much!!

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            Private Member  | 

            Haha I will do that today !!! I’m just paying for it and not even going ! Do you have before and after a or current physic pics you would like to share , sorry if that sounds weird I just love seeing people’s progress ! The only thing is I’m a stay at home mum and pregnancy with my second but stilly relatively fit and toned and I want to keep it that way , but I struggle with find if the time or do get motivated I’m think I should just get up early and do it then otherwise I will procrastinate and come night I defiantly won’t do it !

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            Private Member  | 

            Also how many do you normally do a day on a normal schedule ?:)

            • private avatar image

              Private Member  | 
              aliso viejo, ca

              Yes, I have been taking progress photos. 😉 I don’t know how I can post them. I would probably would have to email them to Z. I actually stick to Z’s suggestions about workouts. Only this is how my week looks: always do a AM workout then a yoga routine in the PM. I have found a few favorite yoga routines and I just repeat them. Then on Sunday and Wednesday I actually do the workouts she posts for that day. Since, I pick out other workouts from her to do the other days.

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